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Heckling the opposition...


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My favorite heckling experience involved a William & Mary basketball game my freshman year. We sat about 10 rows behind Richmond and heckled the last guy on their bench. Anytime he even moved we were all over him ("Sit down Phillips!" or "Get me some water Phillips!" etc.). We didn't make him cry or anything, but he was well aware of our presence.

Any heckling of the University of Richkids is ok in my book...well done. :D

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My best was right after Vick went to jail at an FSU/VT game. Some guy had the stones to wear a Vick jersey, and I was letting him having it the whole time.

"You were circumsized by my bulldog" and so on. VT's QBs kept getting hurt and they had to put in a former WR. I yelled, "Does your ankle monitor allow you to go on the field?" Those are the only two I can remember; apparently alcohol inhibits memory. Who knew?

Does anyone remember the guy who would yell at Mike Mardesich non-stop for his entire career? That guy was spot on.

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I generally don't heckle much when I go. But I'd like to relate the follwoing atory and ask a question about it.

Late 90's, I was at a game at OPACY. I was in the upper deck, but right above home plate. In the next section over, a young woman, every time Brady Anderson came up to bat, would yell out "Brady I love you!" In the ninth inning, when he came to bat she yelled "Brady will you marry me?"

Since joining the Hangout I've often wondered, semi-seriously, was that you Cindy?:scratchchinhmm:

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I have never heckled or bood anyone. I also never get drunk or steal candy from babies or pick on nerds. I don't care much for people who do. That's all I got to say about it.

First it's booed. Second I get drunk, beat up nerds, and that scares the candy out of the kids. Third, thanks for the opinion Forrest Gump.

Just kidding.:D

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I generally don't heckle much when I go. But I'd like to relate the follwoing atory and ask a question about it.

Late 90's, I was at a game at OPACY. I was in the upper deck, but right above home plate. In the next section over, a young woman, every time Brady Anderson came up to bat, would yell out "Brady I love you!" In the ninth inning, when he came to bat she yelled "Brady will you marry me?"

Since joining the Hangout I've often wondered, semi-seriously, was that you Cindy?:scratchchinhmm:

No !

It was not!:)

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A whole thread on heckling! It's like a dream come true!

I'll share a story about our boy Johnny Eutaw. We were in right field, as usual, and Ryan Church happened to be out there. One of his favorite techniques is to yell things at players that make them feel uncomfortable but in a different kind of way.

So he yells, "Church!! I can feel your heart beat!!"

Church, having listened to us for a few minutes now, played right along. He slid his hand into his jersey by his heart and pumped it like a b-boy doing the robot.

Classic player-heckler interaction.

So they aren't always mean spirited. For people like Church, we just look to have fun. Now the Elijah Dukes and A-rods of the world. That's a different story. And don't get me started on Big Poopie.

And for the record we aren't drunk, candy stealing, bullies...at every game.

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OK, I wasn't there to witness this, but it involves my college roommate, and I have every reason to believe him.

My roomie and a friend went to spring training in 1981, the year after Kansas City had been in the World Series and George Brett had a well-publicized case of hemorrhoids. Brett is there taking ground balls before the game, and my roommate's friend, sitting next to the field on the 3B line, yells at the top of this lungs, "HEY GEORGE, HOW ARE THE 'RHOIDS?" Whereupon Brett stops what he's doing, walks right over to the guy, looks at him and says, "They're good. REAL good. Thanks for asking." And goes back to what he was doing.

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OK, I wasn't there to witness this, but it involves my college roommate, and I have every reason to believe him.

My roomie and a friend went to spring training in 1981, the year after Kansas City had been in the World Series and George Brett had a well-publicized case of hemorrhoids. Brett is there taking ground balls before the game, and my roommate's friend, sitting next to the field on the 3B line, yells at the top of this lungs, "HEY GEORGE, HOW ARE THE 'RHOIDS?" Whereupon Brett stops what he's doing, walks right over to the guy, looks at him and says, "They're good. REAL good. Thanks for asking." And goes back to what he was doing.

Brett had to walk away. He could probably smell what the guy had done in his pants as Brett walked over ;)

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