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Good God, the Whining Is Intolerable

peter snees

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rather than go through All of Rockbirds tantrum yet again let me say what I said last night about the rotation next year and ask him - again - to explain why I am unreasonable.

Bedard, Benson - yes Benson is only under control throught the end of next year, but we are talking about 07, not 08. These two are in barring something VERY weird.

Cabrera,Penn - the likelyhood of these guys eing in the rotation next year is something like 80%-90%. Cabrera is working on his stuff in the minors - those who say he is struggling with conrtol I point you to this:

18.1 IP, 8 BB, 19 K

I would say that he is improving if nothing else, his ERA is higher than you would like to see from him, but he is working on stuff, last outing

5.1 IP, 2 BB, 9 K - gave up a slam in the 5th that chased him and did a lot to inflate his ERA - but still it appears his control is improving.

I don't see any reason why Cabrera won't improve next year and Penn should at least be a serviceable starter - think 2005 Rlo, a high ERA but double digit wins

Those who say Penn might not be ready, well remember he is SUPPOSED to be up here right now, it is not IF with Penn its WHEN. He is not JJ (who anyone who wants to pile on this guy is just being petty) Hes not Loewen - he has more experience and more success as well. He will at least hold is own.

Loewen,Lopez,Chen - these guys. First I AM upset that Rlo is still here, we had the chance to trade him, but we couldnt get it done because we either asked too much or tried to include Javy but it is what it is. So - If the competition for the number 5 starter is between these guys you have to think Loewen gets the edge with Chen and Rlo fighting in the Penn - or RLo traded away in the offseason (there is confusion on my part for exactly how long we have him)

At the very least Loewen will be better next year than Chen was this year, so automatic improvment. How MUCH better remains to be seen - which mean that havign a guy like Lopez in the pen, waiting in the wings might not be THAT huge a death sentence (again Im upset hes here - but there is a silver lining)

So to me the 07 rotation looks like this:






To me that is an exciting young rotation - isnt that the rotation that we all wanted?

and if anything that I said in this thread is in any way extremely over-valuing any of these guys, please tell me and explain why.

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O's fans have every right to be upset today. The FO/Owner knew what they had to do and they didn't do A THING to prepare this team for the future.

Now excuse me while I grade the O's like the teacher did in Ralphie's dream in A Christmas Story...

F- F- F- F- F- F- F-

an F - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

oh, and You'll shoot your eye out..


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This thread makes me sick. I don't understand how O's fans can be so content with what has happened and continues to happen to this franchise. What has become of this team and fanbase?

Of all days to spout this ridiculous optimism that "things are turning around," why would you pick a day like today. There is nothing good that can be said about how the organization (owner and front office) handled things at the deadline. It is absolutely inexcusable.

I think I speak for 80% of the people on here when I say...TAKE OFF THE ORANGE COLORED GLASSES!

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I know most of you wanted something to happen, but it didn't, and that's because the front office was dealing with all the possible scenarios regarding Miggy.

Jim Bowden must be an incredible, amazing human being with near-computer-like ability to multitask. Because while he was "dealing with all the possible scenarios regarding Soriano", he was also able to make a deal with the San Francisco Giants sending an over the hill relief pitcher for a decent prospect.

We have TWICE AS MANY GM's as the Nationals do, yet we were unable to trade Latroy Hawkins because they were too busy "dealing with all the possible scenarios regarding Miggy."

That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.

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Not sure I agree about the need for a big bat and my prognosis would not be quite as rosey as yours, but I like you am so sick of the pre pubescent whining.

Good point. I mean, what is this? A fan message board? How dare we get ticked off at 9 years of futility? How dare we get angry when we go to the yard and can only tell it's a home game by the uniforms? How dare we grow concerned that everyone seems to view our franchise a laughing stock? This certianly isn't the proper forum for voicing angst at a failing franchise! You're right, we should all sit around with the same rosey colored glasses you have on.

