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Orioles Interested In Ryan Shealy

Boca Bird

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The Orioles won't be the only team interested in Shealy, that's for sure. Sometimes we all forget this fact. The Rockies won't have any problem moving Shealy as he will be cheap for a while now.

And as I said, if another team wants to give up an Olsen for Shealy then more power to them.

It's Ryan Shealy. Not even a major leaguer.

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Are we getting Jack Cust or Travis Hafner here? There's a huge difference.


Nobody knows. So why trade one of our bigger hauls from last year's draft?

As I said, if they want prospects start at Johnson and work your way down.

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Seems like you missed my point. Daryl Kile had a great curveball, went to Coors Field and was terrible for two years. When he got out of there he was good again. It may be a myth but I've seen guys say that their breaking pitches just don't react the same way when pitching in the mile high city.

It is true. They did a piece on ESPN a while ago and its something about the light air not reacting the same as if you were at sea level.

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I think Shealy would be an outstanding acquisition. He seems very capable of hitting at the 1B league average - at least - for a few years at the league minimum. We would not be picking up anyone's all-star, but we would be adding a competent hitter. And maybe he does have a little bit of upside.

I think Olson is a bit too much for Shealy - especially if our organization values Olson as much as has been reported here. Still, Shealy is inside the Rockies Top 10 - so I am not sure we can ask for such a prospect and then say "no" regarding Loewen, Penn, Liz, Erbe, JJ and Olson.

The last time we dealt like this with the Rockies was with Cust - as most every other AL team had decent players or prospects at 1B/DH. Little has changed since then, both fortunately and unfortunately. Fortunately, because I expect there are few serious bidders for Shealy around baseball.

Hopefully, we can move Javy for him.

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Just curious. Why do you think an Olson/Shealy deal is bad? Either you have a lower opinion of Shealy than many around here or are among the people (including Tony P.) who are really high on Olson. Just asking. I don't really know.

Your second statement is kind of funny. Garrett Olson isn't a ML either. In fact Shealy has proven himself at AAA and even had a cup of coffee at the ML level. Olson has proven himself in A ball.

Fair questions.

I do like Olson. Perhaps not as much as others, but I think he has high value as a recent draft pick and could either develop for us or be part of a package for a better player. Plus he can move up the system quickly and, at the very least, should be a solid bullpen arm. With none of our other young arms being "proven" or "reliable" at this point, I'm very wary about trading away one for someone like Shealy.

I haven't followed Shealy as much as others, so I don't really fall into a "love him/hate him" camp. I'm just trying to look at it from a supply-demand angle. First, the Rockies probably are most inclined to trade Shealy over their other prospects. Second, he's fairly old and if he takes the normal 1-1.5 seasons to acclamate to pro ball that leaves us with a 27/28 yr old DH. If he had a decent glove, I'd probably be more willing to trade Olson. But at this point, it seems like Shealy will only be a stop-gap at first waiting for an eventual move to DH.

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Neither is Olsen.

Sometimes we have to deal from a strength, which is our minor league pitching.

Yeah, but trade minor league pitching for major leaguers...not AAA, 26 yr old, DHs, stuck on National League teams.

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I think Shealy would be an outstanding acquisition. He seems very capable of hitting at the 1B league average - at least - for a few years at the league minimum. We would not be picking up anyone's all-star, but we would be adding a competent hitter. And maybe he does have a little bit of upside.

I think Olson is a bit too much for Shealy - especially if our organization values Olson as much as has been reported here. Still, Shealy is inside the Rockies Top 10 - so I am not sure we can ask for such a prospect and then say "no" regarding Loewen, Penn, Liz, Erbe, JJ and Olson.

The last time we dealt like this with the Rockies was with Cust - as most every other AL team had decent players or prospects at 1B/DH. Little has changed since then, both fortunately and unfortunately. Fortunately, because I expect there are few serious bidders for Shealy around baseball.

Hopefully, we can move Javy for him.

JJ can go. There seems to be a consensus on that.

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Also, were we on the Shealy bandwagon before? This guys seems like someone we should have inquired about in an exhaustive effort last offseason before signing both Conine and Millar.


Someone likes throwing rocks at bee's nests.

{insert OHer rant about FO ineptitude here}

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Yeah, but trade minor league pitching for major leaguers...not AAA, 26 yr old, DHs, stuck on National League teams.

I don't think he is still in AAA if the Rockies were A. in the AL and B. Didn't have Helton at 1B.

I think this is one of the reasons that he can come over to our team and make a pretty big impact over the Bats we have now.

I mean if he can put up .800-.850 OPS and make league minimum money... that is a bargain for a team such as ours. We need to find people like this. We will not exceed the Yanks and Sox in payroll, but these types of acquisitions will help us become closer to competing with them.

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I don't think he is still in AAA if the Rockies were A. in the AL and B. Didn't have Helton at 1B.

I think this is one of the reasons that he can come over to our team and make a pretty big impact over the Bats we have now.

I mean if he can put up .800-.850 OPS and make league minimum money... that is a bargain for a team such as ours. We need to find people like this. We will not exceed the Yanks and Sox in payroll, but these types of acquisitions will help us become closer to competing with them.

But the are and they do.

If you're driving around in a classic Benz, I'm not going to pay top dollar for the '99 Infiniti sitting in your garage.

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Like BB, i would trade Liz before Olson for him.

YOu guys have to remember something..Shealy's value is very low because he is essentially a DH...Because of that, that eliminates half the teams in baseball.

Then, look at teams in the AL..Who needs a DH?

We are the only team in our division, although Tampa could put him at first i guess.

Royals and maybe the Twins in the central.

Maybe the Mariners?

Now, are any of those teams giving up a top pitchign prospect for Shealy? I doubt it.

Offer them Javy, Finch and cash. If they don't take it, move on...If they prefer Hawkins to Finch, fine.

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