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The Teixeira Watch: Part V - AM says the O's "have flexibility" on Tex


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If they came back to us and told us what it would take and we thought that it made sense for us, then [the offer could increase]," MacPhail said. If this is true it could bold well for us.. If PGA is involved and really wants Tex I see no reason for him not to go out and match or even outbid the Sux offer. I know Tex would mean a lot to our franchise, but we are supposely going into like A-Rod money at 23 a year.. I think Macphail would not want to pay that much for him, But PGA could give him the ok.. its getting so dragged out .. I just want him to sign somewhere soon... I really hope we get the final offer and sign him.. the site i got the quote from was http://boston.redsox.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20081217&content_id=3719883&vkey=news_bos&fext=.jsp&c_id=bos

Did not see it posted anywhere it is from this morning.. might have been brouhgt up...

IF they came back, its over

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As he should be. He has a chance to make a ton of money and play for the team he supposedly wanted to play for, and spurned us.

I'm beginning to think that was all BS all along. I wouldn't be shocked if Boras wasn't planning this out and had Tex say he wanted to be an Oriole, to get Bos and NY to go all out.

Hmmm, I'm just wondering if the holdup was to hold up a Tex to Boston announcement until Tex could get out of Baltimore for his family visit.

Either way, Tex will feel right at home when he comes to OPACY anyhow. Kinda hard to hear Boos when you have 40,000 of Red Sox nations finest cheering him on.

I actually fell for it again. That we had hope. This one isn't on Angelos or AM. We were played. And to make it worse, he's going to the one place that stings most, other then NY. And to be honest, I hate the Red Sox worse. Well, good luck Tex in 5 or 6 years when Boston is done with you. Ask Nomar, Schilling, and Damon. Papi and Lowell are about to find out.

Oh for Christ's sake, if he signs with the Red Sox, it's not the end of the world, they've just added the pieces to replace Manny and Lowell with Bay and Tex, whoop-dee-fricking-doo, baseball players play baseball to win and make money, not to garner fan sympathy, if you hate Tex because of this, well then, hate yourself when you get an offer from a more successful company to make more money than where you are now and you accept it.

So, basically, as I've stated before, get over yourself/your Baltimore inferiority complexes and learn to deal.

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So Markakis, Huff, Wieters, Jones, Roberts, Wieters, et al are garbage unless we land one guy who is going to be paid entirely too much money?

Get a grip on reality, and realize that $20MM contracts don't get passed out like Halloween candy by teams, there's got to be a really good reason, and I don't think think Teixiera is as worth it as some of you obviously do, it's not like he's Albert Pujols or Alex Rodriguez or even Cal Ripken, he's a power hitting first basemen, of which there are an abundance, and of which we have one on our team, he's just been stuck in the purgatory of being a DH for the past couple years...

And if the Red Sox want to pay him his outrageous salary, let them, we'll get over it with a quickness, well, if we aren't blithering idiots, anyway.

So in 3 years when Markakis is being offered 150 mil from the Red Sox and Yankees what then? It will never end.

Maybe Tex isn't worth the money, but you really think that matters to the Red Sox and Yankees.

And I love the way people say that there's an abundance of power hitting 1B, yet we've been stuck with garbage for the last 10 years there.

And yes, NY and Bos are passing out 20 mil contracts like its candy. Get used to it, because its not going anywhere. Just like the O's aren't going anywhere.

Like I said, TB was a great story, but all it did was piss Bos and NY off. But hey, I'm already over Tex. Go Millar..Ha

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Either they Sox and Boras already have a preliminary deal in place and they are going to finalize it or this is their last effort to have Boras end this circus and wrap it up with the Sox.

Or the story is false, and/or incorrect?

I swear, the overreactrions on here (not you per se) are ridiculous.

This board is full of chicken littles. We may well lose out on Tex, and may well land him. But until there is ANYTHING definitive, relax.

Heck, the headline is "Sox MAY be closer to signing Teixeira.

And the GM, owner, AND CEO all flew to TEXAS?

We'll see, but this isn't getting play ANYWHERE else.

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