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Greg Pappas

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Wow, you're a clown. Your childish hatred of another team is making you say dumb things. You should go for a walk.

It's fine to disagree with a fellow poster. Through most of this thread I've disagreed vehemently with JTrea81. However, it gives you no right to insult and/or attack anyone. Please read/re-read the Board Rules and Policies before posting again. Thanks!!!

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While he shouldn't have thrown that close to his head or threw his glove down and tried to fight...I think it's naive to think that the Red Sox didn't say something to instigate it. Look at how animated Ramon Hernandez got. Cabrera was basically ready to start playing again, and the Sox players obviously said something and kept it going.

Nah the Red Sox always show good sportsmanship, they are the classiest of all the teams in MLB. They never gloat or show anybody up and they could never instigate a fight. The Orioles should make that thug Cabrera apologize to each individual Red Sox team member, Francona, Theo Epstein, the NESN crew as well as each member of Red Sox Nation. Those people had to suffer the shock of that monster threating to attack their players. I bet each of them will need pyschiatric treatment for that incident. Those poor Red Sox and their fans, always getting picked on and it's never their fault... :rolleyes:

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Nah the Red Sox always show good sportsmanship, they are the classiest of all the teams in MLB. They never gloat or show anybody up and they could never instigate a fight. The Orioles should make that thug Cabrera apologize to each individual Red Sox team member, Francona, Theo Epstein, the NESN crew as well as each member of Red Sox Nation. Those people had to suffer the shock of that monster threating to attack their players. I bet each of them will need pyschiatric treatment for that incident. Those poor Red Sox and their fans, always getting picked on and it's never their fault... :rolleyes:

How nice of you to make it that cut-and-dry for everyone! :rolleyes: So...you either support Cabrera's actions or you're a Red Sox sympathizer? Did I get that right?

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While he shouldn't have thrown that close to his head or threw his glove down and tried to fight...I think it's naive to think that the Red Sox didn't say something to instigate it. Look at how animated Ramon Hernandez got. Cabrera was basically ready to start playing again, and the Sox players obviously said something and kept it going.

Francona was yelling at Cabrera--that is why Ramon went beserk.

Millar formed a wedge with some others around Cabrera at one point.

Crowley was chatting with Ortiz toward the end. The Sox did not step forward.

Sox fans next to me apologized for the cheer.

Cabrera had good stuff tonight and he still couldn't overcome himself. The inning in which they scored two, Daniel started with an 0-2 count on Youkilis before walking him. He immediately lost focus and succumbed to Drew who laced a double.

Watching the bullpens run in was the most exciting moment of the game.

The brouhaha that wasn't felt Benitez-like.

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Some random thoughts to sum up my feelings:

1. I believe beanballs are usually pretty dumb and are probably outdated.

B) I think what Cabrera needs more than anything is a mentor. I just get the feeling that since he's come to Baltimore, he's had about 5000 people tell him 5000 different things, and he can't get out of his own way.

4. While I disagree with what Cabrera did, I can't say I didn't enjoy it to some extent. The fact is that Sox fans and players have been yukking it up in our yard for some time now. I realize that there's nothing we can do about the fans, but I do feel like the players have crossed the lines multiple times. Crisp sauntering home with a little smirk on his face. Papelpon preening and applauding for himself on Thursday night. There have been others.

5. I really, really like Cabrera. Maybe I'm just getting soft and mushy, but I just see a guy who's trying so hard and has totally lost confidence. Someone mentioned it earlier in thread, he just has no confidence with anything he's doing. Honestly, I think the best thing for him in the offseason would be to go home and stay in shape, but don't even think about baseball for a few months.

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I cannot stand this guy he has a load of talent, but he is not a baseball player. How many times have we seen him misplay an easy groundball. How many times does he always have to throw his fastball only to see it leave the yard!! He will not take coaching from Mazzone, Palmer or any others. I am sick of waiting for this talent to show. He leads the league in walks & has allowed 23 hrs!! I heard that he got upset with Crisp for bunting. Isn't that part of baseball especially when he is not throwing a no hitter. I don't mind throwing inside, but he threw right at his head with intent. It is time to send him out west to the NL where we don't need to see him. Let someone else deal with this headcase!!

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Yes, I too hate their team, their fans and their city. It must have been great to be at Fenway Park south last night, the place filled to the brim w/Red shirts and pink hats. Angelos, McPhail, the O's fans, the players should be sick of this by now.

I don't agree w/CaBBreras actions but at least we see a bit of a pulse on this team, although not a strong one. I see it as frustration being vented by a kid who just hasn't been able to put it together and probably never will. I wish him the best as he tries to do that in the minor leagues next year or on another team b/c I believe he'll be out of baseball in 2 years.

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Nah the Red Sox always show good sportsmanship, they are the classiest of all the teams in MLB. They never gloat or show anybody up and they could never instigate a fight. The Orioles should make that thug Cabrera apologize to each individual Red Sox team member, Francona, Theo Epstein, the NESN crew as well as each member of Red Sox Nation. Those people had to suffer the shock of that monster threating to attack their players. I bet each of them will need pyschiatric treatment for that incident. Those poor Red Sox and their fans, always getting picked on and it's never their fault... :rolleyes:

Oh come on. Like if the same thing happened with one of their pitchers and the benches cleared you wouldn't be talking about the Red Sox "thug" on the mound. Would you be upset if our players tried to goad a Red Sox pitcher into blowing up and getting ejected?

