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Buck stacked the deck against Matusz today


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Doesn't seem to have a whole lot of self-confidence here. Brian doesn't seem to realize that the #1 problem he has right now is between the ears. He looks devastated.

Here my friends is the hammer hitting the proverbial nail. Matusz is a good dude, I talked with him when he was at Frederick. He's a good kid. But he needs to be built back up. Someone (Rick Peterson) needs to build him back up. Get him under no pressure situations and get him back to up to speed. I've seen Rick do this several times with Jeff Suppan, Brian Rose and Carl Pavano. Hell i was catching these bullpens. Rick Peterson is excellent at this and I think Brian needs to go spend a few weeks with him building that confidence back up. We all know Matusz can pitch, but I don't think he knows that. He needs some time with Rick to get his head right. I won't be surprised after he fails his 3rd start that they will send him down and replace him with Wada.

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And to respond to the OP comments. Buck didn't stack the lineup against Matusz. He's a big league pitcher, he controls how he pitches. No matter if Buck runs out a lineup filled with little leaguers he needs to pitch like a major league caliber pitcher. He hasn't done this since 2010. Besides, these are big league ball players, if they can't produce, then they will not be on the 25 man roster. Yeah they might not be as strong as a contender's team. But they still have capable guys playing in the field. That whole concept is garbage. Those guys have an opportunity to produce and do something, either shine or hit the road. Give the next guy a chance.

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I'd say Wieters was the Guy. Also Jake.

Yeah, those are two of the guys they can least afford to lose, so in that sense they're the most important (on that scale Matusz probably rates only ahead of Gregg). It's just that Matusz has the most room for improvement between his current production level and his peak, so he has a lot of potential to improve the team, even if him reaching his peak seems kind of unlikely right now.

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I think we all have Brian under too much of a microscope right now and need to chill a bit. Yes it wasn't a Cy Young type start, but TOR is a great offensive team, were playing at home, and were playing to avoid a sweep. He pitched an average type start (better without the BP doing a terrible job, but that's on them, it's their job to hold runners from scoring) and we are just overreacting some because he's not throwing 0's every start.

Maybe we should just breathe and give the kid a couple months to get it worked out and into a groove.

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I think we all have Brian under too much of a microscope right now and need to chill a bit. Yes it wasn't a Cy Young type start, but TOR is a great offensive team, were playing at home, and were playing to avoid a sweep. He pitched an average type start (better without the BP doing a terrible job, but that's on them, it's their job to hold runners from scoring) and we are just overreacting some because he's not throwing 0's every start.

Maybe we should just breathe and give the kid a couple months to get it worked out and into a groove.

I don't think the O's will give Matusz a couple of months. Can't average 8 walks and 13 hits in 9 2/3 innings. Next up.the Angels. Shold be fun.

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Who is Bergusen?

If you don't even know the names of the players it is hard for me to respect your opinions on them.

I do not remember asking you to respect my opinion, nor would I care if you did or did not. I was STATING my opinion.


Oh No! I spelled a bad pitchers name wrong by one letter! Sorry but if you are busy catching on to stuff like that, I probably would not want your respect. Congratulations on having the names of horrible pitchers stuffed up your ass.

Thank you

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I do not remember asking you to respect my opinion, nor would I care if you did or did not. I was STATING my opinion.


Oh No! I spelled a bad pitchers name wrong by one letter! Sorry but if you are busy catching on to stuff like that, I probably would not want your respect. Congratulations on having the names of horrible pitchers stuffed up your ass.

Thank you

Your punctuation isn't very good, either.

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Brian's take on the whole outing was quite revealing. He really took it hard...


He said "I didn't get the job done" three or four times in that interview. Hunter kept trying to find something positive for Matusz to comment on, but he wouldn't bite. Then Hunter asked "is this something you can build on," and he answered "I don't know."

Bascially, this is all about location. I'd give him 2 more starts and see if things improve or not. If not, he can go down to Norfolk to work on things. I still believe in Matusz, but he may need some time in AAA to find his groove.

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He said "I didn't get the job done" three or four times in that interview. Hunter kept trying to find something positive for Matusz to comment on, but he wouldn't bite. Then Hunter asked "is this something you can build on," and he answered "I don't know."

