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Scott Garceau


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Garceau is basically the most generic play by play guy you could imagine. Nothing special but I don’t think he’s terrible. You want terrible, I give you Hawk Harrelson. 

I do miss Thorne but Garceau is the least of this organization’s problems. 

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2 minutes ago, sevastras said:

We get it, you dont like Palmer's stories.  Have you ever thought for a minute that everything he says is from his recounts of history?  Have you ever thought to yourself that everything you say is your recounts of history.  Just so happens, as baseball fans, some of us care a little more about the stories he tells than yours? 

I personally really enjoy Palmer's first hand accounts and am amazed of the detail and accuracy he is able to recall the things he does.  I will always hold everyone to a high water mark of John Miller though.  Miller for me is like Mussina in that my opinion is the franchise made a poor decision in not bringing either back.

Oh I don’t have a problem with him, and I understand everything he says relates to his own history, and therefore by definition is involving him. However he makes everything about himself. He is an intelligent baseball analyst, but think about it. If you could have a nickel for every time he reminds you that he never gave up a grand slam, wouldn’t you have a whole lot of nickels?

If I were in charge I would replace all the radio and TV people, and bring back Gary. But of those who remain, Palmer is the most bearable. And I think he’s the most honest too. When the play is terrible, he says, “gosh the play is terrible.”

Edited by Philip
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The single most important attribute of an announcer is to convey that the game is interesting.   Garceau has trouble doing that even if the game is in a critical moment, and when the game is out of hand he’s completely incapable of convincing you that there’s a reason to keep paying attention.   Thorne was really good at that, even in lopsided games.  

Now I don’t think Garceau is anywhere near the worst announcer I’ve heard.    But he’s not the best announcer in our own cadre, so why is he doing all the games.

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Garceau is pretty bad. Not Hunter level bad, but still bad.

Garceau at least knows when to be quiet and let us hear the crowd, like when Mancini came up to bat on Friday. Hunter would have blabbered all through it.

He makes a ton of mistakes every game though that are easily avoidable.

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17 minutes ago, Frobby said:

The single most important attribute of an announcer is to convey that the game is interesting.   Garceau has trouble doing that even if the game is in a critical moment, and when the game is out of hand he’s completely incapable of convincing you that there’s a reason to keep paying attention.   Thorne was really good at that, even in lopsided games.  

Now I don’t think Garceau is anywhere near the worst announcer I’ve heard.    But he’s not the best announcer in our own cadre, so why is he doing all the games.

I think Garceau and Palmer are only doing half the games this year. Garceau was talking today about flying on Southwest tomorrow, so apparently he won't be doing the games this week. I'm hoping that Kevin Brown will be on this week, possibly with Ben McDonald.

Edited by rm5678
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1 hour ago, nevadaO said:

Garceau is pretty bad. Not Hunter level bad, but still bad.

Garceau at least knows when to be quiet and let us hear the crowd, like when Mancini came up to bat on Friday. Hunter would have blabbered all through it.

He makes a ton of mistakes every game though that are easily avoidable.

Thorne made a lot of avoidable mistakes,  but almost each one made me like him even more 

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