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Other Views


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In light of the Pessimist, Optimist, and Realist viewpoint threads, I figured it would be interesting to investigate some of the other (completely fake) iviewpoints on the 2016 Orioles that are out there. Feel free to add any you've come across...

Dallas Latos' view: "The Orioles need starting pitching, and they should sign Mat because I am much more entertaining than Kris Benson's wife was."

Yovani Gallardo's view: "The Orioles need to remember that the last number 14 draft pick to actually accomplish anything was Herm Roberts, a career .230 hitter who is best remembered for accidentally running over Robin Yount's dog in 1986. Seriously, look it up."

Rick Dempsey's view: "The 2016 Orioles will likely be a 75 win team. Unless they hire a former major league catcher to be their manager, then, they would probably be good for 100-105 wins."

Andy MacPhail's view: "It seems that the Orioles have been a bit slow to act this offseason."

Frank Costanza's view: "Why did they trade Jay Buhner?"

Scott Boras' view: "I should've waited a bit longer and sold them Davis as a fifth starter and first basemen."

TheBee's view: "My namesake, Al Bumbry, could probably unretire and lead this team in steals."

(Disclaimer: TheBee's actual viewpoint is actually still hopeful for the rest of the offseason and the upcoming season)


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