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6/5: Red Sox at O's


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You know what?

Send Jones down; send Wieters down; send out Atkins; and put everyone else on notice that if they don't start performing, they'll be demoted or released. Enough of this bull_____. :cussing:

Send them both down. But, for different reasons.

Send Jones down to get his head back in the game. And, send Wieters down so he can go down to Norfolk and regain some lost confidence at the plate.

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I meant to mention this earlier, but was so angry at the Orioles' failure to score in that bases-loaded situation, I couldn't see straight.

Did you notice Samuel's interaction with Guthrie? He went out, looked him in the eyes, talked to him, and then decided to go to the 'pen. Trembley, in contrast, would always shuffle out, take the ball, and shuffle back to the bench in a rather disinterested manner. This different sort of focus, this different approach--including infield today!!--makes me have hope for Samuel.

It's something to grasp onto, anyway...

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