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What, no Matusz appreciation thread?

Moose Milligan

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I was in the Yankee Stadium bleachers in September of 2009 when Matusz threw 7 innings of 1-run ball.

When Brian Roberts hit a grand-slam home run in the 2nd inning, another Oriole fan in the bleachers who was wearing an Eddie Murray jersey jumped up and triumphantly pumped his fist in the air.

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The Matusz hate the last few seasons was just silly IMO. It always struck me as people bitter that he didn't live up to his potential and that we wasted a higher draft pick for him. He was a pretty good reliever for us once we got him out of the starting role.

Best of luck to him, hopefully he'll find his way back to success with someone.

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It makes me wonder if Buck and his pitching coaches ruined his development as well. Remember how good Matusz looked during the last two months of the 2010 season under Kranitz? It looked like he was turning the corner and on his way to being a really good starting pitcher. Than Buck decided to jettison Kranitz and bring in Mark Connor as his pitching coach and his pitching completely fell apart.

And it wasn't just Matusz who seemed to have hit his stride under the combination of Kranitz and Showalter. i don't have the time to look it up, but my memory is that pretty much the whole rotation performed well in the final two months. I remember thinking that it was a very strange decision not to rehire Kranitz.

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Glad he made Ortiz and quite a few other prominent LHB sluggers over the years look like fools.

By all accounts he was a great guy. Did a ton for the community.

Really wish he could have regained his changeup and control. Hope he goes somewhere and flourishes as a starter in short order and then go on to becoming a Cy Young candidate.

He and Brad Bergesen.

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I'm under the belief that he was ruined by the myriad of pitching coaches and Buck's infatuation w/ TTP. I just

I am so grateful to have Wallace and Chiti for the third straight year.

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I think a lot of this vitriol spewed by some is due to the exponential growth of players salaries when compared to the "Average Joe." Players aren't seen as human anymore but rather commodities meant to be shuffled in and out of spots based upon effeciveness and need. Back in the days of Brooks and Johnny U, there was a natural connection with these guys as most needed jobs in the off-season to pay bills. They were "one of us." Presently, Chris Davis earns in a day what some make in a year. That disparity makes it tough for a lot of people to see players as human, and allows them to be overtly harsh and critical towards these "pawns." (Just as an aside, I don't fault any of these players for the money - they are opearting under the system that is in place)

But even going back through the decades, the average player still made more than the "average Joe." The really good to great ones made exceptionally more, so that's always been present. It's just people make that argument more now because athletes entirely across all sports make more than the average person. But, the average person isn't a business entity and a commodity unto themselves, so whether anybody likes it or not, there's a reason for this.

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But even going back through the decades, the average player still made more than the "average Joe." The really good to great ones made exceptionally more, so that's always been present. It's just people make that argument more now because athletes entirely across all sports make more than the average person. But, the average person isn't a business entity and a commodity unto themselves, so whether anybody likes it or not, there's a reason for this.

“I know, but I had a better year than Hoover.”

- Reported reply when a reporter objected that the salary Ruth was demanding ($80,000) was more than that of President Herbert Hoover's ($75,000)

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Thats the sadness of people being on the internet.

I have a Facebook account, just so I can watch my grandbabies and my kids, who all like to live their lives on the net, and the absolute bulk that comes out of some of the news feed posts that I used to read. Its pretty bad, and a sad commentary on society.

Again, IMO

Yes it is.

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“It’s tough. The Orioles are pretty much all I know. Drafted by the Orioles in 2008 and have pitched in parts of eight seasons with the team. It’s just been an honor to be part of the organization and kind of see where the team has gone since 2008 to where they are now. To be a part of that and part of some memorable experiences, like pitching in the 2012 and 2014 playoffs. Just being a part of the team. It’s such a great group of guys, a great group of people, a great organization, and obviously wonderful fans. It’s an honor to have been a part of it and it’s obviously sad to leave.”


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?It?s tough. The Orioles are pretty much all I know. Drafted by the Orioles in 2008 and have pitched in parts of eight seasons with the team. It?s just been an honor to be part of the organization and kind of see where the team has gone since 2008 to where they are now. To be a part of that and part of some memorable experiences, like pitching in the 2012 and 2014 playoffs. Just being a part of the team. It?s such a great group of guys, a great group of people, a great organization, and obviously wonderful fans. It?s an honor to have been a part of it and it?s obviously sad to leave.?


Classy and stand up guy. I hope he figures it out and we don't suffer having to face the new and improved Matusz in a meaningful situation.

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The Matusz hate the last few seasons was just silly IMO. It always struck me as people bitter that he didn't live up to his potential and that we wasted a higher draft pick for him. He was a pretty good reliever for us once we got him out of the starting role.

Best of luck to him, hopefully he'll find his way back to success with someone.

Just as long as it's not Arrieta success. No, just kidding. Best of luck to him.

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“It’s tough. The Orioles are pretty much all I know. Drafted by the Orioles in 2008 and have pitched in parts of eight seasons with the team. It’s just been an honor to be part of the organization and kind of see where the team has gone since 2008 to where they are now. To be a part of that and part of some memorable experiences, like pitching in the 2012 and 2014 playoffs. Just being a part of the team. It’s such a great group of guys, a great group of people, a great organization, and obviously wonderful fans. It’s an honor to have been a part of it and it’s obviously sad to leave.”



I owe you a greenie.

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I was in the Yankee Stadium bleachers in September of 2009 when Matusz threw 7 innings of 1-run ball.

When Brian Roberts hit a grand-slam home run in the 2nd inning, another Oriole fan in the bleachers who was wearing an Eddie Murray jersey jumped up and triumphantly pumped his fist in the air.

I have 3 or 4 of these that I wear regularly:


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