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Enough with the pies Adam!


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Agreed..... give it a rest until somebody does something truly meaningful, like a no-hitter or hitting 3-4 hr's (is Pearce's 3 hits really pie worthy?)

Otherwise it's sure to be at least mildly annoying to the players at this point

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It's 25 guys who are with each other day in and day out. Who knows what goes on in the clubhouse. Maybe there is a competition or something to see how many times a person can get pied by the end of the year.

I just think there are other things to complain about. Not a pie to the face.

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So what? I enjoy it. It means they're winning.

I really enjoyed when Adam brought Markakis an actual banana cream pie and a fork to eat it with and then the bird got pied.

They're all actual pies this season. There was a report on the pregame show the other day about the bakery which makes them.

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It would be one thing to complain about this if players/coaches/front office personnel had a problem with it. Every time I have seen it, I see all parties involved laughing and having a good time. There's no harm in this and everyone can have some fun with it.

What's the problem with it? It obviously has become a clubhouse tradition and must have a positive impact on moral or he wouldn't still be doing it. Jones is a class act and it's these type of things that prove he is a great leader for this franchise going forward.\

Lastly, it means the team is winning. I don't care what tradition they want to implement following a win (short of something that might hurt someone) as long as they win, I'm happy.

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Take it with a grain of salt. But I just don't think this is something a guy who is a team leader should be doing constantly.

Anyway, I thought it was just for walk off wins and things equally as amazing like 3 homer games as ADZ23 pointed out. Not pedestrian wins like today.

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