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A change to the "Orioles" script would have been nice, and by that I mean largely a change to the script we saw during the "glory years," or if you like the runner underneath the script, the '89-'93/4-ish script, but perhaps with a change to the "O." The newer scripts solved the "problem" of the non-closed "O," but I've found them to be too long, thin, and loopy, and bring in more problems like the "high i," etc. I'm also definitely not a fan of the current "O," which is also featured on the "O's" caps. The "O" should decrease in height, be thickened a bit if necessary, and the through-loop part brought into round with the rest of the "O." The dent in the top left part of the current "O" is awful. If the organization wants to keep an "O's" cap, it would be less disagreeable if they worked a primary script change as I described, then rework the whole "O's" design. All three elements - the "O," the apostrophe, and the "s," are pretty bad.

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I should have posted this to Frobby's link to the Bill James 2012 projections for the O's line-up:


I read today on fangraphs that James is assuming a MLB-wide wOBA context that is 9 points higher than 2011. Roughly, 9 points of wOBA computes to about 24 points of OPS. So, James' projections might not be too far off base if you assume that offense in general will be up 24 OPS points in 2012. I'm just not clear on why one would make that assumption.

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I read today on fangraphs that James is assuming a MLB-wide wOBA context that is 9 points higher than 2011. Roughly, 9 points of wOBA computes to about 24 points of OPS. So, James' projections might not be too far off base if you assume that offense in general will be up 24 OPS points in 2012. I'm just not clear on why one would make that assumption.

I think Bill James has orbs, he consults them.

Or something like this SP2.jpg

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I read today on fangraphs that James is assuming a MLB-wide wOBA context that is 9 points higher than 2011. Roughly, 9 points of wOBA computes to about 24 points of OPS. So, James' projections might not be too far off base if you assume that offense in general will be up 24 OPS points in 2012. I'm just not clear on why one would make that assumption.

Well, Frobby, league ERA went down last year, so naturally our ERA should have been lowered in relation to it, right? Nope.

These are the Orioles. Expect failure of unpredictable forms and levels.

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Well, Frobby, league ERA went down last year, so naturally our ERA should have been lowered in relation to it, right? Nope.

These are the Orioles. Expect failure of unpredictable forms and levels.

Interestingly, the hitting in the AL caught up with the pitching eventually. The average AL team allowed 716 runs in 2010, 717 in 2011. The league ERA was 3.88 at the all-star break, and everyone was talking about how offense was way down, but after the break the league ERA was 4.33. Of course, the Orioles were last in ERA in both halves, 4.76 pre-break and 5.05 post-break. The offense, though, was pretty good after the break, at 4.77 runs/game, which was better than the league average of 4.70, whereas in the first half they averaged 4.03 per game compared to a league average of 4.27. Overall, the offense was at worst a mild disappointment last year, and that was mostly due to the injuries to BRob and Scott. So, I choose to remain optimistic that the team can continue to move in the right direction offensively (+95 runs in 2011).

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