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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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It's hard to hold onto hope, but if Belkast can then I'm going to try.

I just kinda feel like it's the bottom of the 9th and we've got Juan Castro coming to the plate..

Come on O's..

Maybe it will be like when he hit that pinch hit homer run!!

I think we lost that game though.:(

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OK. Got it on the insiders.

This may sound cynical but, here is why I do not have a lot of faith in the O's truly being in on the Tex deal.

Why wouldn't they just, at this point, put there best deal out there and say, "Here it is, let us know when you get passed it so we can move on". I guess I don't understand the game of "chicken" that some of you say we are playing. Unless they really have been told they will have the final offer after everyone else has bid.


If there bid is only 7 years and everyone else is confirmed at 8, they are out. But they say they are not. So this is what keeps me thinking that the media is wrong.

If I could hit .330, I swear, I would play for the O's. If Tex goes somewhere else and we find out the deals were comparable, then you have to question his true feelings. He would be a fairweather fan. Like half the sox fans at OPACY. Half of whom have never been north of Philly.

Welcome back, Frank. I am a proud member of the board because it allows for differing opinion but more importantly because it is a community of repectful disagreement. Nice to have you.

As far as Negotiation. I can't begin to explain it all or why some of us see many of these reports as nothing more than information and disinformation, however, I would refer you to Randy Shuttleworth or even Gordon Rule's "Art of Negotiation" but understand that it is about having control of the situation in a way that you direct the players to YOUR outcome. Also, understand that most concessions in any negotiation occur in the final minutes or hours of the transaction. Boras is a master negotiator and his ultimate goal is to get the most for his client that he can from the team or teams to whom that client is willing to go.

Look at us now, as a fan base we are clamouring for Tex and many folks have already (although silly) said "it's Tex or I give up baseball forever, oh and I'm throwing my kid's mitt in the trash!" A statement that we have given up or are out puts a lot of pressure on the FO as do statements that our offer is the lowest. Boston and NY want Tex, so do the Angels, the Nats would absolutely love to have him, but Boras knows this: WE NEED TEX the most. We may still not get him and that would be unfortunate but there are two sides negotiating here and trust me when I say that information works in Boras's favor at this point, silence works in ours.

Again, welcome back and as long as we are still being mentioned, even if its negatively from a source like ESPN or anyone else, it may, from a negotiating standpoint mean that we are very much involved still.

Then again, it could mean we're out of it just like they say and if anyone can order me that Adam Dunn home jersey it would be awesome!

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I was wondering how long it would be before we got this kind of post. 7 years $140mm is not a token offer

It is if you know that's not going to get it done. I never said it wasn't a serious amount of money, but when you see teams offering $20 million more then you are, and you know your going to have to up it and don't, then its either a token offer or your not serious about getting the guy.

Only a fool or a complete idiot would think 7/140 is gonna get Teixeira, when everyone else, including the Nats are at 8/160. But you have your opinion, and I have mine.

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Ok, are we still in this or what? Someone tell me an honest answer of what you think?

IMHO, we are still in this. This is the paper storm just before the deal is done. I think PGA gets this thing done for us so AM can pull the trigger on the pitching. I think that is what has been going on for a while now.

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I know. Sometimes, I have a hard time tempering my excitement level. I said it based on what I was hearing. I shouldn't have. I did and I'll take whatever comes my way if we don't sign Tex. Thankfully, I don't think I'll have to worry about it. But your right!!!! Wow that wasn't so hard to say!:D

Everybody calm down, all is well :D

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Frobby, just curious about your take on some of the numbers being tossed around. Do you think this is the prudent move given our specific situation or do you think this contract would hurt us in the long run, if he does on fact sign with us?

First, let me caveat this by saying that none of us knows the true story of the Orioles' economic situation, how much they get from MASN, etc. So anything I say is guessing.

That said, I have no problem with 8/$160 mm. I'd even live with 10/$200 mm because I think Tex will still be decent at ages 37-38. But when I start hearing numbers like 8/$192 mm thrown around, that's too rich for my blood.

For the Orioles, there's definitely more going on here than just the acquisition of a very good 1B. Just look at the interest being generated on this board and others, compared to any other transaction the team has ever contemplated. If we can't sign Tex, we can pretty much forget about ever signing a big-name free agent who is coveted by a contending team, at least until the Orioles have somehow turned into a contending team themselves. So really we are looking at two related questions:

1. Can we afford to sign Tex?

2. Can we afford NOT to sign Tex?

It's going to be tough to pay him, but if he goes somewhere else we'd better dig in for another 2-3 years of losing and watching attendance decline.

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