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"Hearing Trembley threw Rhyne Hughes under the bus and that the clubhouse is turning"


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Oh, jeez.

Yeah, Hughes - the long-time MLB stalwart - was thrown under the bus? Two days ago this team was absolutely ecstatic with its recent play.

I hate this rumor crap.

It may or may not be true. But this is the kind of thing that eeks out only by those with an agenda.

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Does anyone have any details on this alleged "throwing under the bus"? I'd like to see the actual quotes from DT.

Wouldn't this make far more sense w/ Reimold than Hughes?

I also love the use of "hearing" as if it's from multiple sources.

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The throwing might have occured in the locker room.

Absolutely. Something could have happened in the clubhouse, no doubt. I don't mean to imply that I think nothing happened for sure. It's just the watery nature of these kinds of rumors that I dislike.

No context. No source. No nothing.

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Couple of follow ups from Carroll:

Said he "needed to find himself" at AAA wo corresponding roster move. It's a slap.
It's the way it was done, more than what was done. Hughes isn't good, no question, but grinders are often well-liked.
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Couple of follow ups from Carroll:

Hmm, I'm all for replacing Trembley, but that really isn't compelling evidence...

Hughes flat out stunk and is minor league filler.

Now if he has info about him doing it publicly in front of the other players, or something from the other players that shows that DT is not well liked in the clubhouse, then he'd have something...

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