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BRob meeting with reporters in Buck's office at Trop at 5:10


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Roberts told reporters that he's continuing to progress, but while he hasn't ruled out playing again this season, he conceded that it's unlikely to happen. He said it's "humbling" to realize how fragile his career and life are, but he also mentioned the glimmers of hope as he continues to do baseball activities in Sarasota.

My Perfect One:hearts:

Is a Fighter and a wonderful Man!!!:)

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I like BRob, but the Orioles did pay him 10 mil per year for his troubles. Another team may have given him a large contract, but Baltimore did prove loyal to him.

That being said, I hope he is able to come back and be healthy next year, and in his retirement years.


Roberts was compensated for his work with the Orioles, so I don't sympathize with him much. The Orioles are a different team with Roberts leading off (healthy). That being said, I just feel like since we've invested in him -- we haven't really seen a return in product on the field. Part of the reason he hasn't been on a winner is because players underperform or flat out don't perform at all.

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I have always like Roberts as a solid performer and loyal Oriole. He is one of a very few that have survived our player development system and was successful in the majors. Brian gave his all to help this team win but he has had problems staying healthy during his career. That devastating injury in NY may have changed everything for the Orioles. Hitting himself in the head with a bat is just not a good thing to do regardless of why he did it. The bottom line is Brian was paid a large sum of money for his time in Baltimore. I don't feel sorry for him one bit. Life goes on and we have possibly our 2nd baseman for the future in Adams. I wish Brian and his family well. He will always be an Oriole. Retire Brian and get well for your family and your self.

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Okay, how hard did Roberts hit himself in the head? Was it a good solid whack, or was it one of those lighter hits people do all the time with their palms when they call themselves out on missing something simple? Granted, you don't really want to do such things when you've already suffered a concussion, but is it really the one thing on which we can blame it all?

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I'm confident in my opinion that Brian Roberts just doesn't want to play. He's milking this little self-inflicted head slap for all it's worth. If you can't/don't want to play, then retire. It's ridiculous for him to continue to take the team to the cleaners while he cries about his poor little headaches. Man up...or get lost. I've had it with this act.

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Okay, how hard did Roberts hit himself in the head? Was it a good solid whack, or was it one of those lighter hits people do all the time with their palms when they call themselves out on missing something simple? Granted, you don't really want to do such things when you've already suffered a concussion, but is it really the one thing on which we can blame it all?

I feel like if that's what did it, then he was probably very susceptible anyway and something would have happened sooner rather than later. I mean, I whacked my head on the wall sneezing last week; there are all kinds of petty accidents that probably deliver the same amount of force. It was stupid to hit himself with the bat, but the repercussions of that action seem way out of proportion for what's really a fairly minor mistake. Chronic migraines and dizziness for that?

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I'm confident in my opinion that Brian Roberts just doesn't want to play. He's milking this little self-inflicted head slap for all it's worth. If you can't/don't want to play, then retire. It's ridiculous for him to continue to take the team to the cleaners while he cries about his poor little headaches. Man up...or get lost. I've had it with this act.



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I have always like Roberts as a solid performer and loyal Oriole. He is one of a very few that have survived our player development system and was successful in the majors. Brian gave his all to help this team win but he has had problems staying healthy during his career. That devastating injury in NY may have changed everything for the Orioles. Hitting himself in the head with a bat is just not a good thing to do regardless of why he did it. The bottom line is Brian was paid a large sum of money for his time in Baltimore. I don't feel sorry for him one bit. Life goes on and we have possibly our 2nd baseman for the future in Adams. I wish Brian and his family well. He will always be an Oriole. Retire Brian and get well for your family and your self.

I agree. It's time for BRob to do the best for himself and the Orioles by retiring. With 9-10% unemployment in this country, it's hard for me to feel overly sympathetic for a person being paid millions not to work. If I remember correctly, BRob was being criticized on these boards in 2008-2009 for his LACK of hustle.

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I'm confident in my opinion that Brian Roberts just doesn't want to play. He's milking this little self-inflicted head slap for all it's worth. If you can't/don't want to play, then retire. It's ridiculous for him to continue to take the team to the cleaners while he cries about his poor little headaches. Man up...or get lost. I've had it with this act.

It's nice that you're confident in your opinion. However, do you have any evidence to support it?

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