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Grade the first 20 rounds

What grade would you give the draft through 20 rounds?  

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  1. 1. What grade would you give the draft through 20 rounds?

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I base my grade more on who was there when we drafted and who we didn't take.

I wanted to see them take more guys who dropped, as Tony said they would.

I wanted to see more Arrieta and Bundy type guys, especially since they went cheaper with the Hobgood.

Perhaps the guys they got will be fine but it seems to me that they could have gotten better talent.

BTW, while I think Jordan has done a good job, he hardly deserves Ozzie Newsome respect/credit(or whatever word you want to use).

The idea of well, Jordan drafted him over other guys is enough for me isn't valid IMO.

I think all Craw was saying is that he would like to know who these other guys are before he gets upset about passing on some of the guys he liked. I feel the same way. I agree that it's more than fair to have an opinion and critique Jordan's picks -- without knowing more about some of his picks, though, my critique is only being critical that Jordan didn't do specifically what I would do. That's not really fair to him and it doesn't give any value to an outside observer.

Does that make sense?

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I think all Craw was saying is that he would like to know who these other guys are before he gets upset about passing on some of the guys he liked. I feel the same way. I agree that it's more than fair to have an opinion and critique Jordan's picks -- without knowing more about some of his picks, though, my critique is only being critical that Jordan didn't do specifically what I would do. That's not really fair to him and it doesn't give any value to an outside observer.

Does that make sense?

Yes it makes a lot of sense.

But it also makes sense to value the opinions of others besides Jordan....to see what others feel.

I don't see the Arrieta and Bundy type guys in this draft except the kid from Rice.

While I liked Hobgood, i still feel it was a reach and that we should have gone another way.

Yes, this is Jordan's draft and he deserves time to see how it ends up...This is obviously a premature thing that they do in the NFL but hey, its just for discussion purposes.

Tony said yesterday that we were going to go after tough signs later in the draft...We watched teams like Tampa and Oakland, teams that don't spend huge dollars on the ML team, draft guys like this but it doesn't seem like the Orioles really did.

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First day - B

Second day - D

We could have gone after more talented players for above slot money in the second day. Signability was too much of a factor in this draft IMO.

There is just no way you know this. I gave the draft an A for one reason ... Joe Jordan's history.

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I think I read something yesterday that was really interesting and changed my perspective on things a bit.

I think in the first 5 rounds you can go over slot as much as you want, but there are restrictions in rounds 6-10 about how much (if at all) over slot you can go. I think that really restricts who you can take in those rounds. I believe that after round 10 you can go back to doing as you please.

I heard Dave Johnson reiterate all this on the pregame show last night in reference to his son's draft day experience.

So I think we need to keep that in mind with the picks.

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Give us so called "draft gurus" a couple days to put our heads together on some of these guys. I'm not even going to pretend that I'm familiar with a couple of them, we'll give you the best read we can get, and then we can start making judgments on a draft about a year before we should :)

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Yes it makes a lot of sense.

But it also makes sense to value the opinions of others besides Jordan....to see what others feel.

I don't see the Arrieta and Bundy type guys in this draft except the kid from Rice.

While I liked Hobgood, i still feel it was a reach and that we should have gone another way.

Yes, this is Jordan's draft and he deserves time to see how it ends up...This is obviously a premature thing that they do in the NFL but hey, its just for discussion purposes.

Tony said yesterday that we were going to go after tough signs later in the draft...We watched teams like Tampa and Oakland, teams that don't spend huge dollars on the ML team, draft guys like this but it doesn't seem like the Orioles really did.

Generally, I agree with this. I'd add PIT to the list, as well, as they seem to have leaned towards somewhat tougher signs in prep arms. It just wouldn't be fair for me to assign a grade to what Jordan did considering I'm pretty familliar with the guys we passed on and not so familiar with a couple of the top 10 guys we selected.

Stassi is the big surprise for me, since I had him as the top catcher overall in the draft and OAK wasn't scared away from selecting him. If he was asking anything around late-1st round money I think that seems like a good opportunity to get a big talent into your system.

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I think I read something yesterday that was really interesting and changed my perspective on things a bit.

I think in the first 5 rounds you can go over slot as much as you want, but there are restrictions in rounds 6-10 about how much (if at all) over slot you can go. I think that really restricts who you can take in those rounds. I believe that after round 10 you can go back to doing as you please.

I heard Dave Johnson reiterate all this on the pregame show last night in reference to his son's draft day experience.

So I think we need to keep that in mind with the picks.

You can definitely go over slot rounds 6-10. Bundy was an example of that last year. I haven't heard of a cap for the total spent in those rounds -- I'd be interested to hear more.

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You can definitely go over slot rounds 6-10. Bundy was an example of that last year. I haven't heard of a cap for the total spent in those rounds -- I'd be interested to hear more.

I thought it was ridiculous too, but then I heard Dave Johnson running his mouth about it. I'll dig around a bit and see what I can find.

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OK, I think in those rounds there is a cavaet that you have to get permission or a waiver of some kind to go over slot from the commissioners office. I'm trying to find concrete info on it, and when I do I'll post a link.

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I think you've gotta give them a C. That's not to say that I don't have faith in Jordan's skills, but the fact is that a lot of their picks are seen by a lot of knowledgable baseball people as "overdrafts." You have to give them a C, so that if/when these picks pan out, we can point to this thread and show what a genius Jordan is.

If we all give JJ an 'A' off the bat simply because we trust him, that takes away the opportunity to look back one day and use this as evidence of his expertise.

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Are people even reading the descriptions while complaining about picking the guys who slipped?

Tolliver - fifth round - 146 overall - per BA - had chance to go in top 89

Harris - 8th round - could go in the first five rounds for a team that likes his bat

Berry - 9th round - seen as supplemental first round less than three months ago

Cowan - 10th round - potential second rounder in fall, now a fourth to sixth rounder

Ohman - 11th round - could go in fourth to sixth round range

Joe Jordan has drafted PLENTY of talent that slipped - just not what people perceive as the expensive first round guys who slipped. It's my opinion, but I believe there is better value in scooping up the guys JJ did draft.

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