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Trembley to be fired today?

Pedro Cerrano

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Okay, but my point remains. This is what DT did. He kept it behind closed doors for the most part and the couple times he did say things in public, when asked direct questions, he caught flack for it.

Maybe not from you in particular but you can't deny that it happened.

It's because 90% of the time it was Felix Pie, and other guys who made idiotic mistakes got away unscathed.

I did, however, appreciate DT's candor and ability to be critical without throwing a player under the bus (except Pie).

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Maybe Samuel can be our Ozzie Guillen. In all seriousness, until this is offical I am not putting much stock into it. What is the point in making a change if you refuse to reorganize yourself from the top down.

Because no one will do that during the season. Its not like you can go down to the wall mart and pick up a economy-sized box of experienced coaches for $29.99 while doing your grocery shopping.

I want to see Crowley gone as well. But very rarely will you see wholesale changes come all at once in June.

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It's because 90% of the time it was Felix Pie, and other guys who made idiotic mistakes got away unscathed.

I did, however, appreciate DT's candor and ability to be critical without throwing a player under the bus (except Pie).

But if he is answering direct questions! See that is the problem. DT got on Scott too.

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I wonder if they will offer him another job within the organization. They always seem to wuss out and do stuff like that when they fire someone.

True, but in this case, I think DT could add value to the organization... especially in the minors.

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Hopefully this move to Samuel is truly interim. AM couldn't get his guy midseason and had to make a move at this point. I just pray that after the season they clean house and bring in someone with a track record of success. Whether he's a hardass or players coach, bring someone in that has been associated with success. Someone that can truly make change in the lockerroom.

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Trembley should have been let go weeks ago. It's absolutely ridiculous it's taken this long to make this move if all they are doing is making Samuel interim manager.

DT didn't deserve it and neither did the players as this cloud has been hanging over the team. Now at least they can finally move on.

I wish Andy would fire himself when he fires Trembley because he's more responsible for this than anybody. Trembley should have never been brought back, and after he was brought back and the team tanked, he should have been let go sometime during the 2-16 start, but instead MacPhail made him, the team and the fans suffer, when it was pretty obvious he was going to be fired at some point. And just to promote Samuel- well that could have been done a month ago.

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The fact that they consider Samuel, shows just how litlle impactthey believe a manager can have on the teams performance.:laughlol:

In all honesty, unless a guy has been a manager, you can't really tell how good a manager he will be by what he did as a coach. One thing about Samuel, he seems like a fiery guy, and I'm ready for that after a lengthy string of low-key managers.

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I guess there are some positives about Samuel. For one, he was actually a real player -- and played when guys like Jones and Wieters were kids, so there should at least be some familiarity and instant respect with Samuel, and Juan can refer back to stories of his days playing in the World Series and playoffs and what it meant to play around Hall of Famers like Mike Schmidt.

So I think in that regard, Samuel does deserve a shot and I hope he makes the most of it. I don't however, think it is fair to Trembley to replace only him, and allow Crowley and the other coaches to keep on coaching this year. That makes DT the scapegoat, places all the blame on him, and keeps the status quo in place for the time being when we drastically need a big shake-up.

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Trembley should have been let go weeks ago. It's absolutely ridiculous it's taken this long to make this move if all they are doing is making Samuel interim manager.

DT didn't deserve it and neither did the players as this cloud has been hanging over the team. Now at least they can finally move on.

I wish Andy would fire himself when he fires Trembley because he's more responsible for this than anybody. Trembley should have never been brought back, and after he was brought back and the team tanked, he should have been let go sometime during the 2-16 start, but instead MacPhail made him, the team and the fans suffer, when it was pretty obvious he was going to be fired at some point. And just to promote Samuel, well that could have been done a month ago.

Just curious, JTrea, what do you do for a living, and have you ever fired anyone who you thought was giving their best effort?

I think Andy MacPhail knew that Trembley was putting his heart and soul into managing this team, and wanted to give him every possible chance to pull the team out of it. You know what? If he waited too long for that reason, I can live with it.

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