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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

Sports Guy

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I'm afraid of what's going to happen on here if the O's don't get Tex. I know we all think that we have a good shot, but really, what is that based on? Just pure speculation and the fact that there hasn't been news about the O's and Tex in a few days, lol.

There will be a riot either way.

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I'm afraid of what's going to happen on here if the O's don't get Tex. I know we all think that we have a good shot, but really, what is that based on? Just pure speculation and the fact that there hasn't been news about the O's and Tex in a few days, lol.

It is based on the fact that potential suitors in the Angels, Orioles, Red Sox, Nationals, and Yankees have dwindled to the Red Sox, Orioles, and Nationals. The Red Sox presented their best offer (up to this point) last Thursday and Teixeira walked away from their offer. The Nationals are one of the few teams more incompetant than we are. I could not argue with any more certainty that Mark will be an Oriole, Red Sock, or National in the next 7 days if at all. I do know that there are less than 5 teams left in this negotiation and we are one of them. Oh yeah, Mark was born and raised rooting for the Orioles. If we go 8/175 I really like our chances. If we make a fair, market consistant offer and he walks then I would be content with our efforts.

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I'm afraid of what's going to happen on here if the O's don't get Tex. I know we all think that we have a good shot, but really, what is that based on? Just pure speculation and the fact that there hasn't been news about the O's and Tex in a few days, lol.

My two best friends are a Yankees fan and a Red Sox fan so I've spent the last week and a half explaining why they shouldn't be surprised if the O's sign Teixeira, but not that I would be surprised if he signed elsewhere. As I'm explaining to them how much Angelos wants him, and how Teixeira has said he wants to be close to home (not sure how close), and even how Teixeira has mentioned that he checks hows the O's are doing on the out of town scoreboard, I end up making myself less optimistic as I explain the case for Teixeira signing here. Nevertheless, two minutes into reading the "updates" on OH, all my "optimism" is back.

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I'm afraid of what's going to happen on here if the O's don't get Tex. I know we all think that we have a good shot, but really, what is that based on? Just pure speculation and the fact that there hasn't been news about the O's and Tex in a few days, lol.

I have never been of the thinking that we have a good shot. I believe, regardless of all of the speculation, he will ultimately be a Red Sox player.

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I can no longer stand the national media's coverage of this whole thing.

We don't even know if the Yankees are actually interested, let alone have they actually made an offer, yet we've heard more about the Yankees supposed involvement in the past week than we have about the Orioles involvement since the day free agency started.

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This article includes prepared Boras statement (Warning: Optimists and faint-hearted beware!)


The Boras Quote:

"Mark Teixeira enjoyed his time with the Angels and was an integral part of their success last season," Boras said in a prepared statement. "His interest in returning to the club has been sincere, real and continues to be one of his earnest priorities throughout this offseason."

"Clubs are very aware — in particular the Angels — (that) participation in the free agent process does not signal lack of interest in signing with the club. Case in point, the Angels signed two great free-agent players who engaged in the mechanism, receiving and exchanging offers with multiple clubs, while negotiating with the Angels. Therefore, we are assuming that reasons, other than Teixeira's interest in returning to the Angels, were the driving factor."

I am really beginning to think this is really about Boras who obviously loves the process and wants to show everyone who's boss...he has made his money and is making his money as are his clients in every case. But Teixeira... is he really enjoying this? This can't be pleasant and no negotiation is good if everyone feels sullied by the 'process' ...at some point you need to say enough is enough.

Obvious point: Only team that wins this is the one that signs him but the losing teams after undergoing "The Boras effect" cannot emerge unscathed...it's particularly damaging to a team with so much riding on this and with so little credibility with the media and its fans. The O's are really playing a high stakes game here and cannot imagine Angelos and MacPhail entered this without knowing what they were in for, but if they don't plan on winning this, far better to have come out and said something to that effect weeks ago. Keeping things quiet like they have will not mitigate what will have been a waste of time, energy and resources. All of which is my way of saying you need to get this done and sign him. Today.

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This may sound strange but part of me wonders if Teixeira is really enjoying this - we know Boras is - but at some point you need to say enough is enough.

I don't know about "enjoying" it, but I've read here before that MT is a Boras true-believer. It would seem that it doesn't particularly bother him.

On another subject, this talk about how poorly run the Orioles are that floats up every so often is really out of date. Sign him or not, I'm glad the Orioles have handled themselves the way they have in these negotiations. Like the Tar Baby in the Uncle Remus stories. Tar Baby just sits there and don't say nothing. They minimize having their chain jerked in public by Boras and being muckraked by the sports "media".

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I am really beginning to think this is really about Boras who obviously loves the process and wants to show everyone who's boss...he has made his money and is making his money as are his clients in every case. But Teixeira... is he really enjoying this? This can't be pleasant and no negotiation is good if everyone feels sullied by the 'process' ...at some point you need to say enough is enough.

I doubt Tex has been sitting in the same room with Boras - suit half untucked, eyes bloodshot, hair unkept - waiting next to the phone for days while watching Boras make call after call. He probably told Boras what he wants then continued to live his daily life: Christmas shopping, parties, picking his kids up from school. He probably gets updates from Boras on his cell phone as he runs into Wal-Mart and tells him "Yeah sure... whatever you gotta do"

The point is, I don't think Tex is as annoyed with this process as we are ;)

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So it's Monday morning and still no signing, this is insane. The great thing is I had a bunch of things going on this weekend, so I didn't even have time to read over any of these rumors or news at all, and I didn't miss it all. This topic has been :deadhorse:, there is nothing left to be said about it. I look forward to this getting resolved so there will be new topics to discuss like what the lineup will look like with Tex in it, or how do we improve the lineup after missing out on Tex. There is also still the matter of improving the rotation...

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I am really beginning to think this is really about Boras who obviously loves the process and wants to show everyone who's boss...he has made his money and is making his money as are his clients in every case. But Teixeira... is he really enjoying this? This can't be pleasant and no negotiation is good if everyone feels sullied by the 'process' ...at some point you need to say enough is enough.

The clubs negotiate with the agent precisely so the acrimony involving hard discussions can be borne by the agent. And so the fans don't shout, "You greedy SOB," to the player. The agent is happy to take the heat, it's what he's paid for.

Boras represents Teixeira. Think for a moment what "represents" means.

edit: http://www.nj.com/yankees/index.ssf/2008/12/sunday_morning_teixeira_though.html

Teixeira is as on-board with the Boras plan as any client he's ever had besides his ultimate client, Alex Rodriguez. Teixeira knows all about every detail of these negotiations, and he's willing to go as far with them as Boras directs him to. And if that means this drags on into January or February, then so be it.
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It's got to end soon, seeing how teams are dropping like flies.. or at least, they've become unwilling to admit that they still want Teixeira at market value.

It's Monday morning at it seems the market looks like this:

Orioles - 7/150 with flexibilty @ 21.4/yr

Red Sox - 8/170 and not talking about it @ 21.25/yr

Nationals - 8/160 and "absolutely" not expecting to win the bidding @ 20/yr

Angels - pulled out of an 8/160-165 @ 20/yr

Yankees - 3/75 for Manny since the 8/160 they may or may not have offered Tex is off the table.

I'm going to go back at the end of the day and see if media reports still support those numbers... just for fun.

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