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I do this trade without Kemp. Kershaw, Hu, LaRoche and Abreu/DeWitt. Then deal Roberts to the Cubs for Pie and Gallagher. Abreu or DeWitt fills in at 2nd.

If we got that for Bedard, I'd dance in the streets of Elkton....LOL

I doubt they give up Abreu or Dewitt in that deal though.

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Guest oriofan8
Here's a question that I haven't really seen asked: why would LAD want to trade Kemp? Do they have a replacement for him?

Could be Andruw Jones... ;)

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Gotcha...forgot about Andre Ethier...duh...but still, why would a contender part with a starter? I just don't see them doing it. They'dsooner look to move Pierre or AE.

except they get back an ERIK BEDARD, who in the NL...you give him 2-3 runs a game and he'll win 20 easy.

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Gotcha...forgot about Andre Ethier...duh...but still, why would a contender part with a starter? I just don't see them doing it. They'dsooner look to move Pierre or AE.

I guess it's a matter of them thinking the benefits of gaining Bedard as a starter outweigh the lose they would take having to replace Kemp.

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OF of Ethier, Jones and Pierre

Currently Kemp their "untouchable" is slated to platoon with Ethier in RF. Obviously they would rather give up Ethier but Kemp has serious clubhouse "issues" and Kent has re-signed so I wouldn't rule him out in a trade. In a sense he is more expendable then LaRoche to the LAD's, they haven't been able to get the upgrade at 3B that they wanted.

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I guess it's a matter of them thinking the benefits of gaining Bedard as a starter outweigh the lose they would take having to replace Kemp.

But even adding Jones, they still don't have a real good hitting team.

It's great that they want Bedard because they want to contend right away, but giving up one of your best hitters doesn't fit with winning right away.

I truly believe that to get this deal done, we will have to go deep into their system (from the top down). End of the day,the Dodgers don't have the best young pitching in MLB -- we do.

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The imbalance between pitching and position players would be a problem if we were playing for next year. But we aren't. We're looking at 09 at the earliest, and that gives us time to sort things out.

Young arms are the global currency in MLB. You can't have too many.

BTW Laroche, Hu, Kershaw works for me. With any luck that sews up the left side of the IF for six years and puts a great LH pitching prospect in the system. EDIT: This is also a trade that should work for LAD, since it takes almost nothing out of their 08 picture while adding a big time ace. This is the first deal I've seen discussed with the Dodgers that seems realistic for both sides. .

I disagree. It looks to me like Laroche is currently their only viable option as starting third baseman next year. Unless they have somebody else (and Nomar aint it) lined up I don't think they'll give up Laroche in any deal this off season.

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I disagree. It looks to me like Laroche is currently their only viable option as starting third baseman next year. Unless they have somebody else (and Nomar aint it) lined up I don't think they'll give up Laroche in any deal this off season.

Garciaparra was good enough to block Laroche last season.

Here's the way I look at it, if I'm the Dodgers: I just won 83 games, and I want to win at least 12 more this year. What will do that? Kemp and Loney full time is a start. Jones adds 5-8 wins depending on how optimistic you are. Bedard is 5-7 more replacing Loaiza, and he also looks good at the top of the rotation with Penny in a playoff series.

But to get Bedard I want to sacrifice as little as possible from the team that won 83. If I really do want to win next year, and I have a chance to get Bedard without giving up any big pieces from 83 wins, I'll do it.

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Honestly I think the insiders would agree that Kuroda is holding things up, whenever it becomes official, I thought he initially signed with LA
Where is this Kuroda guy? I heard he was flying to LA 2 days ago but I haven't heard that he's landed yet. Is he still in Japan or no?:confused:
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