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Great Markakis article by Brit


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Still reaching. He's obviously on a different workout regimen. Working out differently does not equate to working out harder.

I'm just not sure what your point is- that he should have worked out every single day of every off-season his entire career?

Well if those quotes are not enough for you to admit that Nick worked harder this season then I am done with this. Not sure why you are not willing to give even a fraction of an inch on the subject.

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Very happy to read and hear that Nick is finally healthy enough to prepare for the season the way he wants to. Clearly he's achieved the physical results he wanted. Whether this translates into baseball results, who knows. As we know, baseball requires much more then simply being fit. However, I have confidence in his ability and I have great hopes for Nick. I want him to end his career as an Oriole with a World Series ring on his finger.

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Never said he was a bad player.

Not even once.

Even if I did call him replacement level last week. :P

Yeah, I know. I'm just dreamin' now on what could be if Nick comes up big. His high OBP skill set is just what this low OBP, high SLG team needs.

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Well if those quotes are not enough for you to admit that Nick worked harder this season then I am done with this. Not sure why you are not willing to give even a fraction of an inch on the subject.

Because you are grasping for straws. I am willing to concede that Markakis switched training regimens and put in more work this off-season than the past two when he was injured.

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Yeah, I know. I'm just dreamin' now on what could be if Nick comes up big. His high OBP skill set is just what this low OBP, high SLG team needs.

True. If he could leadoff against all pitching and post a .340+ OBP it would be huge.

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Nick said he doesn't want to play anywhere else, I hope we can get him back on a hometown discount deal. I think he's still got some years of solid numbers left in him. I expect a bounce back year this season.

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True. If he could leadoff against all pitching and post a .340+ OBP it would be huge.

I always thought he had a 317/415/510 30 Hr year in him. I have a lot more doubt now but this is still what I hope for. Yes this would be a game changer for the O's offense.

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That is setting the bar low IMO. Nick has a .360 career OBP. I'm looking for him to meet that this year.

OBP is the key for Nick, that is the key to his game.

I think he gets in his own head sometimes based on expectations. For example when he was batting 3rd he tried to be a traditional #3 hitter instead of concentrating on plate discipline and hitting line drives which are his strength.

I believe if he is hitting leadoff and his job is to get on base, he will return to his former glory. Work counts, go with the pitch, drive gaps, look to turn on inside pitches sometimes.

Basically Brian Roberts circa 2010 with less stolen bases.

Assuming he stays healthy.

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I think Nick will sign an extension in July with the O's after he shows a really good first half. He wants to stay. We know Peter Angelos has always been in Nick's corner. Buck loves Nick. DD is the only one that really may have some problems with the extension because he has to make the budget work.

But with Hardy and Nick wanting to stay. Wieters and Davis hiring an agent that will get them the highest contract possible. Its not hard to guess who has the best chance to stay and who has the best chance to leave.

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1. Like CoC, I am not a huge Markakis fan because I believe he got complacent after he got paid. That's my opinion.

2. It's spring training, so I'll believe he's transformed himself as a player when I see it in real games. The hope springs eternal stuff is in overdrive in March.

3. That being said, if Markakis rebounds, he represents the #1 opportunity on this team for surplus value relative to 2013. He could be a 5 win difference over himself, in theory.

4. If Nick has a huge year for him, it argues for paying his option. After all, if the contract motivates him, why not give him one more off season of motivation? Then try to resign him if he shows up the same next year.

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1. Like CoC, I am not a huge Markakis fan because I believe he got complacent after he got paid. That's my opinion.

2. It's spring training, so I'll believe he's transformed himself as a player when I see it in real games. The hope springs eternal stuff is in overdrive in March.

3. That being said, if Markakis rebounds, he represents the #1 opportunity on this team for surplus value relative to 2013. He could be a 5 win difference over himself, in theory.

4. If Nick has a huge year for him, it argues for paying his option. After all, if the contract motivates him, why not give him one more off season of motivation? Then try to resign him if he shows up the same next year.[/QUOTE]

I doubt if picking up his option is being considered at all. He has come out and said that it is not about the money. Signing him for next year. and perhaps beyond, would make some sense if he is having a bounce-back year, but not for that kind of money, IMO.

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