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"Hearing Trembley threw Rhyne Hughes under the bus and that the clubhouse is turning"


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Couple of follow ups from Carroll:
Said he "needed to find himself" at AAA wo corresponding roster move. It's a slap.
It's the way it was done, more than what was done. Hughes isn't good, no question, but grinders are often well-liked.

Sounds like a stretch to me. Anyone who reads this board frequently knows I'm not a Trembley supporter and I do believe he played favorites with Pie last year and didn't like the way he singled out his mistakes at the expense of others.

But this looks to me like a writer who has come to a conclusion about Trembley and is looking for anything to back it up. When Trembley is eventually relieved of his duties, Carroll will have a self-congratulatory article about how Trembley "lost the clubhouse" and how Carroll was one of the first people to publicly write about it happening.

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Will Carroll is pretty respectable and doesn't have any known bias against Angelos/Orioles/Trembley that I know of. This isn't Rosenthal we're talking about.

I was about to post this.

I would guess if he tweeted this(god that is such a stupid saying), he is pretty sure it happened.

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Will Carroll is pretty respectable and doesn't have any known bias against Angelos/Orioles/Trembley that I know of. This isn't Rosenthal we're talking about.

Oh, it's not an anti-O's bias that I'm talking about. It's the screwed up incentives involved. Getting information out w/o vetting because it's not a "real article" places an emphasis on velocity over accuracy.

I mean, having one guy tell you that from the O's clubhouse really doesn't tell you much. Is it more than one guy? How will we ever know?

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I want Trembley gone. I don't want a nebulous, unsourced Twitter post to trigger it. Common sense really ought to be enough at this point. This guy's tweet, unless it's sending us to a link with actual substance, is ridiculous.

But I guess it warranted two pages of discussion (at the least), so he got what he wanted. Really, we ought to demand more than this.

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My first impression is that there isn't much to support Carroll's statement about the event concerning Trembley and Hughes. I also think that, in general, Trembley is liked by the players. However, I do think that because of the losing, there is a lot of "stress" in the clubhouse....and stress can lead to dissention.

I have always been a Trembley supporter, even though I have often questioned some of his decisions, usually with pitchers. Events so far this year have forced me to reconsider my thinking. The turning point for me was Saturday night's game. IMO, Trembley grossing mismanaged the BP in the 8th inning - needlessly using three pitchers - Albers, Ulman and Uehara - and it cost Matusz and the Orioles the game.

Ultimately, the blame falls to the players. The hitting has been atrocious, and the Orioles as a whole have failed to perform. Still, perhaps it is time for a change.

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Call me crazy, but when the team is 12-25 and has stunk the past two and a half years under Trembley, it's not a stretch to think he's losing the clubhouse.

Not saying there's any validity to this, but you know how unhappy we all are? Just imagine you're a player on the team that is this terrible.

Eventually, Trembley will have to be Mother Teresa to keep this team on board, whether it's his fault or not.

I'd probably hate coming to work if I were an Oriole.

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I was about to post this.

I would guess if he tweeted this(god that is such a stupid saying), he is pretty sure it happened.

Pretty sure Rhyne Hughes isn't the first person he's thrown under the bus this year. Last night he indirectly bussed Izturis by saying, "I'd rather not comment about that publicly."

MacPhail basically threatened the entire offense publicly a few weeks ago.

Who friggin' cares if they throw these guys under the bus? They stink! They deserve to be thrown under the bus.

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Pretty sure Rhyne Hughes isn't the first person he's thrown under the bus this year. Last night he indirectly bussed Izturis by saying, "I'd rather not comment about that publicly."

MacPhail basically threatened the entire offense publicly a few weeks ago.

Who friggin' cares if they throw these guys under the bus? They stink! They deserve to be thrown under the bus.

I guess he could have taken credit for it. But it's the dumbest play I've seen all year, and Izturis shouldn't feel bussed at all. Hopefully he recognizes how dumb it was.*

*Even if you didn't think so at the time. ;)

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But this looks to me like a writer who has come to a conclusion about Trembley and is looking for anything to back it up.

Oh come on. You think he just made this up out of whole cloth? Will Carroll is a pretty respected writer with a track record. He obviously heard something. Maybe what he heard was BS, but he is not just inventing this.

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I always thought the expression "throwing someone under a bus" referred to publicly blaming someone or calling them out. If it happened in the cliubhouse how could it be throwing him under the bus? Sending hin down? Did he throw Reimold under the bus, Bergy, JJ? Doesn't AM have a say in these things? Sounds like a bunch of :bs: IMO.

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Oh come on. You think he just made this up out of whole cloth? Will Carroll is a pretty respected writer with a track record. He obviously heard something. Maybe what he heard was BS, but he is not just inventing this.

He didn't say he's inventing it. He's saying there's a confirmation bias involved: Carroll has an idea, and so any evidence that supports that idea is more likely to be given credence than it should.

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