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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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LOL...You keep avoiding the question.


Why do many people still feel this will be a done deal, including our beat writers who have said that this week?

Answer those questions.

Listen, I'm not saying by any stretch that Hendry is a saint in all of this. I wish he would back away from all this. It's beyond ridiculous, I seriously believe that it's going to affect the team if these rumors continue. And that's just stupid. As for why he's still at the table, I have no logical explanation. But that was my point, nobody knows.

As for beat writers who feel this thing will get done, wishful thinking? Maybe they think that the if the deal doesn't get done, the Cubs players who've been rumored to be gone (or moved out of the starting lineup) will carry a grudge and the only thing to do is to actually make the deal. But the beat writers have been wrong too, how many times have we heard that it will happen "next week" and then "next week" rolls around and then it's "within 10 days", and then it's "by opening day".

My point all along is that NOBODY KNOWS where they are at with negotiations, how long it might take, or whether or not it will even happen. To say otherwise is not a very smart comment in my opinion.

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I thought it was against board rules, and brought up multiple times that the O's G.M. can't be referred to as McFail?

Do you have a link to that, because there's nothing that I can see in the board rules that state that.

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Unless it comes from McFail/Trembley or Hendry/Lou, I don't believe jack about this trade and who's been offered and who hasn't been offered. That includes what you "know for a fact". So if you guys want to attack Cub fans for running with information that they read in the paper, or hear on talk radio, or whatever, that's fine, but you should look in the mirror and realize that O's fans do the same thing. Remember it was THIS website that reported in January that the deal was done. And everyone ran with it.

Actually, it was a Cubs poster (Joey something or other) that started the pandemonium.

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Actually, it was a Cubs poster (Joey something or other) that started the pandemonium.

Not according to Sports Guy.

THIS WEBSITE was told by reliable people inside the organization. Those people had false info..It happens. Quit crying about it.
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Listen, I'm not saying by any stretch that Hendry is a saint in all of this. I wish he would back away from all this. It's beyond ridiculous, I seriously believe that it's going to affect the team if these rumors continue. And that's just stupid. As for why he's still at the table, I have no logical explanation. But that was my point, nobody knows.

As for beat writers who feel this thing will get done, wishful thinking? Maybe they think that the if the deal doesn't get done, the Cubs players who've been rumored to be gone (or moved out of the starting lineup) will carry a grudge and the only thing to do is to actually make the deal. But the beat writers have been wrong too, how many times have we heard that it will happen "next week" and then "next week" rolls around and then it's "within 10 days", and then it's "by opening day".

My point all along is that NOBODY KNOWS where they are at with negotiations, how long it might take, or whether or not it will even happen. To say otherwise is not a very smart comment in my opinion.

You are still dodging the question.

If PA kept saying no and if negotiations were that bad, there is no explanation for Hendry still trying...He would have walked away....AM would have walked away.

The bottom line is the info Cubs fans are being fed by unknowledgable sports writers is cluttering up your heads.

Those writers assume that PA is the same owner he was before and that naturally, he is vetoing everything...They are the ones speculating...They are the ones with the assumptions, not us.

The difference now is MacPhail...PA is allowing him to do what he wants to do.

Again, if things were bad, the negotiations would be over.

I agree that it is ridiculous that it has drug out this long...I agree that this deal should have been made months ago.

However, this isn't the fault of Peter Angelos....That is the only thing I am saying.

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You are still dodging the question.

If PA kept saying no and if negotiations were that bad, there is no explanation for Hendry still trying...He would have walked away....AM would have walked away.

The bottom line is the info Cubs fans are being fed by unknowledgable sports writers is cluttering up your heads.

Those writers assume that PA is the same owner he was before and that naturally, he is vetoing everything...They are the ones speculating...They are the ones with the assumptions, not us.

The difference now is MacPhail...PA is allowing him to do what he wants to do.

Again, if things were bad, the negotiations would be over.

I agree that it is ridiculous that it has drug out this long...I agree that this deal should have been made months ago.

However, this isn't the fault of Peter Angelos....That is the only thing I am saying.

Wow, I don't know how much clearer I could have been in answering your questions. There is no logical answer why these negotiations are still going on, whether it's AM being ridiculous or Hendry, someone should have walked away by now. Or the trade should have been made by now.

I understand your point completely. You feel that if PGA was nixing these deals that Hendry should have walked away. And what I'm telling you is that Hendry has never been known to be a thinking man. Don't for one minute believe that Hendry wouldn't continue to sit at the table knowing that PGA won't allow a deal (hypothetically speaking of course).

Cubs fans are getting their information the same places that the O's fans are getting theirs. So the cluttering of the minds is probably happening on both sides of the fence in this one.

Here's my thinking with PGA, a leopard doesn't change his spots.

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I thought it was against board rules, and brought up multiple times that the O's G.M. can't be referred to as McFail?

I'm not sure it is a rule, but many of us have certainly discussed how it is REALLY tacky. Intelligent posters are certainly suspicious of the merits of any argument with which that pathetic cliche is associated.

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I'm not sure it is a rule, but many of us have certainly discussed how it is REALLY tacky. Intelligent posters are certainly suspicious of the merits of any argument with which that pathetic cliche is associated.

You guys are obviously still in the AM honeymoon period. Just wait until he calls a press conference to tell you all how excited he is that the O's were the second highest bidder in the Teixeira sweepstakes and even though he didn't sign with the O's, they were in the mix, and that means something.

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Do you have a link to that, because there's nothing that I can see in the board rules that state that.
Try re-reading this one.

5. Posts containing slanderous or otherwise disrespectful messages will be removed. This includes name calling of other posters, Orioles players, coaches, front office personnel, or Hangout staff.

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No, it was JoeyR5. At least I think that was his name. He came in the night before and told everyone a BRob for Cedeno, Gallagher and Marshall deal was imminent.

That's a far cry from the FINALIZED as was reported on this site.

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Here's my thinking with PGA, a leopard doesn't change his spots.

Actually, he does--and has.

PGA came riding into ownership on a white-horse, saying and doing the right things...

1) He got a large group of locals to partner in buying the team--pretty much squashing the grumblings that the team may be looking to move.

2) He immediately started pumping money into the team--Gillick, Davey Johnson, Roberto Alomar, Raffy, Jimmy Key, David Wells...

3) He refused to play scabs.

He seemed like a dream owner.

Now, this has turned into disaster, and the bad far outweighs the good. But Angelos was a savior when he first arrived--people forget that...

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Can we please get back on-topic before this thread is locked? Please

Not to be a jerk, but this thread had gone on for 30 pages without too much new info. Any real "Roberts to Cubs" news will get its own thread, or 10. Not like anything's being missed in this one any more.

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