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TT: If Duquette makes moves it should not be for rentals


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Forgot to add one thing, if Duquette does nothing but stand pat, I'm going to start believing the folks that believe he's already looking ahead to his next job. Buy or sell significantly, but to do nothing would be the worse move overall. Considering the improvements the Blue Jays and Yankees have made, I'm leaning towards being sellers but I'll still take those multi-year player deals.

Ehh, no deal is better than a bad deal.

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Ehh, no deal is better than a bad deal.

Yeah, I don't see standing pat as a bad option, as long as we're looking forward to the offseason with a plan in place. As some have logically argued, it might be the correct thing to do. Would we improve on the value of those picks for Chris Davis, Chen, Wieters in trades? I'm not so sure. So as long as the potential gain is limited, keep the current team and give it a chance to sneak into the playoffs via the wild card, and from there anything can happen. And in doing so, importantly, don't give up any pieces for the future for a rental that may or may not genuinely improve our flimsy chances.

Sure, obviously if we can get a deal for a piece that will be useful for now and the future, then go for it. But I don't think the trade deadline is traditionally the time where you find good deals on such pieces...ahem, Bud Norris.

So I'm totally okay for standing pat, and can totally see it turing out to be the best option.

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Yeah, I don't see standing pat as a bad option, as long as we're looking forward to the offseason with a plan in place. As some have logically argued, it might be the correct thing to do. Would we improve on the value of those picks for Chris Davis, Chen, Wieters in trades? I'm not so sure. So as long as the potential gain is limited, keep the current team and give it a chance to sneak into the playoffs via the wild card, and from there anything can happen. And in doing so, importantly, don't give up any pieces for the future for a rental that may or may not genuinely improve our flimsy chances.

Sure, obviously if we can get a deal for a piece that will be useful for now and the future, then go for it. But I don't think the trade deadline is traditionally the time where you find good deals on such pieces...ahem, Bud Norris.

So I'm totally okay for standing pat, and can totally see it turing out to be the best option.

Yeah, like the OP has indicated, we're kind of in a tough spot here. Somebody good (rental or not) is probably gonna cost too much and somebody marginal may not even make a difference. I suppose if it's somebody like McFarland/Wright/Wilson etc. could net us something on offense I'd be ok with that and dumping Parmelee (i'd assume he'd be first to go). I'm not sure we'll get very much though or if theyd be better than some of the other in house candidates. If we were a few games out of first place instead of 7 I'd be more aggressive. I'd be fine doing nothing if the deals don't make sense. Looks to me like the teams that are paying big have much better locks on their division than we do right now.

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I agree with above.We arent going to make a big splash unless we move a stud player like Gausman or Schoop and we will NOT be moving either of them. I would also be wary of moving Hunter Harvey and Trey Mancini. SO that leaves us to move a Chen, Davis, Wieters. Thats a pending FA for a rental. That makes no sense. I think we may make a small move to pick up a bat in the outfield but I dont see us moving any of the few decent prospects we have.

We might be able to land a rental outfielder with a deal that starts with Jason Garcia. He's back up to 97-98 mph in his rehab, so he is a legitimate prospect, and the O's have no room for him unless they DFA Norris. Teams that are out of it can put him in their bullpen for the rest of the season with no problem.

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We might be able to land a rental outfielder with a deal that starts with Jason Garcia. He's back up to 97-98 mph in his rehab, so he is a legitimate prospect, and the O's have no room for him unless they DFA Norris. Teams that are out of it can put him in their bullpen for the rest of the season with no problem.

I think the Angels just made all those deals...

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I agree with above.We arent going to make a big splash unless we move a stud player like Gausman or Schoop and we will NOT be moving either of them. I would also be wary of moving Hunter Harvey and Trey Mancini. SO that leaves us to move a Chen, Davis, Wieters. Thats a pending FA for a rental. That makes no sense. I think we may make a small move to pick up a bat in the outfield but I dont see us moving any of the few decent prospects we have.

