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I have returned (with info on Roberts)


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I know Gallagher is a young guy, but it strikes me as odd that his fastball would make that much of a jump. My sense is that pitchers typically add command, movement, and guile as they age, but not typically speed to their fastball.

I know radar guns are infamously fickle and non-uniform, but that still strikes me as unusual.

By the way, anyone know what he topped out with this past year?

It isn't odd at all. Guys fill out their frames. There are small mechanical adjustments that one can make that could make a fastball jump 2 or 3 mph or at least *appear* faster to the hitter. In Gallagher's case, he got himself into excellent shape and he saw a jump in velocity.

Personally, I like Gallagher, perhaps more than most. He has two good pitches. I've read he has two variations of his curve ball. His change-up is an average pitch.

However, he isn't overpowering. He doesn't have much projection in him. His control is very good and he is reported to have excellent make-up and aggressive approach.

He has #3 starter upside, but he is probably a #4 starter in the AL East. But we forget how valuable a good #4 starter is.

SG had 4 deals a couple pages back:

Murton, Gallagher and Veal for BRob

Gallagher, Dempster and Pie for BRob and Liz

Pie and Wuertz for BRob

Pie and Marshall for BRob

Personally, give me deal #1. Veal is an excellent talent even though he did have a down year last year.

If it were up to me, if I could get 3 MLB ready starters back in a deal for Roberts, Bedard, and Tejada, I look to trade a guy like Cabrera and maybe a bullpen arm for Josh Hamilton.

Hamilton could play in LF or CF, so it wouldn't matter if you trade Bedard for Jones or Kemp. And you can always DH Murton and use him as a back-up corner OF.

But for now, we should hold out for Pie and Gallagher.

And remember, we could always shift Adam Jones back to SS, where he is still regarded as above average defensively if we were to trade with the Mariners.

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You see his Walk Rate and think decent. I look at his BB-Rate in AA, AAA, and MLB and see a pitcher who has problems throwing strikes. This team already has too many pitchers who have trouble throwing strikes.

Well, he has a big curve ball that is going to keep his walk rate up some.

His command rate is excellent and, as I said, he was also young for his leagues.

With the jump he had in his fastball velocity, I would assume he is/was still growing into his body. So, you have to take that into account as well.

Good HR rate...Good K rate...Good command rate.

I am surprised to see that you don't like this guy.

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The thing I want to know is how do people think Murton would do if he was given the everyday starting job for once in his career? Just a quick glance over his stats, I saw that he had a decent OBP and usually hit for a good average. How could he do if he was actually given the starting job as opposed to play every now and then. You gotta think playing everyday would keep him in more of a rhythm at the plate and I honestly think he could be a solid OFer for us. I don't know what to think about Gallagher.... honestly I would just like for us to find a young SP that can actually idk..... throw strikes when they get to the big league club! I would probably take a deal of Murton, Gallagher and Patterson.

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The Cubs and Padres are fighting it out for Fukudome and the Cubs have a big offer on the table.

Our chances of getting Pie will increase if they get Fukudome I would think.

I would be ecstatic with a Gallagher/Pie for BRob deal...I would even be ok with taking back Dempster to sway them into this deal...I would like Dempster anyway, as we could make him the closer and perhaps flip him at the deadline or get picks when the season is over.

Take back the 5 million he is owed and that may put it over the top.

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Agreed, I also think Bedard to the Dodgers shouldn't get done without Kershaw, unless they'd rather give up Billingsley.

Agreed. IMO, you can't trade Bedard without getting a stud pitching prospect in return. Unless the Tejada deal can somehow net us Adenhart. (which it won't)

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Maybe our demands of the Cubs depends on other deals.

If we get Kemp, perhaps we deal for Pie to play CF.

If we get Jones, we deal for Murton for LF.

I wonder what kind of pitcher we would toss back to get Pie. Is it Walker/Bradford or Hoey or someone like Olson?

I am not going to get on a soap box and argue that BRob is the best player in the game, but I would expect a better package for BRob than EP, Murton and Gallagher. I wouldn't deal the owner's favorite player unless I knew 100% that said owner in a few years would nod his head and say, "You were right. It was a very good deal."

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This is a trade we need to make, IMO. Three quality players that can be a big part of our future.

The problem becomes dealing Bedard. If we make this trade and then get Kemp back from the Dodgers, we suddenly have Murton, Kemp, Markakis and Patterson all for the OF.

Thats a positive problem to have. Still have Payton too, don't forget...need to find a way to send him packing.

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Thats a positive problem to have. Still have Payton too, don't forget...need to find a way to send him packing.

Or MacPhail could order Trembley to let Patterson play 2B and watch Dave's head explode. :D Also don't forget they still have Lil' Tike Redman. I'm not at all convinced Patterson will be good enough to unseat him as a backup OF.

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Would you guys do any of these deals:

Murton, Gallagher and Veal for BRob

Gallagher, Dempster and Pie for BRob and Liz

Pie and Wuertz for BRob

Pie and Marshall for BRob

First off, I'd do the deal that started this thread regardless of Patterson's defense, Murton, Gallagher, and another prospect with potential is a solid return for Brob. I would prefer Ceda, Veal, Cedeno, or Thomas to Patterson though.

So obviously I'd do the first one you list.

No to the second trade, Liz > Gallagher, and I don't care about Dempster, so at best, it's Brob for Pie straight up, which isn't a good enough return.

Yes, we could turn Wuertz into our closer, and trade him for a solid package later on.

I guess, but I'd try to get someone else instead of Marshall.

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According to this article:


The Cubs really want Roberts bad. Pinella and Hendry love him.

The article contradicts what davearm has been saying here:

The Cubs view Roberts as a big upgrade over Matsui who the Cubs tried to sign this winter, who would have been an upgrade over DeRosa.

Pie is not in their plans for this year. They want Fukudome. If not, DeRosa would move to RF.

Also, it states that Roberts would indeed be the leadoff hitter and Soriano would move down the order.

So, we hold out for Pie and Gallagher. DEAL !

Davearm thinks every player we have has very little trade value. I've only been reading and posting here for about six months but i've picked up on that. Roberts in the Cubs lineup is even better than in ours. I don't understand their hesitation in giving up Pie, except for the fact that they should be lowballing us at this stage of negotiations.

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Diggety Don mentioned they may go after Blanton and my guess is, that means they want to save Pie for him.

Now, obviously he isn't as good as Blanton but what if we included DCab in this???

Would a DCab and BRob for Pie, Gallagher and Veal trade work??

SOLD!! yes done deal . I would rather give up Dcab then any of our other pitching prospects.

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