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Millar Rally Cry Last Night


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I lump this in with the uproar over the comments Manny made before last night's game... If I was either of those guys agents I would urge them not to do/say what they did because of the backlash, but all in all who cares. If someone can show me where Millar threw a game or didn't try because his heart is in Boston, than he is not doing his job. Otherwise...

Remember baseball and all sport is simply entertainment with more grudges. Get past the grudges or at least laugh at them, and it is actually a lot more enjoyable to watch.

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No one is saying it's the end of the world! I'll cheer for Millar if he comes back next year. But it IS unprecedented.

The segment was produced by FOX and MLB, not by the Red Sox. I don't think it is unprecedented at all.

Honestly is this anything more than just a raw emotional version of a current player who is not in the playoffs appearing on say the FOX pregame show or broadcast and, when asked, saying "Well, I am rooting for XXXX because they are my former teammates/friends/boys/whatever."

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Well, that's one masicistic way of looking at it I guess.

The fact is, Millar is an Oriole. I don't know for how much longer, but he is at the moment, and NO baseball player should advertise for any team other than his own. Call me old school if you want. I don't think this has ever happened before, and I don't think it WOULD happen if it weren't the Boston Red Sox. And any type of positive publicity generated through advertising will potentially lead to revenue. That's kind of what ads are for.

Maybe it's the result of 10 straight losing seasons that you're willing to accept this as normal. I for one still love my crappy team, and I don't appreciate my players supporting one of our rivals.

Well, it won't get more fans in their seats as they sell out every game, and merchandise revenues would be part of the profit sharing, no?

I can understand why people would be upset about it, I just don't really give a crap. And it goes for the players who I might not like as much, like Jay Payton. I couldn't care any less what these guys' rooting interests are when the O's are out of it. I'll still root for Millar the same if/when he's playing in an O's uniform next season.

And since this apparently helps the Red Sox out, maybe it'll get an O's-Sox game on national television next year. Maybe it gets some Sox fans to watch the O's a little bit more because of Millar. That would be beneficial for the O's too, right?

Like I said, I can understand why people would be upset about an O's player openly rooting for another team in the postseason, it just doesn't really bother me in the age of free agency, when these guys are really just hired mercenaries.

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Well, it won't get more fans in their seats, as they sell out every game, and merchandise revenues would be part of the profit sharing, no?

I can understand why people would be upset about it, I just don't really give a crap. And it goes for the players who I might not like as much, like Jay Payton. I couldn't care any less what these guys' rooting interests are when the O's are out of it. I'll still root for Millar the same if/when he's playing in an O's uniform next season.

And since this apparently helps the Red Sox out, maybe it'll get an O's-Sox game on national television next year. Maybe it gets some Sox fans to watch the O's a little bit more because of Millar. That would be beneficial for the O's too, right?

Like I said, I can understand why people would be upset about an O's player openly rooting for another team in the postseason, it just doesn't really bother me in the age of free agency, when these guys are really just hired mercenaries.

Fair enough.

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So am I the only one here who thinks it's inappropriate for a baseball player to do ads for another team? I mean, has that EVER happened before in the history of the game?

Do we have to say this again? He did NOT do an ad for another team...he did an introduction to the ALCS for MLB and FOX! If you don't understand the difference, then I'm sorry, but there IS a difference, and a big one at that!

By the way...how about Tex coming out and saying he would LOVE to play in Baltimore WHILE he was a Texas Ranger!?! I guess that wasn't wrong because it didn't happen to us? Some of you are getting all upset about this because you feel it is another slap across the face of the Orioles franchise. Its probably the same group of you who get irritated that the Yankees and Red Sox get all the ESPN publicity? If you want it to stop...then WE, the Orioles, need to put a winner on the field. Wake the heck up people. We are NOT disrespected because we are from "Baltimore." We are disrespected because we have STUNK to high heaven for 10 years!

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First of all - who the hell are you? I'll never be embarassed to be an O's fan. As bad as it gets, I'll stick with them.

Secondly, that video makes me furious. How can you not be upset that Millar would do something like that while being paid by the Baltimore Orioles. It's BS and Millar went down many notches in my eyes.

The Orioles have become such a joke that our players are openly rooting and shooting videos for other teams within our own division????

I am a proud Royals fan! We have a real Owner and a real plan to bring fans in the park (think biggest HD Screen in the world).

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