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Would DD Trade Wieters?


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I'm actually not that enamored with the "respected veteran catcher aspect" either. I'm a bit surprised to see you mention things like this actually. Wieter's physical traits and potential injury risk at the catcher position also make me less comfortable.

I mentioned it because I'm sure Boras used that as leverage to get better deals for Varitek. Really good pitchers liked pitching to him, that had to increase his value to some degree. Weiters may not have that point in his favor, so you could surmise he might get a slightly more team-friendly deal.

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Like any trade, you need to look at the specifics and if it makes sense. Wieters is going to start getting expensive in arbitration. Pretty sure his agent is Boras. Any significant surplus value that might have been captured in an extension and top performance is already lost. Do we want to overpay for Jason Varitek? Of course you consider dealing him for the right price.

No, no, no. Don't you know the formula? You propose trading a lot of junk for one good player then you call for the GMs head when he can't do that in the real world. Learn how things get done, man.

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Do you shop him? not on your life. Do you listen to GM's looking to wow you with a trade? Absolutely. The Angels could put together a package that would not hurt their playoff chances this year or next that would make me do it. But don't get me wrong, it must be an avalanche of an offer.

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