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Enough with the pies Adam!


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I thought we ran out of things to criticize Jones for, I guess I was wrong.

How dare a bunch of 20-30 somethings have fun. These guys essentially are jocks. remember that, think of the jocks you knew in high school - think about how they acted. Think about the jocks you knew in college, think about how the teams acted with each other.

Remember, the second they become paid major leaguers they are supposed to lose all humanity. They are to be robots - like Markakis, but he's boring right?

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When the Orioles lose, they suck.

When they win, they are annoying.

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother continuing to watch and root for these bastards anymore. :angryfire:

(vs. BREWERS, 5/26)

What looked like might be another heart-wrenching loss turned into another annoying, pie-facing win.

I've decided to fight the good fight and stick with these guys, even though I know that they will piss me off one way or another, regardless of the outcome of the games.

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Agree to disagree. It just seems trivial to complain about a pie to the face after a game. There are other things to complain about. Like how the pitching and hitting can't get it together at the same.

But wait, why does everything posted on here have to be the most important thing? If this poster doesn't like the pie in the face thing, why does that have to mean it's the most important thing to complain about to him? Personally, I'm not huge fan of pieing every "player of the game" but it's not like it bothers me either. I just think it cheapens the big win celebrations. Then again, I think people who give the starting pitcher who gave up six runs in five and a third innigs a standing ovation from behind the dugout are ridiculous as well. I'm also not a fan of the pile up, beat the guy to a pulp for every walk off win. It's fine to celebrate a great win, bu try not acting like you just won the World Series.

Either way, I know some fans enjoy all of those things so it doesn't bother me to the point of not enjoying a win. They can run around like Beetlejuice in "Bubble Boy" after the game as long as they win! :D

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