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I'm trying to keep an open mind and give him a chance. However, I'm beginning to think the Orioles can't win with him I'm not only talking about his defense which is the obvious sticking point but also the fact that he can't hit in crucial situations. He hits enough mistakes to make his offense seem respectable, even a bonus and a boost to a good team. But, late in games, when pitchers are making good pitches, when we need a sacrifice fly, he's the last person I want up. Man on third, one out, good pitcher on the mound, do we want Reynolds up? Hell no. A couple of breaking balls in the dirt and we have another strikeout. He reminds me a lot of Dave Kingman. Tantalizing, tempting to pick up, great highlights, but not part of a winning team. I hope I'm wrong and this isn't so much a reaction from tonight's fiasco as much as an accumulation of doubt. I hope he goes out over the next month or two and proves me wrong but I doubt he will.

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Butbutbut the human element hurrdurrrrr.

What I'd pay for machines calling balls and strikes.

I get the human element-but they could at least hold them accountable.

Or maybe have home plate only umpires. They work every other night or so. Their off day they are the emergency backup.

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Reynolds had help from Nick on the horrible throw on the sac fly, and a playable ball by Andino to start the inning, too.

Between our defense failing, our extremely untimely hitting, featuring our hitters repeatedly watching strike 3's go by us, this was a complete team effort ......... in failure.

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Your take isn't anymore unique than anyone else.

Most people think his defense is killing us and that he's a good offensive player. My viewpoint is that he is not a good offensive player. He's a mistake hitter that can't hit good pitching. At least, that's the way I'm leaning. I don't see that in any other thread. I also didn't see any other thread before posting, and find it laughable that the guy that has a one track mantra of the O's suck, dismantle the team, quizzing me on how I choose to post.

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I agree. There is a reason Arizona "gave up on him". I mean Hernandez was a quality power arm who profiled well as a reliever but still in a league where it's becoming much harder to find 30 HR power the D'Backs traded him away for a RP. He's a pretty one dimensional player who offers no intangibles. Yes, he gets on base at a decent rate but batting average and contact rate are far from irrelevant, especially when it comes to situational hitting.

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Yes, he gets on base at a decent rate but batting average and contact rate are far from irrelevant, especially when it comes to situational hitting.

I don't like Reynolds and agree he's a flawed player, but most of this is pretty much inconsequential. I do think Reynolds is getting more and more exposed to offspeed pitching and hurt by the expanded strike zone of the past couple years, and that could bode very badly for him this year.

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What do the stats say about Reynolds WAR? Is his offense and his defense much better than a solid defender that bats .265 with 12-18 hrs and gets 75 rbi?

How much does Reynolds do for us?

I honestly dont know.

I managed to find the stat. Offense 3.0 WAR defense -2.5 WAR. For a .5 WAR.

Last two seasons he is .4 and .5 WAR. His best season was 09 and was 2.1 WAR.

What real value does he give us?

Nowhere near enough to pay him 11 mil next year.

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That ball was smoked by Cano but it was almost a short hop. I thought Andino should have gotten some leather on it. It would have been a very good play but you hope your guy makes it in a big spot like that.

Yes, ball was smoked but ANdino completely whiffed. Obviously a hit, but a playable ball as well.

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Be careful when criticizing Reynolds because you are clueless for doing so:) Don't attack him, he is sacred:)

As I have said and many others realize (almost anyone that watches baseball), Reynolds has no place near 3B. None. He is atrocious. I know it, baseball professionals know it, but he is still there. Amazing.

Not an overreaction, it is the truth. It isn't going to get better. But evidently last year was just a blip on the radar and he is normally pretty decent. That is funny because I have yet to see this decent side.

He is going to cost us at least 5 games over there. Book it.

As for his batting, he is frustrating but always has a slow start. He should be playing 1B or DH-ing. End of story. I am not concerned with his batting as long as he isn't batting 3-5.

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If this team were better offensively or pitching wise, we could afford Reynolds at 3B. But becuase we are barely able to score more than 4 runs a game, and brarely able to prevent four from scoring, shakey defense like his, stands out.

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