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MLB (Orioles) suspended indefinitely


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7 minutes ago, Hazmat said:

You would listen to WHO before your own government?  Assuming you are American.

As for selling all your stocks, unless you sold before the market tanked, it was a short-sighted move.  But you could buy back in now at a low point and get a good return once things get back to normal.  And they will.

Yeah the CDC has been lying all along. Even saying masks don't help. Yet in China and Korea people are required to wear masks. You do know that WHO offered the US tests for the virus long ago and the US said they didn't want them.

Selling 3 weeks ago was not a short-sited move. I know what exponential growth means. The economy is going to tank badly.  Buying back in now when stocks are way overpriced even for good times would be insane.  I have made tons of money off stocks over the last decade.  I will buy back in when stocks are down 50 percent.  Why is it short-sited to sell when I know I can pick up for half price later? 

I am down 4 percent on the year. I will be down 4 percent on the year after today. 

What do you think will happen to the economy when people stop leaving their homes?  Parents have to stay home because schools are closed.  No one flies, eats at restaurants, goes to the movies, stays at hotels,  goes to sporting events?  We have a service based economy.   People will be too sick to work.  Look Italy had 20 cases 2 weeks ago.  Now they have locked down 16 million people and they are putting age limits on ICU and have called up doctors and nurses from retirement.  Prison riots.  

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13 minutes ago, atomic said:

Yeah I would not listen to CDC.  .7 x .035 X 300 million = 7.3 Million.  is what you are looking at from Coronavirus.  So yeah your 20,000 is a good perspective.  Also I am not sure why everyone is trying to minimize it including the CDC.  I am glad I sold all my stocks weeks ago.  We shall see what happens. today but it isn't going to be good. 

Riots in Italiian Prisons already with prisoners escaping.  

What is the .7 in this equation?  

Also, why isn’t the infected rates higher in Wuhan?  I know they implemented draconian policies to help spread the disease which helped prevent further spread, but before they were put into practice millions would have potentially come in contact. It is very dense and they didn’t know what they were dealing with for two weeks to a month.



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2 minutes ago, backwardsk said:

What is the .7 in this equation?  

Also, why isn’t the infected rates higher in Wuhan?  I know they implemented draconian policies to help spread the disease which helped prevent further spread, but before they were put into practice millions would have potentially come in contact. It is very dense and they didn’t know what they were dealing with for two weeks to a month.



They welded people into their apartment buildings  Leaving only slots for food.  They have shut down businesses for over 2 months.  Everything is shut down.   

They have draconian policies that halted the spread.  We aren't even testing people here.  Much less keeping infected people from leaving by force.

.7 is the infection rate. No one is immune so 70 percent seems correct.  

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1 minute ago, atomic said:

They welded people into their apartment buildings  Leaving only slots for food.  They have shut down businesses for over 2 months.  Everything is shut down.   

They have draconian policies that halted the spread.  We aren't even testing people here.  Much less keeping infected people from leaving by force.

.7 is the infection rate. No one is immune so 70 percent seems correct.  

Right.  But that doesn’t address that they weren’t able to do that on day 1.  Symptoms may not show for two weeks.  There was some period of time from when the virus was identified to when they isolation occurred.  There’s, what, 15M people in Wuhan province.  The numbers of infected seem very, very low if the infection rate is 70%.  You’ve read every article, can you point to one that addresses this?

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This is the best guess at the time- in February from one of the top if not top guys in infectious disease.. As he said ,so many variables depending on containment measures,mutations of disease,seasonal rates and many other measures. We shall see. Some people think it will slow down in the summer and might get worse in the fall. Even the experts have differing views  because this is a new strain of coronavirus.

This guy: 

James Lawler


Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Director, International Programs and Innovation,
Global Center for Health Security
Director, Clinical and Biodefense Research,
National Strategic Research Institute






Screen Shot 2020 03 06 at 1.41.37 PM

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34 minutes ago, backwardsk said:

Right.  But that doesn’t address that they weren’t able to do that on day 1.  Symptoms may not show for two weeks.  There was some period of time from when the virus was identified to when they isolation occurred.  There’s, what, 15M people in Wuhan province.  The numbers of infected seem very, very low if the infection rate is 70%.  You’ve read every article, can you point to one that addresses this?

