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August 1st Sox @ the yard.


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I think I definitely hate the Red Sox more than the Yankees now.

I hate the players on the Red Sox roster more than the players on the Yankees roster (although Joba may be number 1 most hated), but, as far as entire organizations go, I cannot stand the Yankees. The Steinbrenners are the worst.

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The Yankees are the Yankees. The Red Sox want to be/think they are the Yankees. I def hate the Red Sox more than the Yankees.

I feel like Red Sox fans act like they're like..the cool, new hip version of the Yankees. But they still think of the Yankees as the "Evil Empire", but they have become just as evil. I hate them both, but honestly, in meeting fans of both teams, I dislike Red Sox fans significantly more.

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I find Gary Thorne's man crush on Beckett, disgusting.

I don't understand why people see it like this. When other announcers praise our players, we think of it as classy. But when Thorne praises someone else's player, we get upset. I think Thorne is a baseball fan first, and an Orioles fan second, which is, I think, a pretty good quality in a play by play announcer.

For awhile I couldn't stand him, but I've really come around to him. At least we aren't be subjected to The Hawk or someone like that. The Thorne/Palmer combo is one of my favorites in baseball.

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