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As if Teixeira didn't want to make you puke already


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Great points Moose! Who here would say he shouldn't root for the Yanks because they didn't have GREAT teams 86-94? Heck, I'm the same age as Tex, I've been rooting for a team that's lost 11 years in a row. I started and they were losing 90-100 games a year... then the "Why Not" season. It wasn't until 96 they made the playoffs again.

He can root for whoever he wants to root for. Knowing he's a Yankee fan makes him that much easier to boo.

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I'm sure a lot of others can relate to this, but I rooted for the Bulls back in the day simply because they had Michael Jordan. I was a Wizards/Bullets fan too and when they played the Bulls I still rooted for the hometown team.

Mattingly wasn't the MJ of his sport, but I can understand rooting for the biggest team and their best player when you're a kid.

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...she's still smokin' hot, but she's married a really rich doctor. A lot has transpired over the years and to think that she'd come bursting through the high school gym doors looking for you would be a bit foolish, perhaps naive.

Just for the fun of it I'll adopt a JTrea devil's advocate (before he does) and reply:

You prove my point. You should have made your move on her early, without giving up like a wimp and you should have pitched your best line instead of sitting around on your butt next to the telephone waiting for her to call you. She liked you better but you blew it.

Back to reality, from my own practical experience that I found shocking, it turns out she had been dining out at KFC over all these years and I can't tell you how lucky I felt when I saw her with somebody else. Who cares if he was a millionaire (he was). But he'll need all that money for tub after tub of fried chicken. I thought she was Adam Jones, but I guess she was really Andruw Jones.

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Check out this gem of a quote ""My dad would take me to O's games and I'd wear a Yankees hat, which wasn't too safe in Baltimore back in the '80s. But it was worth it. There's something about being a Yankee, no where you are there are Yankees fans, and I'm glad to be a Yankee today."

Goodness gracious. Someone should have told us he was that kind of kid. Honestly, I'm thinking of pulling my sons application from Mt Saint Joe just because I don't want him to be associated with anything that has to do with this guy.

Just another punk front runner growing up. I can't fault him for wanting to be with the team he wanted to be with, but it doesn't mean I'm going to like him.

With Mussina retiring, I now have my new most disliked big leaguer.

He is a true evil one!:angryfire:

Pull the application Tony!!!!!

Tex does =:puke:

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Sometimes other people know you better than you know yourself. Maybe she knew that being a Yankee would make him happiest.

Speculating about the player is fine but let's not start going after wives here (or other family members for that matter).

You're being just a tad sensitive. I don't think my original statement constitutes "going after his wife" in any way. If we can't vent on message boards, what good is a message board?

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Just for the fun of it I'll adopt a JTrea devil's advocate (before he does) and reply:

You prove my point. You should have made your move on her early, without giving up like a wimp and you should have pitched your best line instead of sitting around on your butt next to the telephone waiting for her to call you. She liked you better but you blew it.

Back to reality, from my own practical experience that I found shocking, it turns out she had been dining out at KFC over all these years and I can't tell you how lucky I felt when I saw her with somebody else. Who cares if he was a millionaire (he was). But he'll need all that money for tub after tub of fried chicken. I thought she was Adam Jones, but I guess she was really Andruw Jones.

So she resembled a tall, muscular, athletic guy? Yeesh.

Not that there's anything wrong with that :)

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I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling this overreaction to the Teixeira ordeal makes us look bad.

Honestly, though, did anyone come out looking good? This was a nasty signing. I've been reading a little more of the leftovers on MLBTR and it appears that there are a lot of people who are pretty unhappy about how the whole thing was handled. Of course, Scott Boras was involved.

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For -- what has it been? -- four years local media have reported that Peter Angelos wanted Tex to be an Oriole. The Great Homecoming. In fact, I recall the word "tampering" being broached.

Question: Why is that Peter's alleged love affair with Tex was widely reported, but Tex's love affair with Don Mattingly comes as a shock? Why didn't we know about his idolatry of Mattingly, or of his wearing a Yankees cap?

We've been speculating on the Home Town Boy for years, yet something so fundamental as "He's a Yankees fan" was never discovered. I'm disappointed.

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Check out this gem of a quote ""My dad would take me to O's games and I'd wear a Yankees hat, which wasn't too safe in Baltimore back in the '80s. But it was worth it. There's something about being a Yankee, no where you are there are Yankees fans, and I'm glad to be a Yankee today."

Goodness gracious. Someone should have told us he was that kind of kid. Honestly, I'm thinking of pulling my sons application from Mt Saint Joe just because I don't want him to be associated with anything that has to do with this guy.

Just another punk front runner growing up. I can't fault him for wanting to be with the team he wanted to be with, but it doesn't mean I'm going to like him.

With Mussina retiring, I now have my new most disliked big leaguer.

He played the O's like a drum. Some kind of guy........

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For those not disgusted enough :rolleyes:, check out today's NYPost back cover headline.


I hate the MFYs! Never thought they could top the outrage I felt on the Mussina signing but they did. And I agree with Tony. This kid sounds like a souless, front running, last dollar chasing player. In other words, a perfect fit for the Yankees.

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