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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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By the way, this is where people who say "I could be a better GM than such and such" lose out on that claim. A good negotiator needs nerves of steel and a cool head. AM is extremely good at this! Have some faith. Has he yet let us down in a tough negotiation? This is not for the faint of heart. Give it some time.

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Let me check how this works....

National media guy hints there may be a chance Tex is considering the Orioles.....he speaks the truth, has good sources and we love him.

National media guy shoots down our chances......he's bogus, out of touch and/or lacking in intelligence, plus we never really liked him anyway.

Right....got it, I'm good to go!!


Yup...and its not just national media. Roch and Schmuck think it, too.

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I think it is all over...regardless of yesterday, today is a new day and there are conflicting reports. I don't like and I never liked how we have not been in this race the whole time. I just joined this site this month so I really have no idea how credible our insiders are, but it seems to me like they know what they are talking about and from past transactions, they seemed to be correct. I don't like how I haven't heard from them or seen their name on the message board in awhile. I have a bad feeling about this and I think that we are going to be heart-broken by mid afternoon or tonight...sorry guys, but it was great to hear all of the passion in these threads and I look forward to the 09 season. Let's Go O's!

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I was listening to WNST this morning. Drew was saying that he had talked to someone who knows Tex's family well. He said they are not pressuring him one way or the other on where to sign. Also, that person told Drew that the Nats have the largest offer by far to Tex.

Again, this is more of what one person told Drew so who knows, just thought I would pass it along.

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Guest rbrhett

People relax.

No disrespect to Roch, but this is a MESSAGE BOARD. People discuss RUMORS and other items. No one on here drives Orioles policy.

Talk of jumping off bridges, disowning the team, bashing the insiders (holding them "accountable," whatever that means) and thinking of suicide need to take a break from sports.

This is fun and games. It's great when the insiders keep as abreast of current happenings, and so what if they are wrong or right. Isn't the point to discuss the POTENTIAL of them being wrong or right?

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Well, dissapointing, I was hoping Peter would play ball with the big guns just this once.

To be fair, he has played with the big guns before, just not very well. And not for a while.

I thought this was a chance to actually hang with the Evil Empire and Bandwagon Nation, while actually improving the team.


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I highly doubt that. I think this is more of a Warehouse ploy for a smokescreen while the final details are being ironed out for an announcement.

But believe what you wish...

Or it could have been the Warehouse trying to find and patch a leak

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It is hard to refute that, but Sportscenter never really had us IN the running. Then we were leaders, now we are out?

Probably basing that solely on Olney's report, which is in direct conflict with Tex's words spoken fewer than 24 hours ago.....

Just have to wait until he signs somewhere.

What were Tex's words?

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Wasn't one of the insiders "outed" last year by being fed mis-information and when it showed up on OH he was reprimanded? Did that happen or am I "mis-remembering"?

I am not saying that is the case now(although it is conceivable) I'm just saying we have NO idea what is going on.

I will say this has been interesting to say the least.

Belkast versus the world!! Haha

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