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Juan Pierre Rumor...


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I live in Philly and these people looooove Juan Pierre. Supposedly, he is a pro's pro and he's still very effective.

Having him and McLouth go 1-2 would be a great idea. He is making less than a mils I don't know if he passes through waivers.

He cleared according to mlb trade rumors.

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I hope this rumor is right. We discussed Pierre before the trade deadline and he would definitely help us. He can play LF and CF and you never know what could happen to any of our other stars between now and the end of the season. He has always been a player I would describe as being a pest. He disrupts things and is distracting to pitchers when he is on base. I hope DD makes this happen before the Tampa series.

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Really at this point (if this is true), why not? Most of what DD has touched as turned to silver at least, if not gold. Why not bring him in and see what he can do atop the lineup? Would prefer Nate or Reynolds batting second to Hardy, but whatever DD and Buck want to do....at this point, it is tough to argue....

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Deep down I know this rumor isn't true, but boy do I hope it is.

Juan Pierre is everything good about baseball. He's the most consistent hitter I've seen on the Phillies in a long time. He's an expert at bunting when needed. He's an ace at stealing and getting into scoring position. Sure, he's not a power hitter (I've seen the topic on this site that uses all sorts of power hitting stats to prove that he's actually not good, missing the entire point). He's not meant to be an RBI hitter, the Orioles already have those. He's the guy that gets on base so they can bat him in.

Everything I've read says the Phillies organization does not care for Juan Pierre one bit (which ticks me off big time), so I don't think it will take much at all to acquire him.

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I was hoping to pick up Pierre before the trade deadline to fill the role that McLouth/Ford has. If the O's can pick him up at a reasonable cost in terms of what they have to give up then its a no-brainer. Is a guy who fills the role long term...no but in terms of the playoff push over this final month of the season he is an upgrade over the options we currently have in house. Even if the guy cant be put on the playoff roster for some reason, its worth it to give the team a chance to get into the playoffs.

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I would love pierre. He may not have the xbh power of a nick markakis but that doesent really matter when he has 35 steals this season. How many steals did kakis havr? I bet if you added up both players' xbh and stolen bases they would be pretty even. So really pieree is getting into scoring position as much as nick. Id rather have nick, but pierre is no doubt a fairly close substitute.

Now ideally id rather have Shoo. He would really make me feel at ease.

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I fine with this as a kind of triage move. He is probably better than Avery or Hoes or even a few guys on the roster. But he isn't good, no unless he hits well over .300. It's laughable to think 35 steals makes up for his complete lack of power and so-so walk rate.

So what you're saying is, the only hitters that are worth having on a team are power hitters? There's no room for guys that consistently get on base and steal their way into scoring position?

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So what you're saying is, the only hitters that are worth having on a team are power hitters? There's no room for guys that consistently get on base and steal their way into scoring position?

Players that walk a ton and hit decently are good even if they have no power. Players that hit really well (like Ichiro in his prime) are good without power. Players that do these skills and steal bases at a good percentage (without getting caught) are better.

Juan Pierre hits ok, dosen't walk a ton, and doesn't hit for power. That's less than good, even when factoring his SB rate. Though, as Drungo pointed out, better than what we have now.

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So what you're saying is, the only hitters that are worth having on a team are power hitters? There's no room for guys that consistently get on base and steal their way into scoring position?

It means when the break even point for stealing bases approximately 70%, even Pierre's outstanding 85% success rate means very little. It means while a .346 OBP is very good (but not great) it's diminished greatly by an anemic .364 slg percentage and he's still an averagish hitter (well below average for a corner outfielder). Does Pierre's OBP and overall speed game look better than some of our internal options right now? ....sure.

On a side note has anybody noticed Pierre's crazy home/away splits (and babip's) this year?

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I fine with this as a kind of triage move. He is probably better than Avery or Hoes or even a few guys on the roster. But he isn't good, no unless he hits well over .300. It's laughable to think 35 steals makes up for his complete lack of power and so-so walk rate.

How is it laughable when hes getting ob 2nd just as much as nick.

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