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Finally: staff that acknowledges velocity being down


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And on a bit of a tangent here... they've had those various cameras and machines recording every pitch of every bullpen session so far.

And I assume that will continue during the season in the majors and minors.

So at some point they will have baseline data on guys.   How big do they deviate?   Does one guy usually start spring training with significantly less velocity than normal, while another guy comes in throwing his normal heat.   Does one guy have more fluctionas over the course of the season?   Etc.

That's why we can't see all the positive effects of their data driven approach right away.   This year may be more about gathering data on guys so in the future they have an idea when something is off for a guy.

But it's damn good to see that they are paying attention in a methodical, organized way.   One has to wonder... last year in spring, was every pitch a guy threw, even in a game, even recorded in a database?   I'm not saying the coaches wouldn't have noticed a 10 MPH drop from normal, of course they would have.   They are professionals.    But were they even recording the data in a methodical fashion so that patterns could emerge and be detected, or was the pitching coach just noting the gun readings while also looking at the guy's mechanics and also, like any human being, occasionally missing a pitch because he had to scratch an itch or fart or think about what he's having for dinner tonight and did he forget his anniversary?

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From Roch today....a little concerning (http://www.masnsports.com/school-of-roch/2019/02/early-notes-and-updates-before-orioles-rays-game.html):

Minor league pitcher Zach Pop has been shut down after a pronounced drop in his velocity while closing out Saturday’s game - Hyde refers to it as “fatigue” - but he’s getting closer to resuming a normal schedule.

“I think we’re going to ramp him up here in the next day or two,” Hyde said.

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