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Baltimore again passed over for All Star Game


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6 minutes ago, Satyr3206 said:

MLB lent money to the Nats which in my mind affects their impartiality. You can't be an impartial arbiter when you have a financial interest in one side of the process.

The panel informed the parties of its decision on the rights fees before MLB made its loan to the Nats.    The panel then delayed formally issuing its decision while MLB tried to broker a sale of MASN as an alternative way of resolving the dispute.   There's no evidence that the loan influenced the decision.   That's what the court found.   

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3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

The panel informed the parties of its decision on the rights fees before MLB made its loan to the Nats.    The panel then delayed formally issuing its decision while MLB tried to broker a sale of MASN as an alternative way of resolving the dispute.   There's no evidence that the loan influenced the decision.   That's what the court found.   

I'm not an Attorney and you very well may be right. But there are numerous issues I've read about that seem unfair. Why would Angelos agree to sell MASN when the original agreement was intended to provide a revenue stream to compensate the Orioles? Why would MLB try to dictate the amount of profit that MASN could make? The Orioles might lose but I don't think MLB has acted in good faith. Therefore they can play the ASG in Siberia for all I care.

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4 minutes ago, MurphDogg said:

Hopefully MLB used their leverage in awarding the All Star Game to Cleveland to get rid of Chief Wahoo.

Also, as a Baltimore city resident, I disagree that the Freddie Gray protests and its aftermath "tore the city apart".

Fair enough. I haven't lived there in a long time so I will defer to your judgment on this. I would hope though that you could agree that having the ASG in the city would help in many ways.

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

It matters because they like to spread the game around geographically.   There are a lot of fans who could attend an ASG either in DC or Baltimore.    So I think Baltimore will be waiting for another couple of years.    And sure, the MASN mess doesn't help.    

As has been stated, "It's the same market."

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1 hour ago, Frobby said:

The findings of the court don't support you.    The court found that the arbitrators' decision was a reasonable interpretation of the agreement, but threw it out because of the Nats using a law firm that previously represented MLB on other matters.   

I'd argue that it's the Orioles who have tried to alter the deal.    The deal specified the MLB-appointed panel that would arbitrate any disputes, and also a process for resolving any appeals from that decision without going to court.    The Orioles have violated that procedure and taken the dispute to court, letting the whole thing play out in public, which MLB had never agreed to.    It's not surprising at all that MLB is ticked off about it.

You are well informed on this subject and an expert in the field. 

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1 minute ago, weams said:

You are well informed on this subject and an expert in the field. 

And yet, I still don't know how it will all come out at the end of the day.    In addition to the fact that the original case involving 2012-16 rights fees is still in litigation, it's now time for a new "re-set" negotiation for the period 2017-2021.   It's pretty hard to negotiate that when the outcome from the prior period is unknown.    So far as I know, the court hasn't scheduled an argument on the appeal yet, though I believe briefing was completed in October (I'm not totally sure, because the appellate court doesn't have a good website where all this is readily available to the public).

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1 minute ago, Frobby said:

And yet, I still don't know how it will all come out at the end of the day.    In addition to the fact that the original case involving 2012-16 rights fees is still in litigation, it's now time for a new "re-set" negotiation for the period 2017-2021.   It's pretty hard to negotiate that when the outcome from the prior period is unknown.    So far as I know, the court hasn't scheduled an argument on the appeal yet, though I believe briefing was completed in October (I'm not totally sure, because the appellate court doesn't have a good website where all this is readily available to the public).

As you know, we have a poster who attended the hearings and did a very nice write up as well.  What has occurred since then is a mystery to me. And I ask everyone who might be in the know. 

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1 hour ago, nevadaO said:

The crime rate and unemployment rate are slightly higher in Baltimore, and the infrastructure is behind and over budget. While Cleveland isn't better in those areas by much at all their poverty rate (34% to B'more 24%) is dropping, and there is a $1 trillion plan in place to improve the city's transport infrastructure.

Also, Cleveland hasn't had riots that (further) tore the city apart in over 50 years. 

But honestly this isn't about whether or not Baltimore is more deserving than Cleveland; both cities are in rough situations and could use the added revenue for that week. This is about MLB reneging on the deal they made with the Orioles in order to get the Nationals in their backyard.

I think it's because the Inidans are good again, and MLB is going to try and capitalize on it. We'll have the All Star game in 2021, I think. MLB will probably go back to the AL-NL cycle for the all star game. 

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