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To keep my sanity as a baseball fan, and for that matter ANY PRO sports I don't like to emotionally invest in ANY PLAYER especially the O's. They move faster then poker chips on the table. Sure I have favorite players, but I don't get attached to them like I did in the 60's and 70's.

The ONLY player I even have a jersey with a name on is my #5 Robinson jersey (it's safe to say he'll always be and O :laughlol:)

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It's fixed now. The link, I don't know if the tweet was deleted.

No problems with the link to the article. It does appear that the tweet was deleted. I get the basic premise of the article concerning baseball's financial competitive balance, but I'm not sure that a guy acquired via the free agent market place two years ago should be the centerpiece for this analysis. I'm sure Martin would have been receptive to a 4-5 year deal back then if Pitt was willing to make such a financial commitment. Notwithstanding, the author correctly takes on the national media guys for not embracing the cause and he's correct as these guys want the NY's, Bos, and LA's to have superior resources relative to the remainder of the league. These guys like to write the feel good stuff about the KC's, etc., but how many times have we heard how October is better if the Yankees & Bos are participants. We can want a salary cap, but it will never happen. The best you will get is enough revenue sharing to keep the rest of the league propped up to keep the whole thing from being a total sham. The system as currently constructed is rigged, but teams can compete if allocate resources wisely and don't get attached to the names on the back of the Jersey.

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To keep my sanity as a baseball fan, and for that matter ANY PRO sports I don't like to emotionally invest in ANY PLAYER especially the O's. They move faster then poker chips on the table. Sure I have favorite players, but I don't get attached to them like I did in the 60's and 70's.

The ONLY player I even have a jersey with a name on is my #5 Robinson jersey (it's safe to say he'll always be and O :laughlol:)

I might be weird, but I'll follow ex-orioles even when they leave us, either by trade or by free agency. Of course, if any ex-Os face our current Os in any given game, my loyalty goes strictly with our current Os.

And actually, I remember about 10 years ago, I did a study about player movement. I counted both arbitration cases and FA signings. What I wanted to determine is whether (to the extent that it could be determined, which many times it couldn't) it was each player's choice to leave his former team or whether it was the choice of the former team's management to let the player go, or else non-tender the player. I found that in most cases, team managements made the choices to part with individual players rather than the players' choices to leave. Unforunately, I have completely lost the files and data that I had for this study. Perhaps in my copious free time ( :D ) I'll do another study, one covering 3 years or more. I wonder if anyone else has done such a study.

As for jerseys, I have ordered a #8 Cal Ripken jersey. My other Os attire are an Os jacket, a hoodie, and a couple of T-shirts. None of these have any player names.

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