Bascially, this is all about location. I'd give him 2 more starts and see if things improve or not. If not, he can go down to Norfolk to work on things. I still believe in Matusz, but he may need some time in AAA to find his groove.

vatech and the deposed SG's takes here:


1) Maintained velocity again.

2) Had a 13.4% swinging strike %. Would like that to be a tad higher but that is basically where you want to be as a starter. He has been in the 15-17% range in the past.

3) 63% strike %...LEague average. Good to see.

4) Changed speeds well and kept the hitters off balance.

5) Was able to keep the ball down in some key situations and get some DPs. The more groundballs he can start enducing, the better.

6) Threw 106 pitches...Definitely is healthy.


1) Threw too many pitches for the time he was in there.

2) His inability to put away guys ahead in the count wasn't good.

3) Ben Francisco and Davis were 2 guys that he struggled to throw strikes to for some reason. Gotta get guys like that out.

4) Fastball command, overall, was below average at best. He showed signs but nothing consistent.

5) Too many walks....Gets back to FB command.

6) Giving up too many homers...Still needs to get the ball down more.

7) Came out of his delivery too much today and was overthrowing. He has to break that habit.

Overall, it was a mixed bag. Heading into the 6th inning, he was looking very solid but he couldn't put hitters away in that inning when he was ahead in the count(had 3 1-2 counts where the batter got on base.)

I would say I am more encouraged than discouraged today simply because I think he can go back and look at this tape and see positives and build off of that. He has always been a good command/control guy and has proven that in the majors, so I think if he can get everything else right, he will be fine. The good news is it doesn't appear that he is mentally down on himself right now and that is encouraging because if that happens, he may be done.

Watched the game.

Believe it or not, the fastball command was actually a bit better today which is more a commentary on how bad it was the against the Yanks. He threw a lot of good fastballs down in the zone today, but was still up and away entirely too much.

The change up was much better today and looked like the Matusz of old at times. However, he left it up several times and got hammered on it.

The curveball was dominant at times today but more inconsistent than against the Yanks.

The slider was similar to the curve. Dominant at times, flat a couple times, not controlled a couple times.

Overall a better start, but not good enough. The biggest issue by far today was that he didn't come inside more than a couple times to the right hand power hitters. That single issue led them to cover the outside corner by the mid-innings and was the direct reason for the double and homer in the sixth. Many of the power guys were set up for balls on their fists yet I only saw two balls on the fists all day. Bad approach and again I worry about confidence being the issue.

I would advise everyone to watch this interview:


Matusz is as down in that interview as you'll ever see a professional athlete. He doesn't look beaten though. He looks perplexed. One thing is for certain at this point. This guy no longer has an ego problem if he ever did.

Yeh, the more I reflect on that interview, the more encouraged I am. He is upset and disappointed in himself, but doesn't seem overwhelmed. I agree that he'll continue to work hard if he gets sent down. I also watched Buck's interview after the game and I'm pretty certain he is trying hard to keep him here. I figure he has three more starts before they'll make a move assuming every start is no worse than today's start. If he were to really blow up they might immediately make the move.

It wouldn't surpise me to see him throw 20 innings in his next three starts and give up three runs or less. It also wouldn't surprise me to see him just absolutely implode next start. He is right on top of the mountain and can go screaming down either side IMHO.

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He said "I didn't get the job done" three or four times in that interview. Hunter kept trying to find something positive for Matusz to comment on, but he wouldn't bite. Then Hunter asked "is this something you can build on," and he answered "I don't know."

Bascially, this is all about location. I'd give him 2 more starts and see if things improve or not. If not, he can go down to Norfolk to work on things. I still believe in Matusz, but he may need some time in AAA to find his groove.

You know how pissed we get after tough losses, and we go to the post game show and hear Hunter and Dempsey gushing about moral victories? Well, muliply that agravation by 100 for the players. He had a tough game, made WAY worse due to Gregg lighting a fire on him (keep in mind if the reliever gets that 3rd out, Matusz is out of it with 5 and 2/3 innings and only 3 ER. Instead Gregg added 2 extra ER to Matusz), and then imagine Hunter asking "So Brian, tough game eh kid? Think you can take anything from this one?" It annoys ME just thinking about it!!!

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