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Why (and When) did You Become an Oriole Fan ???


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I was born and raised in Iowa, in my second year of little league I was put on the "Orioles", I collected baseball cards, and had some Jim Palmer, Paul Blair, Ken Singleton, and eventually a Eddie Murray card... started following them right into the 79 World Series and from that point on was huge fan...only Iowan that I have ever known to be an Orioles fan...we have lots of Royals, Twins, and Cubs fans here!! Followed Ripken his whole career, went to his HOF induction in Cooperstown and will be an Orioles fan for life!

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A funny confluence of events- especially growing up in Yankee and particularly Met country (Connecticut) in the 1980's. Anyway, my first little league team was the "Orioles". I LOVED the cartoon bird cap, logo and mascot. Lastly, the '83 World Series (I was 6) was basically my first clear baseball memory- so I guess I was a bit of a winner-picker (little did I know! haha!).

At any rate- live in South Carolina now- but all my Met fan friends are texting support while my Yankee fan friends are texting trash talk! Feel like I'm back on the playground with this series.:laughlol:

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I have never lived in MD, I wasn't even born there. My father however, was an MD guy. He raised his family in NY, but he never let his boy root for the Yankees, and he always taught me about the history of the Orioles. I have been an Orioles fan for as long as I can remember, and I could not fathom rooting for another team, ever. My dad isn't with us any longer, but I'm sure he's enjoying the heck out of this season.

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I was a fan by default in my little league years, but I wasn't really into baseball then. In middle school I couldn't give a damn. Then in 10th grade, 2004, I fell hard for a Yankees fan. Naturally I started getting interested. Got swept up in the excitement of the 2004 playoffs (I still hated the Yankees, of course) and then 2005 happened and I jumped on the bandwagon. That was a painful season to jump on but I couldn't quit.

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Being from the middle of Pennsylvania, my Pop, worked in Baltimore. He used to get us tickets to the O's game from his boss. We would sit behind home plate with two seats under the screen and two seats not. I remember getting plenty of autographs. The one program I cherish the most is the one with Brooks and Eddie on the same page. When I went to school I wore black and orange sneakers even my wrestling sneakers were. I grew up hating everything from PA, Phillies, Pirates, Eagles and Steelers. I was a Colt fan, now I wish they would lose every game. I love the Ravens now but I will always bleed black and orange first.

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Born in 83....11 days before game 5 of the WS. Also the year Brooksie was inducted into the HoF. When you're born named Brooks, you don't have any choice do you? I also got to grow up watching Cal. On top of all that, I really didn't want to pull for the local team (Braves).

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