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Melanie Newman: Bautista possibly back for September/October?


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I don't want to get things all stirred up here, but I was listening to the pregame radio show on Friday and Melanie Newman was doing the pregame injury report that I think they do every game (I don't hear the pregame radio show often).   During that, she mentioned that Felix Bautista was rehabbing from his TJ surgery and that it was possible he'd he'd be back for September or the postseason.   Don't hold me to the exact wording, but that was the gist of what she said.

Now, I have never heard Elias or Hyde give even the slightest indication that Bautista could be back this year, so I have no idea if Newman had any basis for saying what she said.   But, she is around the team day in and day out, so maybe she's picked up some unofficial intel.   Since I think they do that injury report every night, I'll have to try to listen to another one and see if she repeats this.

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This isn’t really new news.

Bautista is rehabbing and throwing on flat ground. When does he start throwing from the mound?  And after that, if he has no setbacks, when does he get into games?  

I don’t think this is even a discussion until he is throwing pain free off the mound.

Btw, he thinks he can be back this year. (Not that his opinion matters that much but still)

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38 minutes ago, Frobby said:

I don't want to get things all stirred up here, but I was listening to the pregame radio show on Friday and Melanie Newman was doing the pregame injury report that I think they do every game (I don't hear the pregame radio show often).   During that, she mentioned that Felix Bautista was rehabbing from his TJ surgery and that it was possible he'd he'd be back for September or the postseason.   Don't hold me to the exact wording, but that was the gist of what she said.

Now, I have never heard Elias or Hyde give even the slightest indication that Bautista could be back this year, so I have no idea if Newman had any basis for saying what she said.   But, she is around the team day in and day out, so maybe she's picked up some unofficial intel.   Since I think they do that injury report every night, I'll have to try to listen to another one and see if she repeats this.

I wouldn't put too much stock in it...

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31 minutes ago, Allan Bryant said:

I rather they not rush Bautista this fall .  Prefer him to be clear and ready sometime 2025 season

If he’s ready, are you rushing him?

It was that long ago where a football player would tear an ACL and it took a full year to recover..now it’s 8-10 months.

It wasn’t long ago before an Achilles injury ended careers. Now you are back within a year.

At some point, guys will start to recover from TJ surgery sooner as they make more and more advances in medicine. 


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If they think it’s possible, the last thing they will want to do is create public expectations that could put pressure on Bautista to rush his return, so I would expect them to keep the possibility on the low down.  I also think he would need to be throwing in rehab games by ~ Sep 1.

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32 minutes ago, emmett16 said:

If that’s the case and they are even remotely close, what in the world were they doing last year waiting on the surgery?  

Because they were about to enter September and October in a pennant chase and tried to exhaust every possibility that he might help them?

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2 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

If he’s ready, are you rushing him?

It was that long ago where a football player would tear an ACL and it took a full year to recover..now it’s 8-10 months.

It wasn’t long ago before an Achilles injury ended careers. Now you are back within a year.

At some point, guys will start to recover from TJ surgery sooner as they make more and more advances in medicine. 


SG , you said if he is ready, because he said he’s ready or they gave him medical clearance ready ?    I hope you are correct but the Means setback concerned me 

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