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Angels and Orioles have discussed Tejada


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The assertions I have bolded above, you have not offered much support for.

2 years age difference... contract particulars... declining power numbers (Tejada's SLG is down for the third straight year too)... surrounding lineup... that's all weak.

Are we just supposed to take your word for it when you make these guarantees? Because in the absence of any compelling evidence, it seems like you're either misinformed, or biased.

Dave I think he is right saying that Tejada is more valueable than Abreu. Abreu is a great hitter, but he is an outfielder. A Tejada is a great hitter and he is a SS which is hard to find.

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Dave I think he is right saying that Tejada is more valueable than Abreu. Abreu is a great hitter, but he is an outfielder. A Tejada is a great hitter and he is a SS which is hard to find.

Not for the Angels it isn't. They've got plenty.

The reality is that either Abreu or Tejada might very well DH for that team.

So the argument that Tejada is more valuable/a better fit *for the Angels* because he's a SS doesn't hold water.

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Not for the Angels it isn't. They've got plenty.

The reality is that either Abreu or Tejada might very well DH for that team.

So the argument that Tejada is more valuable/a better fit *for the Angels* because he's a SS doesn't hold water.

The Angels would move Tejada to 3B, making him more valuable to them then Abreu who would likely DH.

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The Angels would move Tejada to 3B, making him more valuable to them then Abreu who would likely DH.

Not necessarily.

Keeping their defensive alignment the same would probably be wiser than giving Tejada OTJ training at 3B in the midst of a pennant race.

And long-term, that spot belongs to Brandon Wood.

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Not necessarily.

Keeping their defensive alignment the same would probably be wiser than giving Tejada OTJ training at 3B in the midst of a pennant race.

And long-term, that spot belongs to Brandon Wood.

Are you serious? The Angels aren't going to trade for Tejada and then stick him at DH. They're not getting any production from 3B and will move him or Cabrera there. Both are competent SSs and shouldn't have too much trouble making the switch. Cabrera is also hitting way above his career averages. If the Angels got Tejada I'm sure Stoneman would sell high and try to move Cabrera in the offseason. Then Wood takes over at SS or Tejada goes back to SS and Wood goes to 3B (I've heard rumors that he's destined for 3B anyway, but I don't know much about his defense).

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Define "reasonable".

Abreu's contract is up in either 1.5 or 2.5 years. Tejada's runs the next 3.5 years.

The total $$$ remaining on Tejada's is greater.

It's not difficult to imagine that given the particulars, Abreu's contract is viewed by the Angels as more appealing.

And the Angels already have a SS... two, in fact. So the SS part of Tejada's value is negligible for the Angels.

The bottom line is that the O's are driving a much harder bargain than the Phils seem to be.

As well as we should be...The bottom line, despite the fact Abreu has been better, he has not been better(using yoru stats) than the average guy at his position as Tejada has been(i dont believe). The other fact is, right now, these guys are being viewed differently...Abreu has been looked at as lazy and not caring alot.

THeir images are different now and that does make a huge difference, even though it shouldn't.

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The assertions I have bolded above, you have not offered much support for.

2 years age difference... contract particulars... declining power numbers (Tejada's SLG is down for the third straight year too)... surrounding lineup... that's all weak.

Are we just supposed to take your word for it when you make these guarantees? Because in the absence of any compelling evidence, it seems like you're either misinformed, or biased.

I think Ravenbird is using common sense and common sense tells you he is right.

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Oh man, I decided to post a query about what they'd be willing to give up for Miguel on that website. It seems some Angels fans are as unrealistic as some of us can be. One guy suggested we pay a good portion of Miggy's salary, and get back only Saunders, McPherson, and Figgins. You read correctly. God almighty. :eek:

Yeah, I read that. Pretty awful and unrealistic, IMO. The other guy who posted also said don't expect to see names like Rivera and Figgins mentioned (along with all their other top prospects). Talk about overrating your own players.

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I replied to the Angels fans respectfully, but telling them, hey... love him or hate him, Tejada is a 30 homer, 100 RBI man. You don't get that for spare parts. I think one of Kendrick or Wood is an absolute must to include in any package if they truly want Tejada. Anyone else in the package, I'm willing to discuss.

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You can give the Angels a take it or leave it deal. Unfortunately, we aren't the only game in town. People talk as if we have the Angels over a barrel. It ain't so.

There is always choice. However Tejada clearly has more value than Soriano. This is due to two reasons:

1) Tejada won't be a free agent at the end of the year

2) Tejada's numbers this year aren't career highs like Soriano

And I'm not even commenting on Soriano being a headcase.

The point is the Orioles DO have the Angels over a barrel. Because the O's aren't FORCED to deal Tejada as the Nationals are forced to deal Soriano. Keeping Tejada until his contract runs out isn't such a bad thing.

For the Angels, there are cheaper solutions. But if you want to win the division this year, if you want to maximize your possibility of going deep in the playoffs, then your best answer is Miguel Tejada. He's the Cadillac. Yes, there are other options. But none better. You want the best? You have to pay for it. Plain and simple.

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Weren't the Angels rumored to be talking about an Adam Kennedy for Shea Hillenbrand swap with Toronto a while back? Hillenbrand may not be a stud, but his .300 average and decent power would certainly help, and cost them next to nothing. Hillenbrand could fill their need for a third baseman, while Figgins moves back to CF. Rivera moves over to left, while old men Salmon and Anderson split time at DH. Not that I'm advocating this. I mean, if Stoneman wants to cave and send us a bunch of stud prospects for Tejada, I'm fine with that. ;) Ultimately, I just don't see this happening for the O's.

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Are you serious? The Angels aren't going to trade for Tejada and then stick him at DH. They're not getting any production from 3B and will move him or Cabrera there. Both are competent SSs and shouldn't have too much trouble making the switch. Cabrera is also hitting way above his career averages. If the Angels got Tejada I'm sure Stoneman would sell high and try to move Cabrera in the offseason. Then Wood takes over at SS or Tejada goes back to SS and Wood goes to 3B (I've heard rumors that he's destined for 3B anyway, but I don't know much about his defense).

I'm dead serious.

All along we've been hearing that the Angels are desperate for a big bat.

Nobody's said the Angels are desperate for a SS, a 3B, a CF, etc.

Heck the guys they're looking at (Soriano, Abreu, Tejada) all play different positions. Sure seems as though position's not important to them.

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