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Rosenthal: Buck Has "Carte Blanche" From Angelos


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The system the last 14 years hasn't worked. Is it possible that things could get worse? The orioles are at a point of no return. Fans are leaving this team, attendance numbers are down. Time for drastic changes. Is the proposed change practical? Probably not, but at this point, the only down side is the O's having the worst record in baseball, instead of being the second worst team in MLB.

"It couldn't get any worse" is not the right way to think about a critical decision. Partly because as long as the person, place or thing in question is still in existence, yes, it COULD get worse. Partly because it belies a lack of serious consideration of the problem and solution. It shows laziness: We've got a manager that some people think is a smart baseball man; why not make him GM instead of a more qualified candidate?

I'd much rather see John Hart as the GM. Maybe even Jim Hendry. At least I know they can run a team, even if the results are questionable at best. And I definitely don't want those guys in charge in Baltimore.

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Sorry, but Showalter is not a "baseball Einstein." I think a lot of us are seriously questioning even his basic managing ability. IMHO, any manager who keeps bringing Kevin Gregg in to close out a close game.....heck, any game!.... has a serious cognitive disability involving his judgment. Gregg is predictable and Showalter can't, or refuses to, see that. As Mr. Einstein said...."Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

I don't think Buck is that stupid. Gregg is going to be here next year and Buck has 25 personalities to manage in the clubhouse. I think he's letting Gregg dig his own hole out of the closer role for next year. It's hard to complain and be disgruntled when you were given opportunities and you blew it. Hopefully Gregg will accept his role as the 5th man out of the pen or he'll be sent packing.

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I am thinking the option of Thad Levine would be best. He is young enough that he would probably defer to Buck's opinion on most issues... He is said to be smart and aggressive.

I think they could split duties if they do (or did and still do) have a good working relationship.

I am not sure this is a perfect comparison, but I believe Shanahan has veto power (or something similar) even though Bruce Allen is the GM. We have to see how this Redskins set up plays out though.

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I don't think Buck is that stupid. Gregg is going to be here next year and Buck has 25 personalities to manage in the clubhouse. I think he's letting Gregg dig his own hole out of the closer role for next year. It's hard to complain and be disgruntled when you were given opportunities and you blew it. Hopefully Gregg will accept his role as the 5th man out of the pen or he'll be sent packing.

I really hope you're right, because I've lost all faith.

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When Whitey Herzog held both positions Reagan was President, Bill James was just getting a publisher, the Space Shuttle was landing for the first time, the World Wide Web was about 10 years away from being browsable...I could go on, but why bother. Times change. Pick one job or the other, Buck and do it right. Don't even think about trying to do both in this day and age.

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When Whitey Herzog held both positions Reagan was President, Bill James was just getting a publisher, the Space Shuttle was landing for the first time, the World Wide Web was about 10 years away from being browsable...

The Orioles were a second place team in a seven team division... Things were different then, weren't they?

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I was just getting ready to post about that. I kept waiting for it to start spinning around. How this guy ever got to be where he is, is beyond me. He just seems like a little twerp. He's starting a mini-comb-over too. Nice...


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One aspect of intelligence is knowing personal limitations. Another the other is understanding "systemic" intelligence - born of form and function rather than individual genius.

If Buck is as intelligent as he thinks he is, I suspect he'll decline the opportunity to do both. I'll be sorely disappointed if he doesn't - the GMs job is not just difficult, it requires a kind of thinking about development that managers simply don't share (as Buck's refusal to play young players suggests).

We'll be abandoning any system of checks and balances for a kind of totalitarianism that looks appealing when (i) chaos exists; and (ii) hopelessness exists; and (iii) a seemingly messianic leader presents himself. I'd say "I don't have to explain the problems with totalitarianism," but who knows? Ha.

Are you saying we don't have totalitarianism with Angelos in charge now?

I too suspect he will not take on both jobs, if for no other reason than the time constraints and travel involved in managing makes it impossible to attend to everything that a GM has to do in an office and on the telephone on a day to day basis. But he probably will try to see someone hired to run the team who is in line with whatever philosophies Buck has. Now I don't KNOW what his philosophies are, but it does encourage me that he spoke admiringly recenlty of how other teams pursue players in the international market.

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And it's this logic that explains why it happens. Hey, I get it. I just don't agree, and think it will be a debacle.

I agree. I think mostly because Buck has proven to be a horrible judge of talent in various stops, and with the power to make personnel moves, I think he sets us back another 10 years. This is a situation best served with someone to devote the time needed for the GM role, not to half ass two jobs because it's too much work for one person.

There is a reason it hasn't been done in years, it's a stupid idea.

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