The only thing 'immature' I see in this post is the opinion that we should all have the same hopeless optimism based on zero hard facts that you do. Excuse me while I view 9 years of decline as a sign that things aren't on a great upswing. You're welcome to your opinion, but don't expect the rest of us to naively belive that we're headed anywhere north of 4th place anytime soon. I wonder if playoff tickets for '07 are on sale yet.

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Jim Bowden must be an incredible, amazing human being with near-computer-like ability to multitask. Because while he was "dealing with all the possible scenarios regarding Soriano", he was also able to make a deal with the San Francisco Giants sending an over the hill relief pitcher for a decent prospect.

We have TWICE AS MANY GM's as the Nationals do, yet we were unable to trade Latroy Hawkins because they were too busy "dealing with all the possible scenarios regarding Miggy."

That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard.

He's also dealing with that DWI... so that is another thing he was able to deal with.

There could be a traffic jam on I-66 in Nevada and the O's FO would find a reason for that to screw them up.

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and if anything that I said in this thread is in any way extremely over-valuing any of these guys, please tell me and explain why.

The only thing I disagree with is making Bedard our ace. I know he's looking lights out now but I still would love to see the O's go out and get a proven veteran to be our ace rather than someone fresh off their breakout year.

THAT's the rotation I've been waiting for. One where Bedard, as good as he is, is our #2 and R Lo is the bullpen where he should have stayed all along

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The reason for Hawkins not being traded probably has to do with the death of his grandma.

honestly, that probably makes sense (I can't tell sarcasm anymore today around here) But he is in the bereavment list right now so Im not sure he IS able to go anywhere.

Now you can argue that he should have been traded before, but I doubt anyone could predict the passing of his grandmother

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The only thing I disagree with is making Bedard our ace. I know he's looking lights out now but I still would love to see the O's go out and get a proven veteran to be our ace rather than someone fresh off their breakout year.

THAT's the rotation I've been waiting for. One where Bedard, as good as he is, is our #2 and R Lo is the bullpen where he should have stayed all along

The only thing about the Rlo in the pen thing. When he WAS in the pen and he complained, he new he was better than DuBose and Ainsworth et al, and he was right.

If he doesnt make it next year, I dont see him complaining about the pen, if he does we have more evidence of his struggles and MUCH better evidence of better pitchers that deserve it more than he does.

Would I love to see a Schmidt or whoever yes, yes indeed. But I honestly have no problems annoiting Bedard the number one after this season and maybe picking up a solid back of the rotation guy as a stabilizer.

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Another thing...why do all of you consider Kris Benson to be such a valuable commodity? Has he really been anything more than mediocre this year? His ERA is terrible, his K to BB walk ratio is atrocious. He has 62 strikeouts on the year. How is he productive?

He has never been a good pitcher and he will never be a good pitcher, why does everyone act like he is good and a legit # 2 or 3 starter?

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Wow, you people sure do cry alot.

If any of you made any sense it would be something to talk about. But the majority of you are complaining that we didnt make a move JUST to make a move and say we did.

Plus you say we havent improved at all since flanny came here. Wow, what did you take? Cause I want some of that.

Here you go.


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This thread makes me sick. I don't understand how O's fans can be so content with what has happened and continues to happen to this franchise. What has become of this team and fanbase?

Of all days to spout this ridiculous optimism that "things are turning around," why would you pick a day like today. There is nothing good that can be said about how the organization (owner and front office) handled things at the deadline. It is absolutely inexcusable.

I think I speak for 80% of the people on here when I say...TAKE OFF THE ORANGE COLORED GLASSES!

It isn't about being content.

It is about looking at the people who start coming on the boards after the trade deadline, or a loss, or a cloud goes past the sun, and start making threads about filming a documentary movie called Peter Angelos Must Die, or how every single player stinks and we have no hope of competing before the rapture, and wondering how those who profess fandom can sanely declare themselves within reality and posting "constructive criticism" when saying such things.

You might consider us crazy when we say such amazingly ludacrius things such as "maybe we are better off with Tejada," or "we have spent money, and shown a willingness to spend money, throughout the whole of Angelos' tenure, so why would we stop now," but that doesn't make the people with the black-paint-covered glasses any more realistic.

Maybe you should look in the mirror before asking us why?

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