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My 7 years Hiatus from Camden Yards is now over!

Roll Tide

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Between losing and PA lies, there hasn't been many reasons to go. I don't see how people can begrudge a fan for enjoying this season. Your right, nothing has changed. Angelos is still a bad owner and the O's are winning in spite of him. And that's even more of a reason to cut johnny some slack. There's no gurantee Angelos will put money into this team to make it better next year. Why fault johnny for knowing that, and not wanting to miss out on this?

You know what? You're right. I could really care less if people go or not. If they watch at home or listen on the radio. Orioles fans by any means are still Orioles fans.

I prefer to watch at home and attend about 10 games a year. That's MY thing, and it makes me neither a better or worse fan than anyone else.

I love all Orioles fans!

Except for that no good Lew Ford!

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You know what? You're right. I could really care less if people go or not. If they watch at home or listen on the radio. Orioles fans by any means are still Orioles fans.

I prefer to watch at home and attend about 10 games a year. That's MY thing, and it makes me neither a better or worse fan than anyone else.

I love all Orioles fans!

Except for that no good Lew Ford!

Hey you know I've bad mouthed Angelos as much as anyone, but if finances made it sensible, id be there more. A wife still having school loans sucks!! ;).

I admit though, I am afraid Angelos is so blind to the fans, that he will look at it like winning doesn't equal ticket sales, so why bother. Many die hards are still gun shy with this team.

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We're just curious why someone who claims he didn't go BECAUSE of Peter Angelos suddenly changed his mind?
I get what you're saying. I just took it as him saying he dropped his season tickets and stopped going to games because of Angelos, but he just had to go to a game because this year's team is so [gosh-darned] exciting. Maybe he realized over time that protesting in such a manner wasn't going to make a difference, and his desire to see a live ballgame outweighed the desire to protest.

If I lived nearby, the number of games I'd have gone to this season would be higher than the number of games I'd go to in some of the terrible seasons of the past decade or so. If I had the money to make the trip this year, I'd happily buy a ticket to any random game, rather than looking at probable pitching matchups and trying to plan my trip around my best chance to see a good game, like I've done in the past. My desire to attend (and therefore my attendance) is directly affected by how well the team is performing. I'm not ashamed to say it.

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I thought it was pretty universally accepted around here is if you pay to talk about the Orioles on an Orioles message board you probably should not have your fandom questioned? I mean seriously, I think everyone is a little more into the Orioles this season because they are winning. Hell, normally by this time of the year I'm neck deep into the minors and the Ravens due to the Orioles being out of things. It's only natural that some people who want to experience the Orioles more by going to games now that they have something to look forward to. Me personally, I've never questioned someone's fandom or based it on how many games they go to each year. I certainly don't question plus members' fandom because clearly they are fans enough to spend money on talking O's with other O's fans in a great environment.

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I get what you're saying. I just took it as him saying he dropped his season tickets and stopped going to games because of Angelos, but he just had to go to a game because this year's team is so [gosh-darned] exciting. Maybe he realized over time that protesting in such a manner wasn't going to make a difference, and his desire to see a live ballgame outweighed the desire to protest.

If I lived nearby, the number of games I'd have gone to this season would be higher than the number of games I'd go to in some of the terrible seasons of the past decade or so. If I had the money to make the trip this year, I'd happily buy a ticket to any random game, rather than looking at probable pitching matchups and trying to plan my trip around my best chance to see a good game, like I've done in the past. My desire to attend (and therefore my attendance) is directly affected by how well the team is performing. I'm not ashamed to say it.

I hear ya! So essentially, a good analogy is, you might want to attend a movie every month, but with the price of movie tickets, you really have to pick and choose a few blockbusters that you really want to see on the big screen. I get it! I'm there. My only complaint was the statement that he stopped going because of Angelos. In any event, I'm over it and am moving on.

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I'll know you guys are speaking in generality's, and I did not nor do I ever call anyone a fair weather fan. BUT, I do think its hypocritical to state "I do not go to the Orioles game to spite Peter Angelos" and then suddenly decide to go when we have our first winning season in 14 years.

If you can't afford to go (and trust me, that's why I don't go as much as I'd like to) then there is nothing, NOTHING, wrong with staying home and watching on TV. But that's not what the OP said...he said he stayed home for 7 years because of Peter Angelos. And he's yet to answer the question posed by others as to why he came back, since other than the record, nothing has changed.