Well said, but maybe there's a middle ground that we haven't thought much about. SD trading him will be a cost-cutting move - moreso than a get prospects move. So if our owner is willing to put his money where his mush is, maybe we don't have to give up a major prospect to get the good Upton. Hell, we got Gunkel for De Aza. If we can get Upton for Gunkel and a lower prospect - I'm fine with that. Upton playing for a contract is a good thing to have.

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This is an excellent point, and one I didn't consider before. But haven't Upton's numbers been atrocious recently?

As posted on the other thread, he was doing fine until July. Question is whether something is up physically or if he has just had a bad month. One thing about the organization, I have confidence that their doctors will sniff out a problem if there is one.

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This is an excellent point, and one I didn't consider before. But haven't Upton's numbers been atrocious recently?

Yes - though he did hit a homer the other day. One surprising stat on him - he has 17 steals - on pace to far exceed his career high. Not that steals are important - but it's indicative of his all-around ability. I'm guessing he's thinking being in the 30/30 club will help him. He's been known to be a selfish kind of player, but as a motivated rental, I can live with that - and it might give a team like SD motivation to trade him.

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Yes - though he did hit a homer the other day. One surprising stat on him - he has 17 steals - on pace to far exceed his career high. Not that steals are important - but it's indicative of his all-around ability. I'm guessing he's thinking being in the 30/30 club will help him. He's been known to be a selfish kind of player, but as a motivated rental, I can live with that - and it might give a team like SD motivation to trade him.

We definitely need speed on the base paths.

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I wouldn't mind it if we made no moves. (I'd like to see us shed Parmelee;maybe, recognizing the O's' patience with him this year, he'd go to Norfolk with a promise for a September call-up and another shot next year. I'd also like to see more ABs for Nolan, leading off, and Pearce, and see whether Walker or Alvarez can help.)

The last few games have helped remind me how much I've enjoyed the Jones/Davis/Machado/Hardy/Wieters/Tillman/Gonzalez/Chen/O'Day/Pearce/ Joseph/Britton/Flaherty/Schoop Orioles. There have been times this month when I told myself I was done with them, but each time I was back the next night for more. Bottom line: I can't help liking our guys and watching them for another couple of months, and don't see a better alternat.

As of today, I'd be satisfied to see this team, with its key parts in tact before free agency scatters them around MLB, and fortified by the September call-ups, make a run for (a) a wild card spot and (b) coming within 3 games of the NYY so that the season's final series (at home) is decisive. This team is capable of the first, and maybe the second. It's not going to be 2014 all over again, but despite the few weeks we've all been suffering through there's a real prospect of meaningful games in September and October.

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All true.

I'd also be willing to trade valuable prospects for Jay Bruce and replace them with prospects gained by trading Chris Davis. May be trying to get too cute but could be done. Might blow up the clubhouse though. I'd also look hard at expensive contracts going through waivers once we're past the deadline.

This is not a time to bail on the season.

2 games out of the WC and it entirely feasible (if not likely) that MFY will collapse at some point. They have been playing over there heads all year.

At this point I think you keep Davis. He is getting hot at the right time. Sign him or be happy with the pick.

Hope Wieters starts to hit. He at least has upside. Again, be happy with the pick if he does not resign.

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I never understood why any team would trade for a rental who isn't an ace starting pitchers. Everybody knows the postseason is a complete crapshoot where a lot of random, fluky results tend to happen. So why would anybody trade a player who can help you for the next ten years for a player who will help you for two months. I can understand trading for an ace pitcher because aces can make a huge difference in the postseason. Bumgarner pretty much won the World Series by himself last year. Same with Johnson and Schilling for the Diamondbacks in 2001. But trading for a rental position player or reliever doesn't make any sense at all. A team should never give up legitimate prospects for position players or relievers who are rentals.

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