It doubles every 3 days.  It doesn't go to 10 million in 2 weeks.   If you start with 1 case it takes a while to get to 50,000 cases.   People don't seem to grasp exponential grow curves.  That is why we have someone in this thread saying the flu kills 20k people a year.  Yeah this has just started.  And politicans are still having rallies, sports teams are still playing, people are still going on cruises.  No one is wearing masks.  We don't see people spraying down streets and sidewalks with disinfectant like they have been doing in China and Korea.  Doctors and nurses are seeing patients with just simple masks.   Look at what gear the doctors in China were wearing. 

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5 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

This is the best guess at the time- in February from one of the top if not top guys in infectious disease.. As he said ,so many variables depending on containment measures,mutations of disease,seasonal rates and many other measures. We shall see. Some people think it will slow down in the summer and might get worse in the fall. Even the experts have differing views  because this is a new strain of coronavirus.

This guy: 

James Lawler


Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine
Director, International Programs and Innovation,
Global Center for Health Security
Director, Clinical and Biodefense Research,
National Strategic Research Institute






Screen Shot 2020 03 06 at 1.41.37 PM

Slowing down in summer would be great.  And South East Asia has lower numbers than you expect.  So hot humid weather might help.  That would help us here in Maryland. Not sure it would help the west coast.

Another hope is that German doctors say they have had some success with an anti-HIV drug.  

Your data has the hospitalization rates very low compared to reality. 

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34 minutes ago, orioles119 said:

I think it is about time to put the fear-mongering atomic on ignore.

I notice how Foxnews.com who has been ignoring the disease and making light of it has started taking it seriously.  Yesterday they had several articles.  Today the top 20 articles on their site is about the Coronavirus.   You might want to take it seriously. 

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27 minutes ago, atomic said:

It doubles every 3 days.  It doesn't go to 10 million in 2 weeks.   If you start with 1 case it takes a while to get to 50,000 cases.   People don't seem to grasp exponential grow curves.  That is why we have someone in this thread saying the flu kills 20k people a year.  Yeah this has just started.  And politicans are still having rallies, sports teams are still playing, people are still going on cruises.  No one is wearing masks.  We don't see people spraying down streets and sidewalks with disinfectant like they have been doing in China and Korea.  Doctors and nurses are seeing patients with just simple masks.   Look at what gear the doctors in China were wearing. 

Please cite that fact.  I’d love to see that.


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8 minutes ago, backwardsk said:

Please cite that fact.  I’d love to see that.


Last Monday there were 89 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in US.  Today there are 550.  In Italy two weeks ago 20 cases. Now 7500.  In Korea and China they did a great job of containment.  In Western countries a terrible job.  

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1 minute ago, atomic said:

Last Monday there were 89 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in US.  Today there are 550.  In Italy two weeks ago 20 cases. Now 7500.  In Korea and China they did a great job of containment.  In Western countries a terrible job.  

You keep talking up how China is such a great place to be, why not go there?  But, just don't criticize the government.  We would never see you on this site, or anywhere, ever again.

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Just now, MongoBoy said:

You keep talking up how China is such a great place to be, why not go there?  But, just don't criticize the government.  We would never see you on this site, or anywhere, ever again.

I did not say I want to live there.  I am saying they did  a good job of containing it.  But what they did would never work here.  I would not want to be welded into my house.   

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24 minutes ago, atomic said:

Last Monday there were 89 confirmed cases of Coronavirus in US.  Today there are 550.  In Italy two weeks ago 20 cases. Now 7500.  In Korea and China they did a great job of containment.  In Western countries a terrible job.  

Are they conducting more, less or the same number of tests from last week to this week? Of course the number are going to go up.  That is expected.  There are still people who are showing symptoms and aren’t being tested because they don’t fit into the previously returned from China number.  So how can you view any of these confirmed cases as complete information?  I’m asking you if you are getting this “it doubles every three days” from a reliable expert or you are inferring that from this lack of good data.

And just because people disagree with your proclamations that the baseball season will be cancelled and that 72M Americans will contract it by May unless there is a cure (there won’t be), that doesn’t mean people aren’t taking it seriously.

You have stated that you have read every article.  You’ve also said that it doubles every three days and that the infected rate in the States will be 70%.  I want to see those in an article.

If more tests are rolled out over the next couple of weeks and the confirmed cases are less than 15k (U.S) will you still hold onto your assumption that this virus will double every three days?

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