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Season Ticket Arriving?


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My tickets are still. On. The. Truck. Scheduled to be delivered by 4:30 today, but yesterday when I called to ask them a question, they said the delivery would most likely be made yesterday. I took that with a grain of salt. 3 hours and 15 minutes to go before I start to flip out again. :D

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I got the email yesterday morning saying that delivery would be by Wednesday, March 27. And I went to the tracker and saw that it had arrived in Rockville...where it sat for a day. Delivered now, but still! They were just sitting in Rockville all day yesterday!

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I got the email yesterday morning saying that delivery would be by Wednesday, March 27. And I went to the tracker and saw that it had arrived in Rockville...where it sat for a day. Delivered now, but still! They were just sitting in Rockville all day yesterday!

Mine were on the truck all day yesterday, just riding around the Baltimore area, seeing the sites. I called around 6 to see if I could reasonably expect to see them last night, and the customer service rep said that the driver was behind on his deliveries, and that he had 99 packages on the truck, not all of which would be delivered by 8 p.m. Seems like the dispatchers should only load what can be delivered in one day, but what do I know?

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Mine were on the truck all day yesterday, just riding around the Baltimore area, seeing the sites. I called around 6 to see if I could reasonably expect to see them last night, and the customer service rep said that the driver was behind on his deliveries, and that he had 99 packages on the truck, not all of which would be delivered by 8 p.m. Seems like the dispatchers should only load what can be delivered in one day, but what do I know?

If the driver was running behind,he probably only delivered same day and left the second day air for today.

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If the driver was running behind,he probably only delivered same day and left the second day air for today.

Oh, I'm sure. It just seems like 100 more packages to deliver when it's already 6 p.m. seems awfully ambitious. Seems like they shouldn't have bothered putting the 2nd day stuff on the truck if they had that much to deliver anyway. I obviously have no idea how their system works. I don't know how many they expect to deliver in a normal day.

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Mine arrived at the facility yesterday at 729 AM and sat there all day. It said "not due for delivery". Went out on the truck at 830 AM this morning. Still says in transit. Hope they are there when I get home!

What's your address? I'll swing by and check for ya! ;)

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I just arrived home

And what should appear

My Oriole tickets I have been waiting on this year

They had Mr . Jones on them all

In a pose where he whacking the ball

The Oriole bird on the ticket is in a weird place

He seems to have a goofy smile on his face

I hope you all get your tickets today

So all can be happy and just watch them play

I wish all good cheer and good night

And the O's again in the playoffs would be a great sight

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Update, because I know you're all on the edge of your seat: 4:30 has come and gone, and no delivery confirmation. Instead, when I look at the tracking page, the "Estimated Delivery Time" says "N/A". A tad disconcerting, so I called FedEx, and spoke with probably the least helpful customer service rep alive. He basically told me exactly what was on the tracking website. "I show that it's out for delivery." Well, thanks! "Is that N/A something you usually see on there?" "No." "OK, well when do you suggest I call back if I still haven't received it?" "Oh, let's say 5:00." "OK, well, that's 20 minutes from now." "Oh, OK." "I think I'll just wait until I get home around 5:30, maybe it'll be waiting for me." "Good idea."

Thanks buddy! You've been of great assistance!

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Update, because I know you're all on the edge of your seat: 4:30 has come and gone, and no delivery confirmation. Instead, when I look at the tracking page, the "Estimated Delivery Time" says "N/A". A tad disconcerting, so I called FedEx, and spoke with probably the least helpful customer service rep alive. He basically told me exactly what was on the tracking website. "I show that it's out for delivery." Well, thanks! "Is that N/A something you usually see on there?" "No." "OK, well when do you suggest I call back if I still haven't received it?" "Oh, let's say 5:00." "OK, well, that's 20 minutes from now." "Oh, OK." "I think I'll just wait until I get home around 5:30, maybe it'll be waiting for me." "Good idea."

Thanks buddy! You've been of great assistance!

That is not very good news, because my tracking information is telling me the same exact thing... but just saw they are delivered. All is right in the world!

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Relax the tickets will come.

My tickets said they were being delivered monday. Received them Tuesday.

Typical Fed Ex tracking.

Easy for you to say, you have your tickets! ;)

Still nothing. I've been assured they will arrive today, although they also said that the drivers usually return to the center around 7 p.m. Really annoying.

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