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Season Ticket Arriving?


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I complained when mine didn't come. I recently moved and they sent it to the wrong place. Thursday a rep called me, and they were re-printed and came on Saturday.

I was getting so worried.

Always have had tremendous customer service.

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I'm sure you're right, I'm just impatient! It's nice to look through this thread and see that I'm not the only one.

When I get mine, I will let you know. Deal? :) We'll have them in time. There is no problem with your order.

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Its not a mess, its a full blown CF!

I don't care that I will receive the tickets before Opening Day (hopefully). The fact that we're 8 days from the first baseball game of the season and we aren't holding our tickets in an inexcusable CF! I'm not happy.

Semantics! I'm as ticked as you are but since there's really no one who I can yell at who can make anything move faster, I'm trying to remain calm. I know calling my rep won't do anything, as much as I want to, and I figure as long as they're in the process of shipping them, I'll get them eventually. It's definitely aggravating. In years past, the tickets were in my hand by the 2nd week in March.

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I complained when mine didn't come. I recently moved and they sent it to the wrong place. Thursday a rep called me, and they were re-printed and came on Saturday.

I was getting so worried.

Always have had tremendous customer service.

Did you get a shipping confirmation before they sent them the first time?

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Still no email.

Resisting urge to blast the organization on this! Here's to hoping we have another "Ask the Orioles" thread this season!

I have also not received my email. Was told that all should get mailed by Wednesday, but I was also told last week that everyone should get them by Friday of last week.

I guess even people in the loop are getting different information.

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No email for me, either. At least we know we're not alone! It's very frustrating, and like grimed1 said - even people within the organization are getting conflicting information. It's why I'm not going to bother calling my rep until probably tomorrow, because I'm sure he doesn't know anything either. I'll give them one more day and then I expect some action internally; right now, everything is external as far as I can tell.

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I got the 13 game Sunday package. I haven’t received an email or tickets yet. I did receive my opening day tickets like everyone else did that got them. My first game is April 7th (3rd home game of season) meaning if I receive my season tickets by Friday March 29th than I will have them over a week before I even need them. So why is everyone acting like they have a huge dick forced up their ass? "Wonder why I bothered with season tickets"? If they don’t sit around your house for a month collecting dust it’s not worth it? You guys sound like a bunch of whining *****es. You will have your tickets before you need them.


Wow, well, that's a little much. Mostly it's because in years past, I've had tickets in hand by March 10 at the latest, and then when we call to see what's going on, no one seems to know. It's a frustrating process when even people who should be in the know, aren't. The other problem is, if you share tickets with people, you need time to distribute them. You also don't know if you'll have them in your hand by March 29, because there's no guarantee of that. Thanks for your charming insight, though!

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