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“The Streak” Thread


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7 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

I didn't see Field of Dreams or Bull Durham in the theater, but I actually took a date to see Major League. So that'll always be high on the list for me. All of them came out when I was a junior/senior in high school. Even though I appeared to be 12* at the time, I don't remember any problems getting into R-rated movies.

* Guy at Memorial Stadium laughed at me on beer stein night when I was maybe 20 years old ("no way kid!"), but I got my revenge later that winter when I got the 14-and-under hockey stick at the Caps game.

You're like the Doogie Howser of baseball trivia.

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52 runs scored, 30 allowed over the ten games.  4.29 runs per game is major league average for July.  So during the streak so far, our hitters are 9 runs better than average, and our pitchers are 13 runs better than average.  Nice performance all the way around.   Also, the O’s have not allowed an unearned run during July (including the games they lost at the beginning of the month).

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13 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

The Natural is another one that I will watch and enjoy the heck out of, but still have these lingering issues about how they could have done it differently.  Someone needs to remake the Natural (Tim Burton? Herzog? Coens?  Someone who can really pull off depressing and weird) and stay true to the book, so at the end Roy strikes out, then is met outside the stadium by a kid with a newspaper that says "Hobbs suspected in gambling scheme", and he just weeps as the credits roll.

Bill James once wrote that the lesson of Malamud's book was that no matter what you do nothing ever works out in the end.


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