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Strasburg likely needs Tommy John surgery


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If the Nats are smart, it won't even be a discussion for him to pitch next year.

Is this truly Mark Prior 2.0?

Prior was the shoulder, which is much worse.

This isn't a career-threatening injury so much. It definitely knocks him out for all of next year, and how much of his stuff he retains when he comes back is anybody's guess, but he will make a full physical recovery from this.

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Prior was the shoulder, which is much worse.

This isn't a career-threatening injury so much. It definitely knocks him out for all of next year, and how much of his stuff he retains when he comes back is anybody's guess, but he will make a full physical recovery from this.

True. It makes me think a lot about SG's comment the other day about how Strasburg hasn't been an upper 90s pitcher for very long. That has to be a huge contributor.

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This stinks on ice. Anyone in the Nationals organization who would consider bringing him in anytime in 2011 should be canned...hopefully no one will seriously consider it. The plan for him needs to be Opening Day 2012, for his good and that of the organization and game. There should be no additional pressures.

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Its a good thing this happened to the Nationals and not a team like the Pirates or us who have actual, real fans that have been following the team for years. Could you imagine how awful it would be if Strasburg was our guy, finally the savior to answer for 13 years of losing and 25 years of general crapitude and he has to get TJ after 12 starts?

I think the entire fanbase may have to be on suicide watch. Fortunately the Nats don't have any real fans that would care that much or have that much invested in the team yet.

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I think Liriano could be a good comp for Strasburg. Obviously it's early and you never know, but Liriano missed all of 2007 and most of 2008, had a decent bounceback year in 2009, and is now back to his high-strikeout, often unhittable form in 2010 (still not as dominant as he was in 2006, though).

So I think we'll look at Strasburg missing all 2011, rehabbing in the minors early in 2012, maybe back after all-star break. Full season 2013 with an innings limit, and then good to go in 2014.

What do you think?

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Tough start for the kid. And he did seem like a decent kid. For all the hype, he seemed pretty down to earth. That said, those scouts that questioned his pitching motion when he was drafted are looking pretty smart. I just wonder if the elbow issue is from overcompensating for his sore shoulder. Guys that throw 100+ just don't last long.

For all of AM's apparent faults, the grow the arms philosophy is not one of them.

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He'll be back to his normal self. I had two teammates in college get this done and both of them came back throwing harder. Therefore its conceivable that Strasbourg could keep his velocity.

It generally takes awhile to get the overall command and the feel of the breaking pitches back though.

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Bob Feller, Nolan Ryan and Walter Johnson would like a word with you.

Pitchers in general do not last long, I have not seen any studies showing that guys that throw 98+ are more injury prone then guys that throw 92.

Good point... But my guess is the list that broke down that threw that hard is probably a lot longer. Whether that's just a natural break down of any pitcher regardless of how hard they throw, I don't know. But I would say guys that pump it up there in the upper 90's are more likely to break down than a guy throwing 90.

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Even as an Oriole fan I feel badly for Strasburg and the Nationals. The kid was just good for baseball in general. I'm seriously starting to wonder if they shouldn't just do Tommy John surgery on all these kids whether they're hurt or not. Seems like half of them will need it anyway so just get it out of the way.

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