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Trevor Rogers 2024

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1 minute ago, Spakman said:

You don’t know that Norby has the same problem. He might be a little bit better, but he’s not good at any position. But like I said in the previous post, I think he has the most potential to become a better defender.

Personally I think Norby would be just fine at 2B, but remains to be seen how he’ll do long term at 3B. He’s been…ok over there. Would he be better than Mayo at 3B? Tough to tell, but I’ve yet to see the improvement necessary to hand Mayo 3B. 

My gut says that Norby at 2B/3B is more doable than Mayo at 3B. 

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 Norby would be a very valuable member of the team right now. It’s difficult to say we should’ve kept him, when nobody knew that Urias would be injured, but I think it is quite accurate to say that the trade was bad because we gave up much and got little. Even when discussing potential, before Roger showed up and was horrible, it was still a bad trade because Rogers has been in decline and there was no logical reason to expect him to be anything other than mediocre.

And if you’re willing to sacrifice defense for offense, as the Orioles obviously are with mayo, then any defensive shortcomings that Norby might have are irrelevant.

edit: I am aware that the Orioles aren’t playing mayo in the field very much, so they are obviously concerned with his defense, but they aren’t so concerned with his defense that they are unwilling to play him anyway.

they are just hoping he improves.

Edited by HowAboutThat
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19 hours ago, Ripken said:

The Soto and Rogers trades look awful.

This is Soto's pitching line since his last 4 run meltdown:


Sure, he's pitching on non-leverage situations, but until his last game, he hadn't allowed a run since the last meltdown.


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Went through Trevor Rogers MiLB Statcast, and he averaging 89.7mph on his 4 seamer and 89.2 on his sinker.

Out of the 100 pitches, 61 were either a 4 seamer or a sinker. Of those, 18 were over 90mph (30%).

I don't know, it is incredibly discouraging that we are now seeing him not even average 90mph whereas before the trade he was 92-92.5mph on average. Where did that 2+mph go? Is it entirely because of some supposed mechanics they're trying to implement to get him to *gain* his velocity back? Or is there another injury and/or dead arm.  

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54 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

This is Soto's pitching line since his last 4 run meltdown:


Sure, he's pitching on non-leverage situations, but until his last game, he hadn't allowed a run since the last meltdown.

I know Soto has been better, which is something the O's need if there's any chance of post season success, but I just do not trust him, I don't know that he's going to be here next year (he probably will be) because of the price tag, and I really like Chace. 

I didn't want Rogers at all and, like Ortiz last year, wanted Norby in Baltimore all season.  I'll certainly admit these trades could work out well for the Orioles going forward, but I don't like them at all right now.  If Rogers pitches well next year, or Chace never makes it, I'll admit I was wrong.

My biggest issue, which goes to a common theme here of late, is that I really don't agree with the overall pitching acquisition process the Orioles are going through.  All that great position player depth we had and yet Elias is playing the likes of Soto, Rivera, Maton, Slater and Jimenez.  Mike has been incredible to this franchise, I'm thrilled to have him, and we've had a ton of injuries... but I've certainly disagreed with him some this year.

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1 hour ago, LookitsPuck said:

Went through Trevor Rogers MiLB Statcast, and he averaging 89.7mph on his 4 seamer and 89.2 on his sinker.

Out of the 100 pitches, 61 were either a 4 seamer or a sinker. Of those, 18 were over 90mph (30%).

I don't know, it is incredibly discouraging that we are now seeing him not even average 90mph whereas before the trade he was 92-92.5mph on average. Where did that 2+mph go? Is it entirely because of some supposed mechanics they're trying to implement to get him to *gain* his velocity back? Or is there another injury and/or dead arm.  

Rogers was likely a desperation move after we got outbid for Kikuchi, or the Jays wouldn't trade within the division.  I don't think Norby/Stowers were the type of propsect that the CWS wanted for Fedde.  So Elias bought we pitcher he could for Norby and Stowers.  

It's just funny that people think he sold low on them.  Rogers was all that those two could buy at the deadline.  

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7 hours ago, Spakman said:

And why was I attacked?

Because you said it will never be good.  That he could win CY awards and it not be good (or whatever awards/phrasing you said).  It’s just an absurd thought. 

That’s what people jumped on you about.

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8 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

Because you said it will never be good.  That he could win CY awards and it not be good (or whatever awards/phrasing you said).  It’s just an absurd thought. 

That’s what people jumped on you about.

This is not an off-season deal. What is so absurd about wanting a trade deadline deal to help the current year it’s made. 
you wanna dump our prospects for reclamation projects do it in the off-season. You guys wanna keep arguing that’s a good idea then go ahead because I gotta tell you statistically you pay a high price for players at the tread deadline. You don’t pay for someone you think you can fix the off-season.

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