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Lord I needed that


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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Lough walks it off <a href="https://t.co/EjMVUIU4T3">https://t.co/EjMVUIU4T3</a></p>— Eroc RDT (@BarstoolRDT) <a href="
">April 26, 2015</a></blockquote>

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AWESOME! !! Thanks for posting this.I'm relegated to listening on XM as I am on the road.

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Watching on MLB.tv and my internet stuttered at the very moment he hit it. I missed the whole thing. I may need therapy.

This always happens to me as well. mlb.tv is clearly on a delay. I suspect we're experiencing a spike in bandwidth demand at that moment although I don't know what the exact cause is.

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That is all.
Lord, I needed that as well. I was at the game and it was cold and cloudy and I was shivering. Wei-Yin Chen went 8 whole innings, giving up only 2 runs. Things got very interesting in the 9th when Zach came on for the save with the O's winning 3-2. It started to rain, the ball was slippery. Zach gave up a leadoff walk, then got a SO. It looked like Zach would get the Os out of it with a game-ending double play. But Manny made (yet ANOTHER!!) error, throwing the ball to Chris Davis and the tying run scored. In the 10th, Brad Brach gave up a solo HR on his very first pitch. Matusz got the side out. I was shivering and sighing -- were we going to lose 6 in a row? Fortunately, Adam Jones had other ideas. He hit a triple into right field. Chris Davis sac flied him in. And then David Lough comes up (he had been a defensive replacement). I said to my self, "this will be an out and this game will go onto the 17th." Again, David Lough had other ideas. He blasted a pitch into the left field seats. Walk off HR!! David Lough, of all people??!!! I guess I have to eat a bit of crow, after posting that David Lough needs to be DFAed. I'm still not sure about Lough, but I'm happy that he won the game for us. :rofl:
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