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Justin Turner


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This guy is really having a good year. He's hit everywhere he's been. Where does he fit in next year with the Orioles? He'll be 25 years old all of next year. Is he trade bait? To be honest, I'd rather see him playing 2B next year for the O's instead of Roberts. I'd hate to lose him, unless we can package him in a deal for a bona fide starter or a slugger. Thoughts?

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This guy is really having a good year. He's hit everywhere he's been. Where does he fit in next year with the Orioles? He'll be 25 years old all of next year. Is he trade bait? To be honest, I'd rather see him playing 2B next year for the O's instead of Roberts. I'd hate to lose him, unless we can package him in a deal for a bona fide starter or a slugger. Thoughts?

Maybe your username should be "ReactionaryThreadMan"

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Maybe your username should be "ReactionaryThreadMan"

I don't know what's reactionary about the message. I disagree that Turner would be a better 2Bman than Roberts next season, but I do think that Turner could be a realistic option if Roberts weren't around.

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Maybe your username should be "ReactionaryThreadMan"

Reactionary? The poster likes Turner and perhaps feels that a trade of Roberts would benefit the team. A contrary opinion to yours it seems (and probably most others), but posters are allowed to have opinions.

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Reactionary? The poster likes Turner and perhaps feels that a trade of Roberts would benefit the team. A contrary opinion to yours it seems (and probably most others), but posters are allowed to have opinions.

Rather have a 24 year old prospect then a former All Star lead off hitter that is annually among the league leaders in doubles, stolen bases and runs scored? Considering all of the Roberts hate going around here in the last month, I'd say people who want to ship off our starting second baseman in favor of a guy that's maybe in our Top 10 prospects is a hasty judgment.

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how good is Turner's glove supposed to be? If you felt it was above average, I might try to move Roberts for an elite 3B prospect. I personally would have tried to trade Roberts for Brett Wallace before the A's, as the Cards needed a real 2B at the time...

Roberts trade value will never be higher. Move him NOW if you want maximum value. I love watching Roberts play every night, but I think his window to win with this team has closed and, frankly, I'd rather see him win with a team like the Giants than lose with us a few more years and then become a FA.

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how good is Turner's glove supposed to be? If you felt it was above average, I might try to move Roberts for an elite 3B prospect. I personally would have tried to trade Roberts for Brett Wallace before the A's, as the Cards needed a real 2B at the time...

Roberts trade value will never be higher. Move him NOW if you want maximum value. I love watching Roberts play every night, but I think his window to win with this team has closed and, frankly, I'd rather see him win with a team like the Giants than lose with us a few more years and then become a FA.

The Orioles will be very, very lucky if Roberts, at the end of his extension, has enough value to even think of getting a contract with someone else. He is unlikely ever to be a free agent.

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Rather have a 24 year old prospect then a former All Star lead off hitter that is annually among the league leaders in doubles, stolen bases and runs scored? Considering all of the Roberts hate going around here in the last month, I'd say people who want to ship off our starting second baseman in favor of a guy that's maybe in our Top 10 prospects is a hasty judgment.

I always like to use the Milt Pappas-Frank Robinson example of trading a very popular player to get the piece to the puzzle that gets you to a world series (1966 World Champions).

Brian Roberts is a popular player and we all like him but at the end of the day the choice is do you go forward and make the changes which will make your team better? Or do you keep the players you are fond of until they are old and none productive? In my opinion 11 years of losing has hardened me to the fact that I would trade Roberts in a heartbeat to get what we need to go forward.

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Rather have a 24 year old prospect then a former All Star lead off hitter that is annually among the league leaders in doubles, stolen bases and runs scored? Considering all of the Roberts hate going around here in the last month, I'd say people who want to ship off our starting second baseman in favor of a guy that's maybe in our Top 10 prospects is a hasty judgment.

I'd presume that a trade of Roberts would bring back significant value, perhaps a young starting 1b, ss or 3b with upside plus other prospects. As much as we love Brian in Baltimore, if Turner could play a solid 2b and we could signficantly improve another position (or two) by moving Roberts, then this isn't an idea unworthy of at least considering.

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If we don't get a 3B through trade or FA for next season, I'd like to see if Turner could hold it down. And wanting Turner over Roberts is absurd.

If we could trade Roberts for an equally productive (for his position) 1b, ss or 3b and promote Turner to take Roberts place, I'd take a long look at that deal.

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Can you trade him this year given he's just signed a multi-year contract?

This is the only year they can trade him easily. His limited no-trade kicks in after this season and becomes more restrictive each year IIRC.

But we can stop all the trade talk. He isn't going anywhere. Furthermore, since players making $11-12 MM/year don't usually ride the bench, he is going to be the starting 2Bman through at least 2012 if not 2013.

Anyway Roberts is not the problem right now. I thought the extension was a terrible idea for the long term (too long) but he's a good, productive player at this point.

But if people are getting antsy and talking trade during the best of his remaining seasons, before the extension has even started, it's going to be a long four years.

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I've always been under the impression, at least from discussions on this board, that Brian Roberts would not bring back the kind of package that would outweigh his contribution on the field for us. I think Brian might briefly continue playing for another team after his contract is up, but for all intents and purposes, he will retire an Oriole.

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    • I don't think it is really the past 5 games.  It is the next 4 months, potential playoffs, and all of next year that has people concerned.  Remember these elbows aren't just taking guys out this year, but most of next year as well. And Burnes probably won't be around next either. 
    • It is just a real shame that the Os are going through all of these elbows.  Take away all of the elbows going back to last year with Felix and I would say the Os are a lock to get to the WS and would have a great chance to win it all. I haven't seen this many injuries from a teams top guys in such a short amount of time in maybe.....forever. I am starting to wonder if it is something the Os are doing as far as their training.   Trying to obtain too much spin, revs, and velocity. I am a big Colts fan and for years we have complained about all of the knee blowouts and hammy injuries they get when playing at home.  Finally the Colts realized that it might be turf related from their home field and replaced it this past spring.    
    • I've been a fan for a long time too but mostly remember a lot of near misses, not tailspin collapses. 2005 comes to mind (Raffygate, Sammy Sosa, Lee Mazzilli, et al.)... what other seasons are you thinking of, to create scar tissue?
    • I really like Kremer.  Seems like a good guy and a solid arm. But he is not going to be the guy to get you into the playoffs and he especially won't be a guy between a make or break WS championship. 
    • We can hope he’s back to being his #5 self, but he’ll now be a #3, and let’s all x the fingers
    • The 5 game losing streak is a 5 game losing streak.  I am not too concerned about that unless it turns into something bigger. Every team goes through it.  What I am concerned about is losing 3 starters and 2 great relievers since last August with not a lot to replace them other than Burnes.  And they won't even back for most of next year...if at all. Add in the fact that Burnes is more than likely leaving after this year?  Our cupboard pitching wise is pretty bare as it looks right now. So imo you absolutely need to trade some of your AA and AAA players to get pitching help now and for next year.  This team is too good to waste years on players like GH and AR. 
    • Trading Drew Rom for Flaherty was not a big swing. It was trading a maybe prospect for a “hope he’s ok” guy with three months before FA. I am increasingly convinced Mike won’t make any bigger move this season, and what we have is basically what we will have.
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