Well since your point has regurgitated several times and I finally have gotten in from work I will try to answer your question.

I've been a Orioles fan and going to games since 1977 when I was a just a kid. Since 1983 I have watched the Orioles produce next to nothing in homegrown talent. When Angelos 1st purchased the team he treated it like a hobby and purchased a quality mostly from free agency. Something popped in the late 90s and he started treating the Orioles like a out of town owner who cared for little more than profit. Whats worse is he allowed the Expos to move into DC and with the guarantee of MASN, and a selling deal. Basically double crossing the fans. He fired the good baseball people that were working for the organization like the Gillicks, Wrens, D Johnson's and for a extended period replaced them with less competent people usually willing to work on the cheap. During all this I had cancelled my season tickets and eventually stopped going to games. My attitude is that Angelos wasnt investing in the team controlled by his puppets. Oh and to further address the fair weather crap I've probably spent a whole more money to watch losing baseball than the name callers in this thread.

What has changed for me.... With the hiring of Duquette I feel much better about the direction of the club. It is slowly starting to produce drafted talent and things are looking up. Duquette said in the off season that as the attendance increased so would the payroll. So I am holding him to his word. I still dont like Angelos and ownership cant change so enough for me. I still really dont want to give Angelos my hard earned money and dont know if I will go back this year.

Fast forward to the other day

Thats said I enjoyed a ball game on a sunny 80 degree day and figured my friends from my favorite blog site about my favorite baseball team would be happy for me. I never thought this thread would draw such criticism from basically new or nonposting members obviously bored with the Sun sight and are now allowed post here for free. Which I hate by the way... Paying for this site has IMO kept away the dreck.

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Well since your point has regurgitated several times and I finally have gotten in from work I will try to answer your question.

I've been a Orioles fan and going to games since 1977 when I was a just a kid. Since 1983 I have watched the Orioles produce next to nothing in homegrown talent. When Angelos 1st purchased the team he treated it like a hobby and purchased a quality mostly from free agency. Something popped in the late 90s and he started treating the Orioles like a out of town owner who cared for little more than profit. Whats worse is he allowed the Expos to move into DC and with the guarantee of MASN, and a selling deal. Basically double crossing the fans. He fired the good baseball people that were working for the organization like the Gillicks, Wrens, D Johnson's and for a extended period replaced them with less competent people usually willing to work on the cheap. During all this I had cancelled my season tickets and eventually stopped going to games. My attitude is that Angelos wasnt investing in the team controlled by his puppets. Oh and to further address the fair weather crap I've probably spent a whole more money to watch losing baseball than the name callers in this thread.

What has changed for me.... With the hiring of Duquette I feel much better about the direction of the club. It is slowly starting to produce drafted talent and things are looking up. Duquette said in the off season that as the attendance increased so would the payroll. So I am holding him to his word. I still dont like Angelos and ownership cant change so enough for me. I still really dont want to give Angelos my hard earned money and dont know if I will go back this year.

Fast forward to the other day

Thats said I enjoyed a ball game on a sunny 80 degree day and figured my friends from my favorite blog site about my favorite baseball team would be happy for me. I never thought this thread would draw such criticism from basically new or nonposting members obviously bored with the Sun sight and are now allowed post here for free. Which I hate by the way... Paying for this site has IMO kept away the dreck.

Thanks, I appreciate the thoughts and explanation.

And also, for the record, you'll see I never once called you, or anyone in my entire time here, bandwagon or fairweather fans. I just wanted your thoughts on why you came back! Thanks Man!

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Thanks, I appreciate the thoughts and explanation.

And also, for the record, you'll see I never once called you, or anyone in my entire time here, bandwagon or fairweather fans. I just wanted your thoughts on why you came back! Thanks Man!

I appreciate your response and never accused you of name calling. I called those folks what they really are in my response to you... so for that I'm sorry.

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I am forced to pay for MASN from the cable company.

So, it's foolish to compare that to buying something that you have to reach into your wallet to pay for voluntarily.

I am forced to pay for the YES network from the cable company. Wanna trade ???

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No further explaining needs to be done. He suddenly shows up at an Orioles game after a seven year hiatus. Does winning have to do with it? Gee, I think it does.

100 post since 2008 ...so your either not really a fan, you were too cheap to join, or could it be your a troll?

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