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Bordick and the Koolaid

Roll Tide

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What some of you fail to realize is that, a majority of the people who watch the games are not die-hards. The majority are casual fans who tune in to catch a game from time to time and guys like Bordick draw their attention. A broadcaster that is constantly pumping up how well the home team is doing is more appealing to the casual fan.

With that said, I'm pretty indifferent on Bordick, and I would much rather listen to Bordick's homerism over Thorne's excitement for the other team. Thorne shouting and getting excited over someone hitting a walk-off or go ahead hit vs the O's really grinds my gears.

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It's not the positivism people don't like. I think it's that we all know how smart and knowledgeable Bordick is, and yet every time we're in a spot to get some insight it gets glazed over with a heavy helping of sugar.

Most of us know when it's fair to be critical, or question a judgment or decision, or even just point out a mistake. On mic though it's just not in his nature to be honest with us and I think that's what bugs everyone. Everything is PR spin and saccharine-based opinions, which many of us can too easily call BS on. It's not a slight against Bordick as a person, we just don't always feel like we're getting it on the straight and level.

You've summed up my feelings even more eloquently than I did myself. This is exactly how I feel about Bordick.

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I would just like to say that Bordick has been better this year about giving a little scouting report of the reliever and not just read the stats that are on the TV.

As Roy, pointed out, Bordick is in the media guide under the instructors. He works with these guys so it's not like he's going to give out criticism. Bordick is a very knowledgeable baseball man and the thing that has frustrated me about his job as color man is that he hasn't found the way to use that knowledge appropriately during the telecasts.

I feel like he's actually approved a bit this season and if he just would get away from telling us the stats posted on the screen and provide analysis of the stats it would go a long way.

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I would just like to say that Bordick has been better this year about giving a little scouting report of the reliever and not just read the stats that are on the TV.

As Roy, pointed out, Bordick is in the media guide under the instructors. He works with these guys so it's not like he's going to give out criticism. Bordick is a very knowledgeable baseball man and the thing that has frustrated me about his job as color man is that he hasn't found the way to use that knowledge appropriately during the telecasts.

I feel like he's actually approved a bit this season and if he just would get away from telling us the stats posted on the screen and provide analysis of the stats it would go a long way.

That is true. He's not the typical color man in that regard. Anyhow, I think we as fans have been spoiled by having Palmer for so long. I do like hearing Mike's perspective since he's an Oriole I grew up rooting for. I still prefer the team of Palmer-Thorne given the choice but Mike and Gary are a pretty good team.

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Bordick is the worst color man I've ever listened to. And, I've been watching the o's since the 70s. I often feel like I'm not watching the same game he is describing. Baseball is a game of mistakes, it's not to much to expect honest analysis.

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Bordick is the worst color man I've ever listened to. And, I've been watching the o's since the 70s. I often feel like I'm not watching the same game he is describing. Baseball is a game of mistakes, it's not to much to expect honest analysis.

You must lead a very shelter life and have never ever listened to any color man from the Nats or the rest of MLB, especially the Stankees.

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While watching the game last night Mike commented that Jimenez was the Orioles most consistent starter last year. These comments kill me as it's just not true.

Jimenez was very good the first half and he made 32 starts at a 4.+ era. His second half was not nearly as good.

However Chen was clearly the better and most consistent starter. He made 31 starts and pitched to a mid 3 era.

Hard to maintain respect when he is spewing stuff that just is not true.

**** Also in case you did not notice Chen had a rough 1st outing giving up 5 runs.

Chen is out of sight out of mind for the light weight Bordick. And, unfortunately for us, Chen will be better than U this season.

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Chen is out of sight out of mind for the light weight Bordick. And, unfortunately for us, Chen will be better than U this season.

Well, he should be. He's getting paid more and he gets to pitch to a pitcher or pinch-hitter every nine batters.

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You must lead a very shelter life and have never ever listened to any color man from the Nats or the rest of MLB, especially the Stankees.

Actually, I listened to both and you are right, they can be nauseating at times. But, at least they act dissappointed when ther team screws up. Bordick will will go on and on about what a great pitch the o's pitcher made giving up a three run homer to the #9 hitter

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I totally am on board with you! Good Post!

I know they like to call this a discussion board, and that's what it is.

But, sometimes, people just post stuff to stir the pot and incite the hate.

Thanks for putting words my mouth. I never intended to incite hate. I was simply pointing out a fact.

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It's not the positivism people don't like. I think it's that we all know how smart and knowledgeable Bordick is, and yet every time we're in a spot to get some insight it gets glazed over with a heavy helping of sugar.

Most of us know when it's fair to be critical, or question a judgment or decision, or even just point out a mistake. On mic though it's just not in his nature to be honest with us and I think that's what bugs everyone. Everything is PR spin and saccharine-based opinions, which many of us can too easily call BS on. It's not a slight against Bordick as a person, we just don't always feel like we're getting it on the straight and level.

Well said. I have absolutely nothing against Bordick personally, but his inability to be objective in his analysis is grating. Being a coach and a broadcaster is textbook conflict of interest. Fans want to hear the cold, hard

truth when something happens as opposed to having smoke blown up our asses. It's like that old saying: don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining and Bordick is constantly peeing on the legs of all people viewing. It

insults people's intelligence and makes Bordick sound like an idiot when he's clearly not when it comes to baseball. He's always wearing the orange lipstick and wearing the rose colored glasses. He not only drinks the

Kool-Aid, but he bathes in it, cooks his beans in it, fries his eggs in it, takes it out to dinner and sleeps with it. The guy's loyalty is obvious, but it clouds his judgment all too often.

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I'm playing the Mike Bordick drinking game during the game tonight. You have to drink every time he says "punch out" instead of strike out and during every meaningless cliche.

Add to that....every time Thorne jinxes them. As soon as he put the emphasis on Mauer's 1-14 against Ubaldo.....boom.....dinger. Ubaldo was nasty up to that point. That curve to Dozier was nuts.

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