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What really bothers me in all of this is that no one (sources or media) is talking about Arrietta at all. While he isn't as important as Wieters, he is still a pretty important priority in my opinion...

Any scuttlebutt about Arrietta at all??

Edit--Just saw Belkast's post in the other Wieter's thread...all I can say is Ugh...


Arrietta was a 5th round pick... The status of his negotiations aren't going to get much attention.

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This is just a bad situation all around. As much as we need to sign this guy, I'm sure that Boras is also being his completely unreasonable self.

He's only "unreasonable" in the Orioles minds because they have this pipe dream that players aren't worth what they get paid today. Which is why we stink to high heaven and are in 4th place every year. EVERY other team bites the bullet and negotiates with Boras except for us. So, I ask you, who's at fault here? Look no further than our hometown team! :mad:

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I have no idea. All I know is that the money is there. There's no excuse for not getting this done.

If and when we blow this, I will be first in line with pitchfork in hand.

I'll be right behind you with a shotgun and TV. They can have my TV since the only thing I watch is the Orioles, and I won't be watching them anymore if MacPhail, (who by the way has only been in Baltimore for 2 F'N months) decides in his mind that the rest of the FO was wrong to draft Wieters to begin with. MacPhail...may God have mercy on your soul if you don't get this done! :mad:

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He's only "unreasonable" in the Orioles minds because they have this pipe dream that players aren't worth what they get paid today. Which is why we stink to high heaven and are in 4th place every year. EVERY other team bites the bullet and negotiates with Boras except for us. So, I ask you, who's at fault here? Look no further than our hometown team! :mad:

Hyperoble to try and make a point? This is not true at all.

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It makes me wonder if MacPhail is worried about upsetting the commissioner's office because he hopes to call it home some day. Honestly, I couldn't care less what Selig thinks about this. When you're a perennial door mat, you can't afford to throw away a first round pick over a a few million bucks. We have no problem blowing that cash on Baez, but heaven forbid a promising offensive prospect ask for it.

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So if he doesnt sign we get another pick next year. We also should get a top 10 pick for sucking so bad this year. Could we draft him again next year?

We could, or we could not. Why take that chance? I'd rather sign him this year, and then sign whoever we get with our top 10 pick next year too.

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We could, or we could not. Why take that chance? I'd rather sign him this year, and then sign whoever we get with our top 10 pick next year too.

I am not saying we shouldnt. I am saying that if we dont we will have 2 top 10 picks next year so just to put the screws to him draft him again.

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I am not saying we shouldnt. I am saying that if we dont we will have 2 top 10 picks next year so just to put the screws to him draft him again.

2 top 10 picks? We get an extra top-10 pick next year if we don't sign him? How does that work?

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2 top 10 picks? We get an extra top-10 pick next year if we don't sign him? How does that work?

Yes we will get a replacement pick which I believe gives us the 5th pick. Someone will have to confirm this but I am 90% sure. So draft his greedy a## again and he really will have no choice but to sign. This is all assuming we dont lowball him this year. Seeing as the 27th pick just signed for $7 million+ I dont see this getting done.

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Did anyone honestly believe they wouldn't blow this ?

I actually thought we would turn the corner with this draft and subsequent signings. If these morons mess this up I give up.

Like others have posted, we give a boatload of money to garbage veterans, but not a "sure thing/best position player in the draft"?

The O's FO knew EXACTLY what Wieters was asking for BEFORE they drafted him. It is pathetic this isn't done yet. Man I am getting frustrated just typing this.

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