Regardless of your opinion about the Red Sox, Cabrera flat out lost his cool. What ever "little league" move Crisp did, Cabrera should be able to keep his composure on the mound. Crisp did his job, he got into Cabrera's head, and Cabrera screwed up. I'd want Patterson or Roberts to be dancing on the basepaths with an easily rattled pitcher on the mound, too. I'm sure if Roberts did the same thing and got the pitcher to balk, everyone would be cheering Roberts and saying what a good job he did of getting inside the pitcher's head.

Look, I'm not saying the Red Sox are the greatest bunch of guys, and that they would ever do anything dirty or however you want to put it. But come on, man, this is all on Cabrera. He lost his cool. If somebody said something racist (because the Sox have no Latin players, right?) or whatever, then he can come back and strike out some batters.

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How nice of you to make it that cut-and-dry for everyone! :rolleyes: So...you either support Cabrera's actions or you're a Red Sox sympathizer? Did I get that right?

I didn't say you had to support what he did, but if you are an Oriole fan you should support the principle of what he did. He stood up to the Red Sox. Frankly I'm wondering why there is a lack of Red Sox hatred on this site and in Baltimore in general when their fans invade the Yard and their team owns us. Doesn't that upset people? People hate the Yankees more than the Red Sox and that just boggles my mind. The Yankees have 26 championships to back up their actions, the Red Sox have one in the past 85 years and yet they act like they are the greatest organization in baseball. And everyone from the FO to the players and the fans let them. So if you are an Oriole fan, even if you didn't agree with his actions deep down inside I would think you feel good Cabrera actually stood up to the Sox. It's about time somebody besides the Yankees did...

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Two reasons for that:

1. Cabrera didn't start his, "Let me at 'em," tough guy routine until two umps, a manager, and about thirty players were between him and whoever he was yelling at from way out in the infield.

2. Unlike the Orioles, the Red Sox are actually going places, and couldn't be bothered getting into pissing contests with pitchers who get all upset because they have no composure on the mound.

Yea, that "Little League" move of leading off of third and moving around. How dare he do something like that to someone as emotionally fragile as Daniel Cabrera. That should be against the rules!

Wow, you're a clown. Your childish hatred of another team is making you say dumb things. You should go for a walk.

Good 1st post, I agree with everything except the name calling. I gave you some positive rep to start to counter the negative you got. A little pm would have been better to get you on the right track about name calling.

Back on topic. I think sending down DC to AA or AAA next year would be the best thing for him. Make him earn his way back up. IIRC last year he responded to very well to being sent down and pitched better after he was recalled. If he responds a well as I recall him responding to it last year, he will be back up 1st of June and that will give him a couple months to get his value up and then trade him before the dead line. IMO that would be the best case scenario.

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I didn't say you had to support what he did, but if you are an Oriole fan you should support the principle of what he did. He stood up to the Red Sox. Frankly I'm wondering why there is a lack of Red Sox hatred on this site and in Baltimore in general when their fans invade the Yard and their team owns us. Doesn't that upset people? People hate the Yankees more than the Red Sox and that just boggles my mind. The Yankees have 26 championships to back up their actions, the Red Sox have one in the past 85 years and yet they act like they are the greatest organization in baseball. And everyone from the FO to the players and the fans let them. So if you are an Oriole fan, even if you didn't agree with his actions deep down inside I would think you feel good Cabrera actually stood up to the Sox. It's about time somebody besides the Yankees did...

Stood up to the Red Sox how? They didn't do anything wrong last night. Whether it's right or wrong, the same disdain we fans have for the Red Sox and their fans doesn't necessarily carry over into the clubhouse. Free agency has sent that ship a-sailing!

I'm not sure exactly what you're getting at. Are you saying Cabrera was right for throwing at Dustin Pedroia because Red Sox fans take over Oriole Park?

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I didn't say you had to support what he did, but if you are an Oriole fan you should support the principle of what he did. He stood up to the Red Sox. Frankly I'm wondering why there is a lack of Red Sox hatred on this site and in Baltimore in general when their fans invade the Yard and their team owns us. Doesn't that upset people? People hate the Yankees more than the Red Sox and that just boggles my mind. The Yankees have 26 championships to back up their actions, the Red Sox have one in the past 85 years and yet they act like they are the greatest organization in baseball. And everyone from the FO to the players and the fans let them. So if you are an Oriole fan, even if you didn't agree with his actions deep down inside I would think you feel good Cabrera actually stood up to the Sox. It's about time somebody besides the Yankees did...

I did not see the game so I don't understand what he was standing up to the Sox about. If you mean because they were cat calling him, then he should have been professional and ignored the taunts. You remember the old saying ... Sticks and stones? His job is not to stand up to them, it is to get them out. IMO the only time it is justifiable to stand up to a team and throw at them is if the other team made a dirty play.

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I didn't say you had to support what he did, but if you are an Oriole fan you should support the principle of what he did. He stood up to the Red Sox.

I won't support throwing at someone's head because he was pissed at himself. That isn't standing up to the Red Sox. This is a stupid, dangerous action. There was no principle behind this stupid action.

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